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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I have flank steak that I need to cook soon, but I won't be able to grill it so I'd love to cook it in my crock pot. Anyone have a tried and true recipe you'd like to share? TIA!
  2. For the past 2 years, I have given this a go, but I end up not finishing... Maybe the 3rd time's a charm? I hope so because I do love to read! I just wish life did not interfere so much... I'm reading A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children by James T. Webb. It's helping me to understand my eldest son better since we had him tested this fall. I'm also starting The Hobbit today as a read-aloud with my boys. I haven't read it since 5th grade, so I'm actually looking forward to it.
  3. I would have started tomorrow, but ds2 is getting over a fever/stomach bug, and I've been feeling sort of funky today, so I am postponing until Monday. Another 3 days won't kill us. I am going to have ds1 work on his new Engino Gears kit for a couple of hours each day, and we will do a read-aloud together that I have yet to pick (maybe The Hobbit). I've made some changes to our days, and I still have to schedule everything, so I'm not even ready to begin yet.
  4. Some big changes here but I'm not throwing in the towel on everything. We will continue MFW ECC only studying the countries and doing the bible work; however, I'm completely dropping the science. Ds1 wants to DO science, so he will be working through the Thames & Kosmos Physics kit and the Engino Gears kit independently as well as reading various science related biographies (The Wright Brothers, Gutenburg). He needs to be challenged more than MFW is providing. I'm keeping EIW for the remainder of the year, although neither of us is loving it. I am looking into IEW for 5th grade, but he is such a reluctant writer that I'm not even sure about that yet. Reading will continue to be done the WTM way. We're going to move from Apples and Pears to Sequential Spelling. Grammar will stay the same although I'm going to really pare down the lessons because he learns so quickly. I have realized I need to feel comfortable with him doing less because he doesn't need as much drill as R&S requires. We've added in lots of Mad Libs for fun, and we are almost done with Grammarland. Math will continue to be Singapore, but I'm hoping to add LOF soon because I'm pretty sure ds1 will enjoy it. For ds2, we're going to do 2 weeks of MFW K in one - focusing on the science and bible part the most. Ds2 needs it to move faster than it does. I won't be teaching reading as they suggest; instead, we began PP before Christmas, and that is going well. We should finish Singapore Essentials in March, and then we'll begin 1A. I'm adding in copywork as well since ds2 is ready.
  5. Prayers are with you, Julie. Right now, and again at 5:30 your time. Stay strong... you can do this. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  6. For DH: Eddie Bauer & LLBean (everyday clothing) & Jos A. Banks (work clothing). We watch sales carefully and ask for gift cards for birthdays and Christmas. They last well from either of these places. He's still wearing EB stuff from college (almost 13 years ago)! For me: Eddie Bauer, Coldwater Creek, or LLBean when I want something classic that will last. I often just buy t-shirts from Target or Kohls if I need simple daily things - they only last 1 year though. I also shop at thrift stores for myself. For the kids: Children's Place, Old Navy (jeans), Crazy 8, Target (outdoor clothes) and LLBean for jackets. I have also noticed that Lands End has gone down in quality. I buy second-hand for the kids as well.
  7. jenL


    That just stinks, Laura. I'm sorry!
  8. Hmm... I think that one may be too good to be true! I clicked on the "more information" button and it brought me to a rent to own site. I truly cannot imagine a house in Charlotte in a SAFE neighborhood that would be that low of a price, especially one of that size. Most rents run from $900+ for a home of that size. Some more affordable areas, but really close to Charlotte would be Matthews, Mint Hill, Pineville. Or, if you leave Mecklenburg County, you could try Fort Mill/Indian Land, SC (cheaper overall). Or staying in NC, try some towns in Union County - Indian Trail, Stallings, Hemby Bridge. Cabarrus County - Concord, Harrisburg, Kannapolis. Both counties have lower taxes than Mecklenburg County (property and sales taxes). Depending upon how close you want to be to the center of the city will determine safety and rents. As with any city, there are some very shady areas of Charlotte. My husband works in the center of the city, but we live 20-25 minutes southeast of it.
  9. Hmm... I think that one may be too good to be true! I clicked on the "more information" button and it brought me to a rent to own site. I truly cannot imagine a house in Charlotte in a SAFE neighborhood that would be that low of a price, especially one of that size. Most rents run from $900+ for a home of that size. Some more affordable areas, but really close to Charlotte would be Matthews, Mint Hill, Pineville. Or, if you leave Mecklenburg County, you could try Fort Mill/Indian Land, SC (cheaper overall). Or staying in NC, try some towns in Union County - Indian Trail, Stallings, Hemby Bridge. Cabarrus County - Concord, Harrisburg, Kannapolis. Both counties have lower taxes than Mecklenburg County (property and sales taxes). Depending upon how close you want to be to the center of the city will determine safety and rents. As with any city, there are some very shady areas of Charlotte. My husband works in the center of the city, but we live 20-25 minutes southeast of it.
  10. We have always bought our boots from LL Bean. They are guaranteed for life & LL Bean really does stand by this. You may pay a little more, but they last and have great resale value if you want to consign them.
  11. DS9 - Rollerblades and his Ninjago Lego Rattlecopter set DS5 - Ninjago Lego Cole's Tread Assault set My boys LOVE Legos.
  12. It could be true, but it's not an area that you would want to live in... or be safe living in! Does it say what area it is or an address? I live in Charlotte, so I can help you determine it.
  13. Time for a new OB/gyn? :huh: I'm amazed that she is amazed... I would worry about her being out of touch for such a "small" thing - does that mean she's out of touch with major things she should know, like delivery procedures?
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: to you Julie. Prayers are with you as well. Take it one day at a time or even one moment at a time...
  15. Just remembered I have to bake the cookies for Santa! Thank God for Immaculate Baking Company's break-apart dough!

  16. Yes! This is me... It is SO frustrating to clean/declutter and within minutes, someone has destroyed it, so I find myself doing the bare minimum (bathrooms, kitchen, vacuuming) while things pile up. I let things go for too long, and then they feel insurmountable. My bedroom has become the catch-all, and looking at it and thinking about cleaning it brings such anxiety. The other factor, as many have mentioned, is space. We have minimal attic space and a small garage. It's very hard to pare down when you don't have a place to put things. With that comes my other issue: I worry about getting rid of things "just in case" I may need them someday. There was a period of time where dh and I were really struggling financially, and I'm afraid to go back to that place and not have something I may need, so I hold onto things in fear of that happening again. Do I really "need" any of these things, no, probably not. I'm not a hoarder because I can and do purge; I just don't purge enough. I donate regularly to Goodwill and the like, or I will occasionally take the time to sell bigger ticket items, but even putting those items aside to sell when I don't have enough space causes more clutter. It's like a vicious cycle. On the flip side of the fear of not having money, is the need to have money to be organized. We are living more comfortably now, but we are still on a budget, and it takes money to be well organized. Bins, baskets, crates, shelves, cabinets, and closet organizers all cost money. I would love to go crazy at IKEA buying things in order to be organized, but if there isn't any money or there is only a little bit of extra money, then it's nearly impossible to create storage space that can make things appear clean/uncluttered. I'd love to have creative, feasible ways to create storage on a tight budget. Time is also a HUGE issue. Homeschooling my kids, keeping up with the daily routine (meals, laundry, errands, email communication, etc), extra-curriculars for the kids (and we keep these to a minimum), volunteering at church, trying to find time to hang out with dh, and if I'm lucky seeing friends... all of these things take up time, and it makes it easy to avoid cleaning, especially since I'm exhausted by the end of the day. It's worse during the holidays when I spend my time running around to get those extra things done. I will say that I have learned to ask dh and the kids for help with cleaning, and now that my sons are getting older, they are able to do more (they clean their bathroom). That has been an incredible help because I don't feel quite so frazzled all of the time. Not everyone has a dh who is willing, however, so for those women, the task is even harder.
  17. My mother is an excessive gift giver, and she has already proclaimed that this year "is bad" (in regards to how much she has bought). She arrives tomorrow, and I'm dreading the influx of stuff. I cannot change my mom though because she loves to shop, spend, and give. I am grateful for her, but it's a constant struggle to keep the kids appreciative. Over the years, I have mentioned to her that she buys too much, but she insists that I will understand when I have grandchildren (we will see). As another poster mentioned, I began creating wish lists on Amazon, and she does buy from there. She has also tried very hard to really know my kids so she buys what they love (books, Legos, Thames & Kosmos kits, Playmobil). Dh and I have cut our gift-giving down substantially since the boys receive so much from her, so I guess she is blessing them and blessing us in that we are saving money. :) The balancing act is hard when you crave simplicity and others do not understand. I have learned to be gracious while purging carefully and often. I do yearn for my mom's money to go elsewhere (ie. a college fund), but I am not in control of her choices. It took me MANY years to understand that. Since I've recognized it, I've found peace. Some kids are not nearly as fortunate as mine or the OP's; I have learned that this is something in which I need to be thankful. It's also not going to last forever, so I have to cherish her choices and physical expression of her love while I can.
  18. Thank you! Btw - Red by Taylor Swift is probably her best album yet, if anyone is a fan.
  19. What breed are they? The black one looks a bit like my 12 week old Aussie mix who is asleep at my feet. :) You are very brave to take on 3! My one has me exhausted! They are so cute though!!!
  20. I would keep him home. Nothing gets done on the day before break anyway. He won't miss a thing. Think of the anxiety he (and most likely you) will be feeling for the 7 hours he's in the building waiting for something to happen (if nothing does). If something happens, life will never be the same for any of you. An extra day off is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
  21. Christmas Eve here. Santa comes for my youngest that night, so we wait to put all of the presents out. We also have a kitten and a puppy, and I don't trust them at all, so that is another reason for waiting.
  22. Nope. I will help them with whatever they need though. For example, I will fold my sister's clothes or help clean her kitchen when I am there. We usually hang around and talk and help each other with chores, just because that is what we used to do when we were younger, and we kind of fall back into it when we are together, kwim? Or at my mom's or closest friends' homes, I will help them with dish cleanup, meal prep, whatever they need help with. But, it's only after I've offered my help or if they've asked. I don't take it upon myself to change things because they don't suit my fancy. fwiw, the toilet paper going under drives me nuts too, but I don't have the right to change it because some people prefer it to go under. At MY house, it goes over though and I will change it if the boys/dh do it "wrong". :)
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