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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I read it but it's been a while. I remember liking a few of the other stories more than I liked the one that The Arrival is based on. I loved the movie "The Arrival" though.
  2. you should check to make sure there isn't a lab requirement. My CC requires at least one science with lab. Non-sciency person here is hoping to take Geology or Meteorology. Does the college also have meteorology or Intro to weather with a lab? Good luck
  3. 3 of the contractors that came to give me estimates stated that it was the case beginning in 2018 for my state (Maryland). I think what one of them said that the law stated that any reno job that required electrical work had to include updating the smoke detectors (at least if you did it with a licenced contractor)
  4. I'm another M. Night fan but I do not like horror... so that kept me away from The Visit. I liked Signs very much and recently re-watched it when it came on TV.
  5. I'm am in a similar boat as you. 2 bathrooms without vents and an aging electrical box. Fortunately, my BIL is an electrician - but it also means I need to get in line. I've been waiting since Nov. I could pay to have the electrical box done within a week but there's so much to do throughout the house. I'd like to try and be patient and save money. For the record. To have the electrical box updated by a company was $2700. A bathroom should never be vented through the roof... attic because of moisture build-up and then mold problems there. A reputable contractor will know how to do it through the siding. I was told by a contractor that any big updates on the house will mean we must update the smoke-detectors. I too am afraid of what might happen once the county gets involved with giving permits... because I suspect the previous owner did a lot of things off permit... and the condition of the electrical box.
  6. Oh no! Feel better soon. I hope the Tamiflu works. And I agree, when you're sick trying to open those #&$% blister packs are a PIA.
  7. oh my goodness!! Congratulations! Welcome to the grandma club.
  8. Thanks everyone. We know we want to have a firepit and we want a horseshoe pit. My son and dh want to build a treehouse or fort of some kind for grandkids. My idea is to have areas. This is what I saw in several homes.. winding paths leading to each "area". with small bushes kind of enclosing them. Plus we have a small deck I want to enlarge. There's too many tree roots to do hardscaping near the house, so a slightly raised deck. This will help with the issue of mud. There's a lot of mud because the grass won't grow there. Yes, I want hostas and ferns. We have a few hydrangeas, but they look very sad. The azeleas look even worse. We also have a lot of deer. So I need to work on deer repellent plants (not hostas :( ).
  9. The house we moved into last Oct. is on an acre of land. The previous owners don't appear to have been interested in much upkeep. The house was built in '60 and there's a lot of old trees. Some I know need to come out, which makes me sad, but they look very sad and elderly (dogwoods mostly). There's a lot of vines that have grown up into several of the trees, which we started working to get out...but the vines are thick (at least 4-6") - so it's quite a job. I'm looking at this yard as a blank canvas. I was inspired by several houses we looked at when we were in the market and I want to make this a peaceful, shady haven. I've gotten about 6 books on landscaping and yards from the library plus I'm filling Pinterest with tons of photos. It appears that there's several spots in the back where grass doesn't grow, so I know I want to add a mossy stone pathway there But, otherwise I'm overwhelmed about where to start. I'm wondering if one of those computer landscaping programs would be helpful for someone like me or if I should shell out money and hire a landscaping designer? I'd really prefer not to go that route, since we need money to work on the inside of the house. But, I also don't want to end up with a busy hot mess in my backyard.. Any advice would be very welcome. (oh, I live in Zone 7 - just north of DC).
  10. I'm very sad about this. Such a great author. May she rest in peace
  11. I've had a couple of classes like that in the past. I'v had ones where the Professor is much younger than me too. That's more awkward. This semester I'm taking online class so it's less of an issue
  12. I have absolutely no desire to live to 100. I doubt I will though. I've only had a few family members make it into their 90 and that was 2-3 generations ago. dh's dad was 103 when he died (he was doing pretty well up until 95ish). I would not want his life the last 8 yrs or so. Dh's mom is in her 90s (but her body is frail). I think about it a lot. Dh is most likely going to outlive me.
  13. I'm pretty sure I had it once back when my kids were little. I was so sick with headache and fever I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow. I'm pretty sure my fever was high because I was having some pretty weird hallucination type dreams (everything super big in my case). I don't remember being sick for any longer than a week though and I don't remember if it lingered like a chest cold does. It was at least 15yrs ago. I've had the stomach flu and your common cold but this was different.
  14. I saw the news yesterday and thought it was so COOL! The details here make the whole story even better. What a whirlwind few months she's had. Congrats to them both.
  15. wow, I don't know what is happening but it sounds like high stakes. prayers for a positive outcome... and hugs.
  16. I would personally be uncomfortable with that. If he asked, I'd probably be fine with it. But, not his reading without my knowledge or consent.
  17. best wishes, hopes, and prayers for a positive out come.
  18. This is what we had back when the kids were living at home. I loved my 12 passenger Ford passenger van. Lots of room.
  19. Renting may be the way to go to test-drive a few.
  20. Another vote for short dresses. I have found some that work well at mid-thigh length with leggings (or jeans).
  21. I was also thinking the thing I can't live without is my cast iron skillet. I've had it for 35yrs. If you're a tea drinking an electric tea kettle is a must. I use mine several times a day.
  22. My BIL is an electrician... but it's been over 30yrs since he got his certification. I'm sure it's changed since then. I will say that he has only been laid off once and that was at least 25yrs ago. Even during the worst of the 2008 crash he was working 6 days a week. We do live in the DC metro area, so that helps, but I knew people in high tech who were laid off even in this area. There is a lot of crawling around in dusty, webby, spidery places, crawl spaces, unfinished attics, working in cold unheated new buildings, etc. etc. Just so he knows. Good luck. I think it's great if he wants to do this.
  23. There's a lot of evidence linking sleep deprivation to much of what you've written. Just Google. I can't find the show you're referring to at the npr website. Do you know which particular show was airing (Fresh Air, ATC, etc.?)
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