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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. This would be my recommendation too. I *love* the Magic Eraser-it is a wonder. But, you will need to wash the *entire* wall or you'll see the streaks and places you missed. It would probably faster to repaint.
  2. Thanks for the update. I was also wondering if this is normal temperament for your Xh or not (esp. the belligerence towards the judge) I'm glad someone else asked! Hugs... hang in there. Sounds like the longer this take the more it goes in your favor.
  3. we bought a house with many mature trees surrounding us. My son cleaned out the gutters and less than a week later the gutters were filled and pouring rain was called for in forecast. I'm looking at gutter guards and looking for experience. A friend recommended the the sponge kind = You can install them yourself and you lay it in the gutter. The leaves just lay on top and blow away. The other is the aluminum kind that takes a little more to install - need to screw them in place. They are-of course- more expensive. Same idea- they have holes in them so the water flows into the gutters but the leaves stay on top. They both seems to have mixed reviews.
  4. yup.. I knew that part.. I used to have the music - I hoarded it for years... but it was lost in a move or two ago. Thanks for the link. Our version was "Here To Thy Cradle..." Maybe that was my problem. The translation was different.
  5. Oh my Gosh!!! I used to sing the first 2 in choir... I *love* those songs... and it's really, really hard to to find the music for the Beside Thy Cradle..... At least the last time I tried a few years ago. So nice to see someone else who loves the both. You made my day.
  6. I haven't read all the responses... and I wrote out a very long one myself - But the internet ate it. :cursing: You'll just have to believe me when I say it was a masterpiece :lol: but seriously - short form: I think some people attribute things to God that skirt breaking the 3rd Commandment. But, I also think that some people seem to have much more faith than I do. I just don't seem to see God in everything or every movement. I'm more skeptical and a realist. I also think that sometimes Faith is a gift given. Not that it is a constant level but maybe for a certain thing. I cannot answer your other question about why Jesus didn't reveal more to us when He was here.
  7. Usually the water is filtered. They have filters you have to change every so often (couple of years depending on usage). I prefer filtered water from my fridge over tap water too. Are you concerned the calcium will clog the line eventually?
  8. We moved into our new house about a month ago with a side-by-side. I hate that thing. I'm already looking at early Black Fri sales. At the old our we had a Samsung French door with ice/water on the door. The ice maker broke probably 2 yrs into owning it. We got a scratch and dent, so in order to get ready to sell the house I bought another French Door but with the ice-dispenser in the freezer. I actually missed having the water available on the door, but I can't find any models that have water without an ice dispenser. The things I do like about the side-by-side I currently have is that the dispenser seems pretty solid (could be wrong), and it's easy to grab ice out of the fridge if you want a lot of it fast (or you're trying to be quieter about getting ice). It's a GE profile. So I'm toying with biting the bullet and getting another French Door with ice/water on the door. I'll be getting a GE Profile this time as I think they are better made than the Samsung.
  9. I've also noticed this more and more. I am not a fan.
  10. This is my life too. It doesn't help that gift giving isn't really my love-language. I'm at a loss every year. And now my kids are getting married and adding more people to my "to-buy" list... ugh. First World problems, I know.
  11. nope.. I tried them for both mice and spiders... and it was still an issue.
  12. You are correct. I sent him a response that Seasider recommended. He emailed me back saying that he is on his honeymoon and to please can he send a cashier's check and he'll get movers to come get it. And that's a big fat no. edited for clarity
  13. I ask because this isn't the first time I've received an email like this when selling something on Craigslist. In the very first email they send. The person says they are interested and then asks "Please get back to me with the final price if it’s still available." Huh? Does he expect me to negotiate with myself?
  14. Thanks for the update. I'm glad things are on the mend and I hope you have a completely recovery. :scared: :svengo: On that hospital bill. Yes, thank God for insurance.
  15. I agree. Wow, just wow. I hope they don't get away with that.
  16. Me too and I understand. I'm sorry that happened. It does sound like the company could have given him a break since he did try to contact them.
  17. Oh my goodness!!! It's too bad he has to wait until Monday. I hope something opens up sooner for him.
  18. Is it possible to move the theological back and forth on to another thread so this thread doesn't get hijacked by that discussion... Just a friendly question, ya'll.
  19. I wanted to clarify one point about going to the source. If you want to learn about Lutheranism or Calvinism. Read Luther and Chemnitz or Calvin and Zwingli... don't only read *about* them and their theology.
  20. I left my church and my tradition (Protestantism) after going through a long period of searching and learning. There was a period of meandering (trying to find a fit - long story). My dh and I met at a church I started attending in high school. We went from there to a sister church plant - so many friends from previous church came with us. We were there through the birth of all but one of our kids, started homeschooling, etc. etc. Lots of long-time friends. When we changed churches it was hard to fit in. And I realized then (at the new church) that it wasn't right and THAT's when I started a years long soul-searching look into the historical church. I was pretty disillusioned by my previous tradition and wanted to know "what they [Christians] believed and when they believed it". That led me to the Orthodox church. That was a lot of unlearning and relearning. But it was like all the pieces of the puzzle were coming together. Things I didn't even realize about started to make so much sense to me. During that period I read SO much about church history and historical doctrine and practices. I look back now and can't believe how obsessed I was with figuring this out. I doubt I could keep that same stamina up today. :laugh: But, I do remember the low times. I remember being pregnant and feeling pretty lost without a church family. I remember my dh saying to me as I sat on the bed crying, "Remember, His sheep hear His voice." It gave me a lot of comfort at that time. I also remember a time when I had a very scary "visit" (spiritual). I remember just knowing it was because I was without an anchor or spiritual home. I started saying the Lord's Prayer over and over. My advice would be to start looking for prayers from the early church and just pray every day - maybe each morning. Don't do too much. One simple prayer *plus* the Lord's Prayer. Also, pray before you read anything related to your search. Just something simple like "Lord have mercy upon me and help me to hear your voice." I would not rely only on one person's interpretation of doctrine or theology. Go to the sources as much as possible. Read the Apostolic Fathers, read the early Church Fathers (Athanasius the Great, Cyril of Jerusalem, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nazianzus, etc). "On the Incarnation" by Athanasius is less than 100 pages long... some of them are more approachable than people think. And finally, be gentle with yourself. It can be a very exciting time. You're going to learn SO much and grow a lot through this, but it may take longer than you realize. It's not always an easy and straight road from point A to point B. I meandered 6yrs or so before I finally came home to the Orthodox Church. I'm still learning. I'm still trying to throw off some of my previous tradition because it is so ingrained in my psyche.
  21. oh no. I don't know which post you're talking about.. but praying for her and her dh.
  22. That's positive. Perhaps there's something they can do for the scar tissue.
  23. We also have a big mix in ages at our parish (Eastern Orthodox). I think the 40-somethings are less active with extra Church activities because they're so busy with careers and school-aged kids, but they do come fairly regularly to Sunday services.
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