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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I don't think 4 feeders & what you've described is all that bad. But, I have very fond memories of my grandparents enjoying their backyard bird-feeder. I also used to be a beekeeper so having water access for bees makes perfect sense to me.... so I may not be your best judge. Now, if you started adding lawn ornaments..then maybe we'd have a problem. :001_tt2:
  2. Now you'll have to come back and tell us what you think of your choices... because ya know you're going to have to read all of them :001_tt2:
  3. Mrs. Pollifax - any in the series... just.love.her I want to be Mrs. Pollifax when I grow up. She's a 80 yr old widowed lady who decides she wants to work for the CIA (during the cold war). She figures she knows karate and she's got time on her hands, so why not? And she just shows up and asks for a job. The audibles are very well done too... Can't remember the narrator, but she nails it. Prodigal Summer by Kingslover. This one has a young, newly married woman, a middle-aged (ish), and an elderly woman - all three stories come together in the end. Love.this.book. I cried when it ended. I wanted to be Deanna so badly it hurt. Brigid Quinn series. She is retired FBI agent who gets pulled back in. These are not "light-and-fun" but thrillers... so it may not be exactly what you're looking for. The first one in the series involves a serial killer. It was a bit intense. But, she's over 60 and a strong female lead. I liked her enough that I want to try another in the series.
  4. I haven't heard of Logan, but it looks like something awful has happened to this poor family. May he rest in peace.
  5. That is so encouraging... and awesome!! congrats.
  6. I saw Atomic Blond last weekend and enjoyed it. It is like a female Bond movie soo there's that type of violence & adult scenes. Lots of hand-to-hand violence and there is one lesbian sex scene. Takes place during the fall of the Berlin Wall - so late 80s. I am not familiar with the graphic novels they are based on. I almost never go to the movies but this year I'd like to see Valerian, Dunkirk, Logan Lucky, Hitman's Bodyguard, and Jeremy Renner's movie Wind River. For the less splashy and art-house and/or foreign movies I want to see: Toilet, In This Corner of the World, Once Upon a Time - although I can only find it in 3D and I don't like those.. and finally The Big Sick. I wonder how many of these I'll actually get to see in the theaters?? LOL.
  7. imagine if this was your daughter or sister... and you went through the whole awful relationship with her.... would you advise her to call back? H... e.. double hockey sticks NO!
  8. I would try changing her diet first. My daughter had eczema for years and eliminating dairy (I know, it's a PIA sometimes - but thank goodness for Almond and coconut milk so widely available) has almost eliminated it. We started with OTC creams then went to prescription cremes- but when she started having trouble in her armpits (doesn't stay) and eyes we needed to figure out what was triggering it. Perhaps do some googling to find out what are usual triggers for eczema. IF that doesn't work, then I would recommend a dermatologist. Good luck.
  9. I wouldn't try Ebay... I tried selling mine there and had no luck. I didn't think about homeschooling sites, but I guess mine would be appropriate for high schoolers.
  10. In a previous house a babysitter burned our Formica counter top by placing a hot pan directly on the counter, so it can happen. Honestly, it wasn't a big deal to have a towel or hot pad handy to put under a pot... I'm not exactly sure why that is such a selling point with stone counters.
  11. I recently told my realtor that I preferred formica counter tops to granite. She about died. I know I have to keep granite in the current house because it is expected in out neighborhood, but I'm not looking to putting it in for the new house. Now lots of counter space with an eat-at island- yes I do want that. :)
  12. I'm so very sorry. Wishing you both the best during this difficult transition. hugs
  13. I also remember one when I was in grade school in the 70s. and not being terribly impressed. I guess it was nice because we got to go out during the middle of school and watch it, but otherwise...it was one of those things that adults told us we needed to be impressed by and that's it.
  14. I haven't encountered what the OP has described - but I'm not involved in any mommy groups since my kids are mostly grown. I've not really been all that interested in the eclipse and I was rather surprised at the amount of people that are traveling to see it. And then I kept seeing all the scare - warnings "don't get the wrong glasses" over and over and over and over again and again. Sheesh.. It's like everyone has become the eclipse police. Now I'm really over it. I feel for all the people living in the path... what a nightmare - for 2 mins. Good grief. People are so silly. And, I feel for the scientist who have actual work to do concerning this eclipse and they have to deal with all the crazies & the crowds. I wonder if it's like this in other non-first-world countries when they have a full eclipse.
  15. Me too. Although, maybe I'm reading the wrong threads...
  16. yup.. this. I've volunteered in various places over the years. Generally it's been a positive experience and NOTHING like what the OP has described. I'd leave too... and I'd explain why.
  17. My dream job would be to be one of the singers in Anonymous 4. I'd also like to be a medievalist. If not that, a liturgical historian .... not much a market for those, however. ;) I'd also love to write a book. My preferred genre would be either fantasy or mystery.
  18. Same for me in 2 weeks. It's been so nice having my dd around. I'm going to miss her this semester.
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