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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Interesting. I'm 1/4 Dutch (with a quintessentially Dutch maiden name). The Netherlands is historically a very cosmopolitan country with people coming from all over the world so I've wondered how much of my DNA is actually Dutch. I also have ancestors who were part of the original settlers from England to So. Maryland.
  2. I have Bona - i don't like it. SpyCar gave rave reviews about something he used. I'm pretty sure it's the Quick!Shine! Thanks Tangerine!!
  3. that you recommended several months ago. I can't find the thread after several searches Thank you..
  4. Mine wasn't so bad all the time. When it first hit I was quite sick (blood in my urine and very painful). That I wouldn't have put up with for 3 weeks for sure. The cranberry juice alone was made a big difference within 24hrs. After that was more that it was mildly uncomfortable for 3 weeks. I had to pee all.the.time and it was slightly painful. It was annoying and it just wouldn't go away. It was like my body couldn't make up its mind. One day I'd be perfectly fine and the next day back to peeing all day long and some pain. That's why it took me 3 weeks because I kept thinking I'd nipped it.
  5. It's so hard. I've been through that more than once when my kids were little. It's so heartbreaking when that happens. I'm sorry for your son. Hugs. Give him a hug from his cyber aunties.
  6. Congratulations!! The photos are beautiful. I love the photos of you two on the covered bridge.
  7. I recently had my first UTI in about 25-30 yrs. I started taking unsweetened cranberry juice and it seemed to stem it, but not fully make it go away. I added D-Mannose thanks to advice from School1777... but it clung on. After three weeks of it starting to go away and then the next day coming back again I broke down and got the antibiotics. That finally did the trick. I hate taking antibiotics too, that's why I waited so long. But, after 3 weeks of it not completely clearing up I realized I needed to give in.
  8. Ya know... my Samsung Tablet set itself back an hour in the last day or so. I thought it was weird but figured it was because I try to keep the Wifi and Locations off to save batteries. Didn't realize it was happening to other people.
  9. Well, it's been 6-7 yrs since I graduated my last homeschooler (I still had 2 in school). I still don't feel like I have a handle on my purpose. Empty nest is officially 3yrs away. to the OP. I felt pretty burned out for about 3-4 months after school started back up again. However, I still had kids in school and that kept me busy with their transition. I didn't really have a lot of time to be in funk. Hugs... give yourself time.
  10. MBM Yes, you're right. It's the Swedes, not the Swiss as I stated earlier. And i agree. I wish the media would also state "allegedly". It's like once they get a story line they can't let go. Ugh.
  11. I read in one of the stories that the Swiss were visiting one of these of the Americans when they got word that Otto was in a coma and started to immediate push for his release on humanitarian grounds. I think I had read they had not been permitted to see Otto before - now we know why. So sad they held him in a coma for so long.
  12. This. I'm too old to waste my time on books I don't enjoy. I agree that since it's a book-club book you might want to skim - or read the Cliffe Notes.
  13. If you want some light fare I've been enjoying "The Chronicles of St. Mary's" series by Jodi Taylor. It involves time travel. Also, Jasper Fforde's "Tuesday Next" books... these are especially nice for Bibliophiles. but are light and fun and don't require a ton of brain power to keep up with.
  14. I read this in our local news too. It is so very sad. She was with a group walking to a local iHop to break the fast. Everyone ran away. I don't know why she didn't or if she was captured or what...the news was a bit sketchy about the exact events surrounding this case. I feel so heartbroken for her family and the friends she was with. What a sad, sad memory to have to live with.
  15. Wow. Thankfully, my experience was never like that. I would not want my kids attending something like that either. Sure, churches would *love* for new converts to come out of VBS, but there was never a heavy-handed "lets get these kids saved" attitude. It was more considered community outreach... give mom's a break, entertain the kids, and teach them about the Bible and Jesus. If a family starts to attend our church afterwards that would just be extra nice, but it wasn't the goal. At least that has been my experience- which is limited. At my current parish we have VCS (Vacation *Church* School) I don't think it would ever occur to us that someone outside of our faith tradition would be interested in going to an Orthodox VCS./VBS. It is advertised to local EO parishes and so we have a nice mix of kids from different parishes, including a couple of priest's kids - so definitely no sheep-stealing :) . As others have said, VCS is a nice way to get together during the week, have fun, and teach kids about their faith.
  16. I agree. Given the situation it doesn't seem appropriate.
  17. This is what I was thinking as I skimmed the article. I know plenty of people who have a big hat but no cattle, if you KWIM. I think the author needs to read "The Millionaire Nextdoor" before she starts writing about this subject.
  18. I currently have a double oven and I like it. It is quite useful at large gatherings (Christmas, etc) when I need to cook/heat a lot of items at once. I also use it because I bake bread and use both ovens to make a lot at once. I have a large family, so it does come in handy when everyone is together...otherwise the 2nd oven rarely gets used. The top oven is also convection. I like the feature because I can cook things faster. But, the convection does make noise with the fan running. That's my 2cents.
  19. Yup. I'm a philospher and business woman all rolled into one on email. On the phone - I'm Jim Trott:
  20. I'm glad it turned out well and your niece was so gracious. When I saw your thread title I wasn't thinking *wedding* shower. I was thinking, "Wow, Quill, is getting bold with what she's willing to share about her life." :lol:
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