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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. my kids all say, "Can i have...?" when ordering food. I'm waiting for the day when a waiter will say, "No, you may not". ;) They're all adults and I've given up trying to tell them to say, "I would like ...." My husband and one daughter uses "so..." as a conversation ender (in place of a period???) and beginner. It is so annoying. Example: "I went to the store, so." or "So, I went to the store." Yeah? And??? Ugh. My niece does it too, so I'm not sure how this has entered into my family's lexicon.
  2. I also have a Grace and a Joy (although it's her middle name - I will still call her "my Joy"). I like Patience, Sophia, Charity.
  3. I'm busy trying to get ready for our fam. vacation (that's why I'm here :001_tt2: ). I will check my calendar when I have more time. After I wrote my response on the other thread I remembered that I will have a class on Tues/Thurs. starting in Sept. I think there's some time in Oct. when the school is off for mid-term break, so I'll look into that, as well as anything else going on. Glad you guys are organizing this.
  4. How encouraging. I'm so happy that it was a healing experience, even under such awful circumstances. Praying this new therapy helps him greatly.
  5. This is cool. I looks like he even does it a couple of times a week in winter. The only thing they didn't answer for me is how he gets home. http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20170724-the-man-who-swims-to-work
  6. I've only seen it on Youtube too. I don't think he's on TV - at least not in America. I love the one about diamonds.
  7. Does it need to be direct? I wonder if he can get to Philly or Newark DE and take Amtrak that way? There may be bus service to either of those areas. My dd in PA takes the bus from Lancaster to Philly to catch Amtrak down to BWI. My other daughter went to UDel and took the train from Newark to BWI. I wonder how far it goes down 95? My other suggestion would be zoobie suggested about share-riding. Colleges have those, I would think that military bases may too. Maybe he can piece-meal something together.
  8. I'd like to try to come. I'm gone all next week. Generally, Monday and Weds. are typically bad for me because I babysit g-kids.
  9. I wanted to add.. I agree with those who suggested she just walk down the aisle to "greet" her groom and take out the giving away part.
  10. Well, your dd would have to become EO, ;) but there is no "giving away" in an Orthodox wedding. There is a time when the bride does consent to being married. As in "Do you agree to take this man/woman as your wife/husband" (or something like that- I don't have it in front of me). My husband walked our daughter into the church where the Betrothal took place and then she walked with her fiance to the center of the church. I have heard that some priests will allow the parent to walk the daughter down the aisle. But, my dd's priest didn't want to do that. About the closest thing an EO church comes to saying vows is what I wrote above. The service is almost entirely a prayer services asking God to bless the couple. There is the crowning where the priest does say "The Handmaiden of God.... is wedded to the Servant of God...." and vise-versa.... but no promising until "death do us part" stuff. I am so happy for this, personally, since I have reservations about making promises one may or may not be able to keep, especially for 50-60yrs. I think the Church Fathers were wise in this decision. I don't even think the traditional Lutheran service has vows "till death do us part". But, I'd have to ask a Lutheran ;)
  11. Thank you for this. We used to have LearningAlly when my son was at an LD school, but I couldn't remember the name! We no longer have the free access since we're not at that school. IIRC, his current school has no account with any of these places. I need to call to find out, but it's hard to get information right now because of summer break. I'm going to start the process with one because I need to get in gear for the "proof of disability" forms. Fortunately, he just had an updated Psch-Ed. test done in June so the psychologist has been very helpful with forms and such.
  12. When my son was tested earlier this summer they suggested a couple of programs to use for school. I'm looking specifically for one that has common school texts and books. Because we thought we'd be moved by now, all that paperwork is packed and in storage. I tried doing a google search, but its overwhelming to weed through the options. Plus, I'd like recommendations from people who have used them. Anyone have some good recommendations. We're a month away from school and we need to start reading his summer reading.
  13. I've watched the first 2 seasons. I liked it okay but didn't love it. I was a bit annoyed by the unrequited love thread that runs through the series. The next season is starting tonight on PBS. I'll probably watch it every once in a while.
  14. London first. I would do the train all the way around... We traveled from Cambridge to Scotland via train 30yrs ago. I think it was a sleeper train. We also rented a car once we were out in the country to tool around. I loved driving in the countryside.
  15. Usually around 5-6 weeks. I had hyperemisis with all of them but it usually ended by week 15-16...except my last. Although it wasn't hyperemsis all the way through with #6, I was barfing right up to the day he was born.
  16. I've had mixed experiences there too. I find that the sizing is WAY off. Check the size chart... religiously, for every.single.item. Sometimes it's up to 2 sizes smaller. Shoes can be iffy. Sometimes I've gotten them and they're too small and other times they're too big. I've stopped buying shoes from them unless I am already familiar with the brand. I've bought household items and haven't had any problem. I have had the take returns - or rather - swaps. I haven't done it often, but they've always been very helpful when I called. So, if you run into a problem, call them.
  17. wood burning uni-cycling - I have a friend whose husband is in a unicycle club, so it must be a thing with people. - they perform at parades and such. bag pipes (expensive though).
  18. I'll add mine since it's happening as we speak. I hate it when someone ;) says they're going to bed then proceeds to play computer solitaire on their computer for 20-30mins. Ugh. Go to bed! But, I *love* roundabouts. :001_wub: Completely agree with Creekland - just to lazy to quote. :)
  19. I was thinking about this very thing earlier today as I was comparing my life as a SAH mom/grandma to my 21yr old daughter. People probably think our lives are not dissimilar to each other We all know they'd be WRONG. Life is way more complicated and busy in unexpected ways as we become adults. For instance, I'm hoping to take 2 classes this fall. Except we might be moving (Locally) - that's a lot of stress and busyness. A long-time family friend is in the later stages of cancer several states away. I told my aunt I would drive her to and from the funeral when it happens because she can't be driving and I really like this friend and have happy memories of her. I'd like to pay my respects. I also have a cousin who is also in the later stages of dying. This doesn't even include normal weekly stuff like babysitting g-kids, getting son to school, and various appts., etc. It would be way easier to do online classes instead of fitting my schedule into a B & M school. I've noticed that I don't deal with stress as easily now that I'm older. Things like the above really stretch my ability function well in school. p.s. I didn't know Towson had online classes? Can you get your complete degree just doing online? Cool!!
  20. first---hugs--- I completely understand that feeling that you are wasting your life. I feel the same way every day too. i'm not currently homeschooling though - so more wasted time :( I haven't read all the responses so maybe this has been answered. Can you find out from the school what 7th and 8th grades are like? The reason I'm wondering is because often times schools see 7th and 8th grade has a transition time to high school. DS, with his issues, may benefit from 2 years of transition to high school. OTOH, it may be that just one year of prep will do just fine. In which case, I agree with the others who said taking this year for you to prepare him and then both of you go to school in the fall 2018. Good luck, whatever you choose.
  21. I think these exact same thoughts several times a month in the course of my usual errands. It is very annoying. Although, it is very helpful to be able to bring our dog on vacation because kenneling a dog is very expensive and mine came back pretty traumatized the last time we kenneled him just for a weekend. But, I would never take him shopping or run errands. What a huge PIA that would be. Pets do not belong in the shopping mall or grocery store, IMHO.
  22. I'm going to go with the opposite direction with this. Partly because, like it or not, first impressions really do make a difference. I wouldn't make too big a deal but just express your concern that you may have come across in a way you didn't intend. I had something similar happen recently at church, except I really *was* negative. This was with someone new and I was chatting with her. I found out that she grew up in a church I have had some experience with and which has a negative reputation. Her parents and younger sibs still attend. I crossed the line and regretted being so negative. So, I resolved to say something to her the next time she came to church, except she didn't come for nearly 6months!! When she did come, she seemed to avoid me. Ugh....ugh. Sigh. \
  23. I talked with my realtor and got an explanation about how it's done here in my area. Taxable living space for a house is only assessed on anything above ground. Even if your basement is finished it is not on the official tax records She said that *some* realtors/sellers will include the *total* living space on listings (including a finished basement), but not everyone. So, this is why it seems arbitrary here in my area. She said you have to look to the tax records (which Redfin often includes) to make a better comparison.
  24. No I am not put off by British spellings, but I'm not sure what you mean by "missing out on the cool things"
  25. I'm pretty confused about figuring out house sizes online. When we bought our current house it was stated in the real-estate info that the house was 2700sq ft (3 finished floors - 5 bedrooms, 3full baths, and 1 half bath). I'm currently trying to downsize - or at the least stay at or under 2700 sq ft. So I'm looking at a house that clearly had way more sq.footage than I want (4800sq ft), but seems to have everything else I want. As I'm going through the house I'm thinking, "This house is seems a bit smaller, or about the same size, as our current home." I asked my realtor and she said that is what it is appraised at. I asked why mine wasn't appraised similarly. The basement was already finished when we bought the house. It seemed like it had been finished prior to the previous owners too - they only had the house about 3-5yrs. She said she didn't know why, but agreed that our house is bigger than 2700 sq ft. So, how am I to figure out if a house is an appropriate size if the sq footage doesn't reflect what is really there.
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