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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I use GoodReads to track what I've read and how I liked them. Sometimes I'll write a review but mostly I'll just rate. I track by year and set my own private goal (not via Goodreads).
  2. I voted "raised religious but changed to a different religious affiliation" . It is complicated since I still identify with the Christian tradition. I was raised Methodist and then Baptist/Charismatic as a teen. Now I'm Eastern Orthodox. While they're both Christian those two traditions are vastly different. It may not be what you were wanting to know though.
  3. oh my goodness, Garga... those do not sound like friends!! What kind of friend makes jokes like that. I'm so sorry :grouphug: And I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. May he rest in peace
  4. That was a helpful article. I appreciated this quote: Couldn't help chuckling with that last bit though.
  5. I feel the same way about so many adaptations. BBC ruined Miss Marple with that adaptation they did about 10yrs ago with Geradiine McEwan. And don't get me started on the new Sherlock. Yeah, they're okay, but they're not Sherlock. Please call them something else.
  6. I used to get ovulation cramps too. But, they were definitely cramps and not something I'd confuse with a UTI. Some months they were worse than others and I would need ibuprofen to help with the pain. A long warm bath also usually helped. Mine would go on for about 18-24hrs and then lessen up over time. I wouldn't think that ovulation pain would go on for more than a day or two. But, then again, I tend to be a "wait and see" type of person. If it were me I'd wait and see if it happened again next month.
  7. she's so pretty. I hope you both avoid the infection.
  8. I get it. He's being unreasonable and thin-skinned. Hugs.
  9. hugs... I'm sorry he's being difficult. Who cares who invited with a married couple!??!! Okay, that's probably not helpful..... Can you say what you just wrote here? It seems to make sense that he would be your go-to person for invitations. I'm sure you can phrase it in such a way that it doesn't sound like you're being snarky. ie: don't say "*she* never invites us. " Again.. hugs. It will be his loss if he decides this is the reason he won't come to your house for dinner.
  10. nothing to add except I'm so sorry you're dealing with so many stressors. So sorry for the loss of your sibling. hugs.
  11. Thanks everyone. Yes, I actually do have the original grout - at least it must be. It was left here by the previous owners.
  12. She's a beautiful bride and she did such a lovely job with the flowers. Congratulations to them both. Hugs to you.
  13. I'm cleaning the grout in my bathrooms and it's going well. However, there are a few places where the old grout has come out. Can I spot grout those small spots or do I need to take out all the old grout and start fresh. There are small spots - about 1" long at the most. My small 1/2 bath has 3-4 of these spots on the floor.
  14. Yes, he became Orthodox on Palm Sunday this year. And the vitriol has been ugly. Just obnoxious and sadly, very uninformed. The stuff they're saying is so laughably idiotic. As someone said, "We don't expect you to agree with our faith, but you can at least get its facts straight. " Seriously... I think it;s mostly used as click-bait to get more eyeballs to their sites.
  15. Darn... I couldn't go this weekend. I was there on Friday and saw all the beautiful items submitted for competitions. So many beautiful things.
  16. oh my goodnesss!! He's beautiful. Congratulations.
  17. it's okay if you need to be ambiguous. God knows. Still praying.
  18. I did the kit. It isn't expensive. It's called a Headlight Restoration kit. I think I got mine at the local auto store, but I'm sure they're widely available elsewhere. I did it myself.
  19. We were enjoying the first season immensely until the final show. It was so disappointing we haven't had any interest in watching the 2nd season. To say any more about it would be a spoiler, so I can't explain any further until after you've seen it.
  20. We own 1/3 of my MILs house near the beach. It's 30min. to the shore...does that count? We rarely use it as the beach is not our go-to place. The other siblings use it regularly and we rent it out. Otherwise, we have a tent. I have thought about getting a cabin the mountains but that would tie us down too much. We like to go to different places when we go on vacation trips.
  21. oh that just sucks. I hope you get some relief. It's hot and humid here too.
  22. I've been silently following. I'm so sorry. Many prayers and hugs. :grouphug:
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