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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. You're morning sickness was peculiar to having twins (something I've heard can be common with twins), but what the scientist was studying was women who suffered with HG during "normal" pregnancies and compared them with people who don't suffer.
  2. I know there are several of us here who suffered with HG in our pregnancies. I thought this was so interesting. Sorry I could only find the article at DM http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5527253/Kate-Middletons-severe-morning-sickness-two-genes.html
  3. Congratulations. Don't be too hard on yourself. You made the best choice given the parameters you were dealing with. It doesn't make you any less of a good mom. Take care of yourself. It's not only harder because of the c-section but also because you've got 3 other littles running around. Hugs.
  4. This sounds akin to bait and switch. What is the percentage of finding a polyp in people over 50?
  5. Yes, it's messy, but on the messy scale of 1-10 (10 being hoarders) - I would say it's a 1 or 2.
  6. I could have written this post. We moved into a new to us house in Oct. We discovered mold in the crawl space and attic, which we were able to get the previous owners to pay for before going to settlement. But, we have been discovering many areas of neglect in this house and I have to wonder what else is hiding. I bought a mold testing kit because of a few areas I discovered. I haven't had a chance to test because I'm sick.... again. I cannot seem to get out of this sickness cycle. It's very disheartening and makes me just wonder if it's the house or bad luck.
  7. oh my goodness. how completely devastating for everyone. Prayer for her family. May she rest in peace.
  8. just came here to post this. May he rest in peace.
  9. Wow, that is an amazing story.
  10. Yes, I do. It wasn't love at first site. I was 14-15 and he was about 22-23. He played in our church's worship band. I was busy having crushes on boys in high school. :laugh:
  11. Glad she's doing that. It's best if she does it herself rather than you doing it for her. Otherwise, it might look to the police like she is the perp. Please keep us updated.
  12. I'm dreading this weekend too. I've been fighting something for a week or more and not sleeping well already. I really don't need yet another hour of sleep thanks to the US gov't.
  13. yay!! what fun... and you'll be meeting someone who knows their way around when you get there. I spoke no French when we went to Paris about 17yrs ago. My dh was at a conference and I had a whole day to myself. I'm definitely not the bold-adventurous type either (and even less so 17yrs ago!). I was very proud of myself that I navigated the Underground and enjoyed a day alone in Paris. You can do it!
  14. I didn't know such a thing existed. I've always just traced and cut my own circles.
  15. I agree. it is exhausting to live without electricity and I used to regularly go camping. It's just different when you're at home. Sorry about your brother's house! Is everyone okay?
  16. Hoping those without power will have it soon and the Nor'easter that's coming will be mild for all of us. They're predicting that it will not affect us much.
  17. Thinking of you again today. Many prayers and hugs
  18. We never lost power. I'm so thankful. We're new to this older neighborhood and I was expecting the worst. Most older neighborhoods in my area lose power frequently. My oldest dd came over for the day. She had her 3rd baby last Sat. While she was here visiting, her dh called to say the power had gone out at their apartment. So they camped out here for the night. Extra baby snuggles for me :hurray: We did end up losing a tree at hte back of our property. It was an old pine tree that we were considering removing in a few years. Mother nature did it for free. It took down the tree next to it. It's half in my yard an half in my neighbor's back yard. So I'll have to figure out what to do. Neighbors are renters and I saw that the house is in foreclosure. Not sure the neighbor will care. Glad people are staying warm . Where's Toto - I hope the power comes up sooner than they predict. Glad you had someplace warm to sleep
  19. oh my goodness, what an awful shock. Prayers for your whole family
  20. Yeah, I think that's why they closed schools here just to be safe. Buses have to go through neighborhoods that may be effected. We hardly had any snow here so there's some extra cushion for days off.
  21. Yes that may have been ours. Several of the trees were cut back and trimmed when we first moved in (they were hanging over the house) but this one wasn't hanging directly over the house- just leaning towards it :scared: There were also two diseased trees. We took all three trees down on Tues. Everything seems to be closed here. No trees down that I can see from my house. But, lots of reports of downed trees on the radio. Highest gusts were in the upper 60s overnight. It seems to be dying down now - whew. High winds predicted until tomorrow though 495 Loop around DC has several trees down across the highway. My daughter's work closed and she's trying to come visit me but needs to get around one of the road blocks on 495.
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