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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. We're expecting winds up to 60 miles an hour starting overnight. I'm just so glad I had a 60yr old sycamore that was leaning towards our house (and my son's bedroom) taken down this week. Our ground is very saturated from rainfall. They're expecting lots of down trees in our area. I'm going to expect lost power as we have a lot of old trees in the neighborhood. We're not expected to get snow but I understand that they are predicting blizzard conditions for New England and the North Eastern Seaboard. Stay safe everyone.
  2. I loved Shetland too. Hinterland is darker than Shetland. Have you watched detective series Vera with Brenda Blethyn? So good. By the same author as the Shetland books. I love Vera. I'm reading the series now. The show seems quite faithful. I have not heard of Loch Ness. Will definitely look into it. Thanks!
  3. Have you watched Hinterland? They have it available in both English and Welsh. Except I can only get the English version here in America. Maybe Youtube has it in Welsh. It's one of my favorite detective series. The female detective is also in The Indian Doctor http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2575968/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  4. whine all you want. I hate being sick too.
  5. Jeeves and Wooster books "The Other Side of the Dale" by Gervaise Phinn - it's a bit like James Herriot only he's a school inspector in Dales. It's a memoir. Jasper Fforde's books: Thursday Next series or the Nursery Crime series. They're unusual, but light and fun.
  6. Alien. I remember it being edge of the seat movie. It's still good but it is SO slow and sometimes the dialog is mumbly. Yeah, I'm definitely getting old.
  7. So very sorry. Hugs. Glad your dh is able to stay home. Get lots of rest.
  8. It's been over 10yrs since we went but I drove while down there and I felt pretty comfortable doing it. I was in the capital and then in central CR. We loved that area. We were not near the beaches, where it's more touristy. Lots of wild-life. My dh took the kids up to the beaches and to do the zip-line and saw the volcano.. Horseback riding was wonderful, apparently. Have fun
  9. prayers... and good for you for speaking up!!!
  10. I think it's okay to know your limitations and work with that. If you already know this is not something you can do, then give yourself permission to get someone else to be the day-to-day caregiver. Whether that is in her house or if she needs to move to a long-term facility is up to you both. Remember, they are professionals and know how to handle difficult patients. You can still be very involved with her care and see her everyday (if you wish), but you might have a much better mother/daughter relationship if the full brunt of care is not on your shoulders.
  11. Oh wow... how scary. Glad the concussion isn't worse. Hope you get in to see a specialist soon. hugs.
  12. Ginger! Get fresh ginger.. cut it in slices and put about 4-5 slices in hot tea or just plain hot water. It will be strong... but sip on that all day ... refreshing as needed. I usually add a bit of sweetener.
  13. Nice to see you back. Congratulations on joining the grandma club. and congrats on the upcoming wedding. How exciting!
  14. yes, I was told about it when I went on Cipro about 18months ago. Thankfully, I haven't had any trouble. Cipro, and other fluoroquinolones, are pretty strong antibiotics and, as far as I know, aren't used for typical infections. They're generally reserved for gut infections. But, maybe they're moving them to more regular use? that would be unfortunate.... Even though I didn't have tendon issues, they still had some awful side-effects. I hope I never have to go on them again.
  15. LOL - I was thinking it was good timing since Lent has started.
  16. I only see about 5-10 posts on my feed and then get the message "There are no more posts to show right now." Granted, I have less than 200 friends, so not a ton of postings. Sometimes, I want to go back to something someone has shared and now I can't get to it, unless I remember which friend shared it and go to their feed. I used to get a lot more new to me stuff whenever I popped into FB. I also am seeing less feed from the news sources I follow (CSM, NPR, NYTs, etc). I've looked it up and it seems to be an ongoing issue with FB for the last few years (just started happening to me). It also doesn't seem to have a solution except "FB is working on it" :glare:
  17. you should definitely do it. you are working full time and, like you said, your boys are older and busier. $300 for 2 visits sounds fabulous from where I live.
  18. It so funny too. Plus, it's got John Lithgow... What a great performance.
  19. no.. Ash Wednesday is a Western tradition. Not sure when it was instituted. We have Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday and Lent begins on a Monday.
  20. Yes, as I've aged it's gotten worse. Things that would normally not bother me are insomnia inducing stress magnets now. I want the former laid-back Debbi to come back. :crying:
  21. My college-aged daughter is doing a group project in her social work class about Quiver Full-type groups. Her group is looking to interview (via email) people who used to be involved. If you PM me I can give you her email address for further information. Thanks!
  22. I did not say that. What I was replying to was her implication that in the 80s there were only male bosses and women were secretaries and had to get coffee, etc. That was not my experience.
  23. that is not entirely true. I was working in the 80s until 87 when my youngest way born. I had 5 different office type jobs beginning when I was 16. Only one was a male boss... all were managers or administrators. I never got coffee for anyone. I worked in the gov't and there were a lot of female mangers/bosses/administrators. Are you talking about the 60's and early 70s??
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