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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Interesting that this came up because I started watching "The Magic Pill" on Netflix. Perlmutter is interviewed in the documentary. I appreciate the comments and links here
  2. You could plant bamboo near their property line. It's invasive and hard to kill off... and gives you loads of privacy very quickly. I think it will grow in anything. They probably bought because they liked the house and wanted a "lawn" ? hugs. One of the reasons I moved where we are is because of the old trees and much more privacy. I have had to remove some very ugly brush and vines and it's cleared out the side of my property so that I have less privacy. My plan is to plant fast growing buffers like arborvitae. or cedar. I'm trying to figure out how to add more trees and get rid of our front lawn.
  3. Recessed LED light fixtures for my master bath. We're in the midst of a remodel.
  4. This is what I am wondering. I think the OP owes it to the people that contacted her first to get their side of the story. I'm not sure I would trust this lady to be telling the truth in this matter. If there was an actual problem with the event then the people who contacted you first should have given your a courtesy call and offered you another option.
  5. I'm on team hatchback. It's more a personal preference. I just don' like the look of sedans with trunks.
  6. Just seeing this. Prayers for this mom and family. Your daughter looks lovely. I hope she had a great time.
  7. You're in the right place. It is hard to navigate at first. In one of my groups there were no posts yet and it took me a bit to figure out how to start a new post. Perhaps that's what you're finding in your groups (er Clubs). When you go into a particular club if you don't see a thread of posts click on "Topics" at the top. Once there you will find a "post a topic" icon to start a new post....
  8. Wow... I am impressed.. that is a lot of hours to punch in. At least it's only 8weeks. You can do it!
  9. Congratulations!!! I hope the working vacation will be fun and stimulating.
  10. Whaaat!?? I'm not expert on this.. I just happened to discover one of mine was up and posted there no problem. So I went to another one and posted there as well. Crazy. Off to double check my posts in are the right groups!!
  11. This may have already been posted but just in case it hasn't or others have missed it (like me), I thought I'd post it here.
  12. Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! I wonder if there's any way to bring the thread Milovany started on the chat forum over here? Hope everyone is doing well as we slowly inch our way towards Ascension and Pentecost.
  13. I'm taking two summer courses back-to-back. I might be crazy but I'm hoping this is a better solution to taking 2 classes in one semester. I realized after doing that in the fall that I just can't do it. At least not while I'm watching my grandkids and renovating the house . Both are first level courses: Psychology and Communications. Both will be at night, as trying to be out of the house during the day is impossible. I think it might work well. Instead of having a class every night (like they usually do for summer courses) this is a 3.5 hour M/W class. We have a wedding to go to Memorial day weekend and my son is getting married locally in Aug. We'll have a family trip in late June, so I might miss one class. Vacation rental is only about an hour from here, so we'll see if I need to go to class or not. I can always come home a day early and let everyone else clean up
  14. I'm here! Came to check to see if Groups (not Clubs) was working. Semester ends in a few weeks. I'm taking a Philosphy 101 class online due to renovations in full swing here at our new house. It''s been a breeze mainly due to the prof. phoning it in (as the saying goes). This class has basically been self-taught. Read the chapter, answer a question, talk amongst yourselves. . I have 3 weeks to read one chapter (45 pages), answer one discussion question myself and respond to someone else's discussion, then take a 10 question quiz. Yay! After that, I have 2 weeks to prepare for the final (only on 3 chapters) and write a 4 page paper. Gotta love freshman level courses. I hear this prof is a great teacher so I do kind of miss not actually having him, but I needed to be home and available for the contractor. I'm just thankful this course wasn't a dud like some of the others.
  15. That's a good point. I'm a retired hsing mom. I only visit the chat board (and my social groups once they're up).
  16. The other issue is that there are some people who are uncomfortable talking about income or age on a public board.
  17. I was also going to suggest that. We have a relative with that combo and it works very nicely.. but then I saw she's looking for nature names. For nature names to go with Lauren.. I like Willow Rose Jade Ivy Sky
  18. In reading your update I was wondering if there were any early clues he was such a selfish jerk. I guess the answer is "yes and no". It's amazing how people can change - and not always for the better. hugs. For your sake I hope it's over soon.
  19. thanks for the update. Sending lots of hugs.
  20. Gosh - so many choices!! I'd love to live in Wales. Pacific NW. Smokie Mountains area.
  21. I agree with Katy. Check the thermostat on your oven. Perhaps it's off. There's a YouTube video explaining how to do this. I also find that my bread bakes differently depending on the weather. Has it only been for the last few months or for a full calendar year? Do you live where the weather changes much?
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