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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. Great visual! My son just is *not* a morning person. He went to brick-and-mortar school for over three years and never adjusted to getting up early. Each morning was a struggle. Sleeping in a bit is just one of the many reasons he loves homeschooling!
  2. I tell myself that the anxiety and panicking doesn't keep him any safer, but still.....
  3. How awful! Is it any wonder I have panic attacks when DS goes away without me???
  4. My son (5yo at the time) would never have forgiven me if I hadn't told him when his grandmother died. I'd also consider the possibility, in the situation described above, that 24hrs wasn't enough time for the children to process (as best children can) grandmother's death and thus the sobbing. In my experience, keeping it low key and keeping it hidden are two very different things. I'm sorry for the loss your family is experiencing. Gentle hugs.....
  5. The non-denom we currently attend does this. On the bulletin, Joe Smith is listed as "Pastor of Membership." Bob Johnson is Pastor of Missions. Tom Brown is Pastor of Maturity. And there are probably another 3-4 listed similarly. The denom my BIL preaches in doesn't require any training for their pastors - the ones who actually get up in the pulpit and preach. He's never had any formal training, just studying on his own.
  6. Well, if it will help your friend out...I guueesssss I can take his free books. But only to help him. It's not like I actually LIKE children's books...or ebooks...or free books.... :D Tell him THANKS!
  7. At that age/weight, my son took 1/2mg. Even now he only takes 1mg (11yo/70lbs). Start with the lowest dose and work up from there. We get the cherry flavored tablets from GNC. I'd never get him to take an unflavored pill.
  8. Pinned! I sure hope I don't get hypnotized when I make them! :)
  9. I had the same thoughts when we did that chapter. He wants us to classify everything around us as either biotic or abiotic.period. (At least that's how it came across to me.) It was only when I started poking around on the internet that I realized biotic/abiotic were FACTORS, not simple classifications. It was confusing.
  10. I've been using her site for a few weeks now. We've never done notebooking (and DS hated lapbooking - too tedious), but I think this science notebook is going to be really useful for solidifying knowledge and enhancing retention.
  11. I taught elementary grades for six years and ate with my kids every single day. If I were to teach at a B&M school again, I'd love to try something like she described. Fascinating!
  12. I haven't looked thru it yet, but I have used some of your other things. With that experience, I'll go out on a limb here and say YOU are awesome! Thanks for your generosity, Jenn!
  13. "They SLEEP at your kids' school? Hmmmm......" Seriously. "Why would I want my kid to socialize with the THIRD GRADERS who brought marijuana to school this year? And last year? And the year before?" (not all the same kids; just an on-going problem at our local school)
  14. Thank YOU for thanking HER! I'd have missed this fabulous list that will benefit my struggling and reluctant reader. Thanks, Lori!
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