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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I just wanted to say congrats to you and dd! I hope it all comes together for her and she makes her dreams come true!
  2. We don't use Sonlight, so I'm not asking about titles specifically, but I am interested in what a "Sonlight schedule" entails - is it fiction, non-fiction, a mix? I'm envisioning your first 3-4 weeks being immersed in fiction about the time period, along with an overview of factual history. The next 3-6 weeks, I'm thinking, would be delving more deeply into areas of interest, learning/enhancing narration and outlining skills. When you have time, would you expound on your method?
  3. Yes and no. Once I start lecturing, my gum would be tucked into my cheek where it would encourage my mouth to produce saliva. Unless you saw me chew prior to class starting, you wouldn't know it was there. Who's to say this instructor wouldn't do the same? Though after that last bit of info, I think mytwoblessings and her son dodged a bad situation. (and with that I'm out)
  4. He doesn't sound like a fit instructor for anyone! That is just wrong. I'm sorry your friend's kids experienced that.
  5. If your sister were working three jobs and selling her own things, I might find a way to help. While she does not work? Nope. Not happening.
  6. I've taught large groups for many years. Projecting the voice so that those in the back of the room can hear puts stress on the throat and vocal chords. Gum does indeed help keep my throat moistened so that I can talk for an hour or so. I don't understand why the instructor should have accommodated your child in that way. Perhaps it isn't the most professional choice, but it gets the job done. Does your child have issues that make him unable to accommodate someone else's needs? (In this case, the teacher's need to keep his throat moist) I am sorry about your car. That stinks, I know.
  7. I'm adoptive mom, so take this for what it's worth: my son would very much care that he had a bio-sibling out there, even if he didn't want to know the adults who created that sibling. Not wanting a relationship with her sperm donor is totally irrelevant to your DD's (potential) desire to know a sibling. It's not a relationship I'd pursue at this point in her life - she can do that when she's an adult - but at some point she's going to want to know about this boy. That's to say "yes, you should tell her." When? Only you can know when the time is right.
  8. You ladies just answered a question that's been brewing in my head for a couple days! Thanks!
  9. DH was flown to Nashville for an interview back in 2005. He did not get that job. (Thankfully, another offer came in at nearly the same time.)
  10. I like the spectrum idea so much better than the "I'm a failure!" mindset I fall into so often. I'll try to keep that in mind.
  11. We read It's So Amazing! together. It talks about female biology as well as male.
  12. This looks neat! Thanks for sharing. I've already ID'd a few projects we can do.
  13. Sounds wonderful! I was just telling DH yesterday that I really felt the need to see MIL - she too is a lovely soul. Enjoy your visit!
  14. Cheesy! My niece is a professional chef, and I love love love her Shrimp 'n Grits!
  15. (You have NOT whined too much!) Yay for yeast! Ever thought you'd say that?!?!
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