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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. You crack me up! I'd spend all my money on gadgets and books too. Though I would draw the line at sleeping on the floor. ;)
  2. We could see his wind-direction/weather balloon from the church parking lot. The kids were convinced it was actually his capsule. After the service, the middle school team leaders pulled up the live feed on the computer and put it on the big screen. Very cool to watch him jump and know he was virtually over our heads!
  3. I buy some cleaning supplies at Dollar Tree. The Works toilet cleaner is cheap and effective, so I stock up when I go to DT a few times a year.
  4. Thanks, Kay. The search function is so wonky. I couldn't find it using that term last night but did today. I appreciate your help! There's another thread with (Greek), (Roman), and (Roman?) in the OP - I can't find that one either. Search is not my friend and makes me look like an idiot. (And trust me, I don't need any help in that area!)
  5. studying ancient Greece and Rome? It's been in the last few days. I must surely just be overlooking it, but I cannot find it to save my life. All help appreciated!
  6. I am inordinately pleased and relieved that your little roo was safe after all!
  7. I'll take my iced tea out on the porch too. There is a lovely rainbow visible from there. As for what I'm doing? Procrastinating on dinner. Baseball was cancelled, and I have no dinner planned.
  8. Yes! Right now, my desire for a certain curriculum is tied with wanting/needing a new coffee maker. Both are very important in our homeschool!
  9. The bolded is exactly what I thought. They are counting on your paying the higher amount just to get them off your back.
  10. My mother always had us set the table - knife, fork, spoon. When I married and realized MIL only put on the table the flatware she expected diners to use, I was a bit discombobulated. It certainly wasn't wrong, but it wasn't the way I'd been taught. I still set the table with knife/fork/spoon, even if the spoon or knife won't be used. (and anything put on the table gets washed before being returned to the cabinet/drawer - it was handled, so it must be washed!)
  11. I used the big oven last night for the first time since probably March or the first of April, because it was cool yesterday. Today it's supposed to get back up to 90*, so no oven today. I'm thankful for a little toaster oven to help out during the summer.
  12. Next! Don't feel badly. She's just trying to manipulate you.
  13. S'mores with Reese's cups? Brilliant! I am so doing that next campfire!
  14. :iagree: I liken this to a child who is angry with a parent. It's fine to be angry; we all get angry occasionally. It is **how** we deal with that emotion. Family members do not treat one another with disrespect. (((hugs))) Mama. This must be very difficult for you.
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