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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. I think context is everything here - she was asking her small child to add, so she held up three fingers.
  2. If you get the answer, would you update here? I'd be interested to hear that lecture too. Thanks!
  3. I recently got a simple digital scale at walmart. It reads within 2lbs of what my doctor's scale says, which has never happened with any other scale I've owned. I think it cost about $20.
  4. My grandmother had a large number of daily meds to take, prescribed by several different doctors. It was only when my aunt got her into a new doctor who took a close look at ALL the meds that it was discovered several were interacting with one another and causing symptoms. Once he pared down the meds, many symptoms disappeared. My advice would be to have a single doc evaluate all the symptoms and all the meds together. Best wishes
  5. The Phonics Page by our own ElizabethB has really helped my son.
  6. The thing to remember is that Classical Conversations isn't a curriculum, per se, at the Foundations level. The CC communities don't actually study anything. We memorize - at a galloping pace - but there is no in-depth learning of individual topics going on at CC. I'm using some of it as a jumping-off-place for our own history and science studies at home, but at CC the goal is to memorize the pegs, not study.
  7. Do not settle! Oh please learn from my mistake - don't settle!
  8. I didn't even know I didn't know! :lol::lol::lol:
  9. I'm so sorry. We went through an unemployment period three years ago. I hope your DH heals soon and finds another job quickly - one he will love. (((hugs)))
  10. So it's been an hour and 15min since you posted. Did they finish? Will the reindeer make it safely thru the treacherous postal system? Do you need to make a run to the hardware store for a different type of joint compound? Do you still have your sanity? :D
  11. She's 11yo - past time to learn that you don't treat people disrespectfully. I think respect for the parent(s) is very important and make sure DS knows it. His disrespect is tied to his possessions and free time - the PS3 or bedtime or playdates. When he won't get his work done - I just take him to the kitchen and start handing out jobs. Take out the trash, please. Now sweep the floor. The dishes need washing. Great - let's wash the glass doors. Still not feeling the love? Here's a dust rag for the living room. Eventually he is ready to go back to school because math is easier than housework!
  12. The article was poorly written, for sure. My heart is hurting for his mom today (and all those who cared about him).
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