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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. The thing I love most about asparagus ferns is that even when I forgot to water it and it looked like it was dead - a little water had it coming right back from the root. Hardy!
  2. As a former public school teacher, I probably wouldn't have thought to mention it to the parents. It's just another form of differentiated instruction.
  3. We are starting SOTW, ch 19. We started a simple machines unit in science last week, so we are continuing that. Lesson 32-ish in TT5. Lesson 10 in EIW. Daily Classical Conversations memory work and presentation practice, along with practicing our family presentation. Hope you all have a terrific week!
  4. HERE is a template for printing on post-it notes. Very useful!
  5. Something said upthread reminded me of THIS book I read a few years ago. I think we will use it as a starting point for our Thanksgiving historical studies, in addition to Desperate Crossing (from Netflix). We will see where the rabbit trails lead from there. Thanks, everyone, for your input!
  6. That is the one, Maria! Thank you! Thanks to all of you for the suggestions. I will look into each one. I so appreciate your time and thoughtful replies!
  7. I'm sure I recall several threads in the last six to eight weeks about how to develop math thinking skills in children, but search is not helping me (it rarely does when I'm looking for something specific). If you know what I'm talking about - or you posted on those threads - or you have any ideas - please post here. DS11 ... I don't even know where to begin. It's like we start over with math nearly every day. Basic addition, simple multiplication, it's all new all the time. I realized yesterday that he didn't understand exactly *what* a multiplication problem stood for (ie, 2x4 means 2 groups of 4). When he sees two lines of 3 stars, his mind doesn't see six; he has to count each and every one. Someone had a thread recently about the same thing their child and got many suggestions. We do have an appt to test for learning disabilities (as math is not his only struggle), but it is some time away. Any suggestions to work on in the meantime are very welcome!
  8. I had great intentions of making something fun/cute for my son's Foundations class (ages 8-11) tomorrow, but that's not happening. Every week we have the same string cheese/gogurt/apple slices. I thought maybe grapes and ______???? Ideas?
  9. We've done the books and the Scholastic virtual tours. Other ideas? I'm just trying to think ahead to November because 2012 is whirling to a close faster than I can focus some days!
  10. Thank you, friends! I'll start with this one. Hope you are having a terrific Wednesday!
  11. Witch of Blackbird Pond is set nearly 200yrs after the Salem Witch Trials, so I want to start with a non-fiction book before moving to EGS's fiction, though I do want to read it with him. The Crucible, huh? I'll check into that for myself.
  12. I want to read a book about the Salem Witch Trials with DS11. Of necessity, it must be a Kindle book as I don't have time to order. I found these titles at Amazon. Any reviews? Witches: The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem by Rosalyn Schanzer The Witchcraft of Salem Village by Shirley Jackson The Story of the Witches of Salem by Rupert Holland Dear America: I Walk in Dread by Lisa Rowe Fraustino Other titles I should consider? Thanks!
  13. I'd probably get the one with DS in it. Years from now, it will be nice to have his face in the same pic with his dog. I'd get the jpg. so that you can print it however you want. Be sure to get a release from the photog. Beautiful dog!
  14. Okay, now I'm in awe. I don't consider myself high maintenance at all, but I'm pretty sure I'd need more than a backpack to move - no matter how drastically I pared down. And yes, there's always takers for used curriculum!
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