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Everything posted by QuirkyKidAcademy

  1. A college friend's parents were murdered by their unbalanced son. My friend and her family hid their whereabouts for years after he was released from prison because, ya know, he's unbalanced and isn't responsible for his actions. I've recently seen her on FB, so I don't know if the situation has resolved or if she just got tired of hiding. It is sad and scary and a terrible reality for many families.
  2. My husband is also a pilot. He's lost a couple friends to aviation accidents. Such things can really rock your world. Gentle hugs and prayers.....
  3. So happy for you! My brother and his wife are in danger of losing their foster son (age 6 - been with them for almost 18mos) before the holidays. My SIL is dreading it so badly - her kids will be heartbroken. Best wishes!
  4. Ha! My 11.5mo puppy has all your pups beat! Sophie knows how to push every button on every single nerve I have. I think she learned it from my son. ;)
  5. The tree is up. Lights only. Still trying to find the motivation for garland and decorations.....and the angel. Gotta find the angel for the top.
  6. Love that UT link - thanks! I'll check out the kits you linked too.
  7. DS11 likes rocks. Has always liked rocks. Still picks up random rocks to bring home. DH wants to get him some type of rock kit for Christmas. Ideally, this kit would have some rocks in it, along with activities they can do together. I am also getting him a copy of Roadside Geology of NM to help ID the rocks in our backyard. Any links or ideas are welcome! Thanks!
  8. I keep all my passwords written in a little address book, alphabetized by website or device. Sorry I can't help with the reset.
  9. I plan to put mine out in the yard and spray it down with the hose. I live in a very arid climate, so there won't be time for it to rust. Good luck, whatever you do!
  10. DS and I are watching Desperate Crossing, the movie about the Mayflower's voyage. Not strictly Thanksgiving-ish, but interesting for an 11yo boy. Then I might follow up with the Charlie Brown videos ^^^ just because I love the Peanuts! Thanks for the link!
  11. I hope this is the beginning of healing for your DH! I still have anger toward the doctor who misdiagnosed my mom's cancer as reflux. I don't think your feelings are irrational at all.
  12. Yikes! Even the Hive knows I need to lose weight! I didn't cast a vote in the "NOT LIKE" question because, well, I like most foods and it shows. I got an error message! It's not Thanksgiving without cornbread dressing. I do not like.... if I had to choose, I'd say .... I can't think of anything!
  13. It drives DH and DS right out of the house. By the time they return, the smell has dissapated. The bonus is that I get quiet time too! Seriously, yes, it bothers them so I wait til they are gone. I have to do the same with vacuuming - neither one can abide the noise in this little house.
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