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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I don't like shopping. I do dream vacation. I look at the scenery, the hotels, the tours, look up the local historical sites ( my vacations always include museums, cathedrals, that sort of thing) and even local foods. We don't vacation. Dh does not like to leave home. This actually usually makes me feel like I've been somewhere. Weird I know.
  2. This sounds like me. Because of my parents' extreme poverty and my childhood 'not enough' poverty I hoard money, food, clothes. Not like hoarders on TV but I have things the 8 yo is wearing that I bought for my 24 yo. Probably 2nd hand. I constantly think I will be plunged into homelessness and hunger. I just can't relax about finances.My brain can see objectively that we have savings, a job, etc but that doesn't help my gut.
  3. Probably the financial fear too. Constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, something to be overwhelming that I can't afford, not matter how much I've saved I can't spend that money. I never, never replace things unless they are broken/worn beyond all repair. I also can't spend money frivolously on myself. It's annoying and I can see the problem but overcoming it is something else. I also don't like to try to fix things myself because what if I make it worse? Which comes right back to the above. If my brother or I broke something it was 'the end of the world'. I believe my parents were just living out their own very, very poor upbringings. No blame just how it worked out. I'm working on it but....for example even though I know we have savings and insurance I'm stressing about 2 kids needing wisdom tooth removal this summer. It makes me nauseous.
  4. I don't do grounding but I feel fulfilling commitments is part of what adulthood is all about. I might make it my business to drop them off and pick them up if they are doing something dangerous but they would finish what they said they'd do.
  5. Dh and I agree on hardly anything😊😊😜 we don't discuss or comment on the other's opinion. It's not worth the annoyance.
  6. I'm not sure I qualify but if this isn't helpful throw it out. I do think each person's body and life and preferences are different. Oh, and I am 53 and not yet menopausal ðŸ˜. I was a pretty normal weight through college but that crept up after 7 babies. I found myself 49 and 40 pounds too heavy. I made an effort to eat healthily and began increasing my exercise and activity. It started out walking and yoga and increased to include running and biking. I have kept the weight off for four years. I ate/eat in the No S pattern (no seconds, no sweets, no snacks). Weight loss probably was easier than maintenance at first. Now it is habit. My usual pattern is to get up and drink a ton of coffee 😉, then I run, elliptical or yoga. In summer I might take a bike ride. This varies between 30-60 minutes depending on how I feel. If I have breakfast it is usually a couple eggs with veggies or salsa. I like lunch so I will usually have a salad, veg and leftovers or soup and sandwich and occasionally a piece of dark chocolate. Dinner is another salad, veg and small piece of meat. If I make bread I will eat a piece because...fresh bread, otherwise I usually skip the rice, quinoa, pasta, etc. I make for the skinny kids. My weekends aren't too different except I might add a nice dinner out with dessert or wine. This isn't set in stone though. Yesterday I skipped breakfast, had a large lunch and margarita with dh and just had fruit, almond milk and and spinach smoothie for dinner.
  7. Posted Yesterday, 09:05 PM Who has a phone..... Do you check his phone? Nope. I'm on teen boy #3. Do you have any monitoring software on his phone? Nope. Are you worried he will look at porn? I'm sure they have somewhere. Their friends have phones too, KWIM. I would rather discuss stuff casually and not turn things into forbidden fruit. I think many Christians weird fascination with making sex " dirty" actually leads to more problems and punishment/shame for curiosity is damaging.
  8. My brother and I pitched them. Life's too short to mess with them. We figured the relatives made it this far without them.
  9. Well Pesuasion, To Kill A Mockingbird and My Antonia are taken so.... The Bridge Over San Luis Rey. I really like this book, it's short and most people haven't read it. I 😠Jane Eyre.
  10. Target Champion brand has everything from boot cut to capris.
  11. I can't even fathom this happening in today's world. :( Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  12. I'll be the far end of the spectrum. We don't have any rules or curfew. In conversation I ask what they may be doing but that's it. So far no one has done anything crazy. We also haven't had anyone date much befor the summer after freshman year ( I think he was 15 and the date consisted of meeting her at a coffee house and coming back in an hour, LOL). I don't worry about the meeting thing.
  13. Our max is three piddly days. I could do more but dh can't. Those were on a boat where he couldn't get home. 😜 We've been married 30 years. We've probably vacationed 45 days in all that time.
  14. I pushed for " Oh, the places you'll go." , but my oldest dd chose this. I can't say she's wrong. “I think everyone should go to college and get a degree and then spend six months as a bartender and six months as a cabdriver. Then they would really be educated.†Al McGuire
  15. I read a book called Mindless Eating. It had actual science to back up the environmental changes. No junk or junk out of sight, fruits and veg where you see them, smaller plates and cups, no eating from the bag, no TV while eating....we've all heard it but doing all the tips does help. I don't watch network tv at night because pizza ads kill me. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  16. A good friend of mine worked there. This is the best advice.
  17. Yep. I'm 5'6" and 130 and wear a 2/4. As for weight loss. Everyone will give you what works for them which tells YOU nothing. It might take some tweaking. I eat 3 reasonable meals/day (No S). I lost and have kept off 40 pounds. Snacking is where I ate most of my calories. I know I won't do a diet. Just won't. I am perfectly able to cut back. If I get hungry for some reason I have lots of water and tea. I eat a good meal though, not a snack or a small " I want to lose weight" meal. I also run, do yoga and generally move around a lot. Try a video, there are even walking in place videos or do something after dh gets home. Sometimes it's not the weight, it's the muscle tone.
  18. The only mission trip our church does involves building repair and construction in KY. I know others whose kids have traveled . Some seem more useful than others and sometimes cost quite a bit. Our kids needed to cover transportation and food costs.
  19. No! I would choose floaty skirts, not maxi, because I like the breeze. Maybe just past my knee. If I had a choice I'd choose navy and another solid and 3 nice-ish t-shirts. I dislike my legs due to varicose veins so this is my summer uniform. A tank with a light sweater also works. I don't know what your time frame permits but I'd try secondhand/thrift first.
  20. Mine sent SAT scores to various schools and waited to see what financial aid they offerred. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  21. Nope. No one delivers at all. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  22. Example day Breakfast: 1 egg+2 egg whites Veggies Lunch: 6 oz Chicken breast Broccoli Dinner: 4 oz roast beef Carrots Snack through day: Smoothie made with 4 oz yogurt Protein powder ( I use brown rice) Fruit and other liquid 123 G protein per MFP-add other food as desired. I keep breakfast and the smoothie and change the lunch and dinner meats and vegetables. I think all the bread is filling you up. Protein bars and drinks can be a help.
  23. I live in a small Midwestern town. The nearest "real" grocery store is 20 miles away. If you have no transportation your only option is the (singular) gas station. Sometimes there is an onion, banana or Apple but that's it for produce. I know people who shop there from convenience and necessity. Hard to make good choices when they don't exist.
  24. Made pizza from freezer dough, half a bag of cooked sausage and open pepperonis. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
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