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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Everything in her nether regions would be, um, ungroomed. Very natural...
  2. I will never look at my lovely steaming teapot the same way again let alone walk by a tea house without snickering.
  3. We don't have public transport but if it's within a couple miles my kids bike or walk about 8. A young teen definitely could use their feet.
  4. Speaking as a parent of kids who don't have phones or tablets I would feel pressured and judged and I suspect my kids would feel like they were being excluded. I wish I had an answer but just putting in my opinion.
  5. A quiet cabin( with electricity and running water) a lake, books, crossword puzzles, bubble bath, coffee a cheesecake and wine😋 Truthfully my extrovert self would probably last 2 days but they'd be 2 restful days.
  6. Not an ideal day but it is an S day so... I did pick berries for a couple hours, went to church and then took my kids swimming. I got in some. Not crazy but not all book reading. Tomorrow I take dd on a college visit. I'll do what I can. Bfst-cobbler Lunch-chicken stir fry-no rice Pool-6 or 7 nachos Dinner-salad, 2 pieces pizza ( or will be when I get stuff cleaned up)
  7. I sat "rett up" to mean gather stuff. I say kitty corner. I'm in IN. ( I have a whole vocabulary full of ruralisms that drive dh batty.) My dad called the bathroom the biffie. I have stolen the southern " bless your heart". So useful.
  8. I'm in though today was a mixed bag. The good: I walked/jogged 3.5 miles, then strolled another 2 later in the day and went kayaking. The bad: I've had 2 bowls of black raspberry cobbler, a pice of baklava and popcorn today. Oh so nutritious. The ugly: I'm leaving for a concert in a few minutes. A glass of wine is likely.😘
  9. As an R. D. I second this. Much like MD's you may have to try 2 or 3 to find a good fit for your goals but at least you are guaranteed a trusted credential with an ethics policy.
  10. Yes! I hurt my back a month ago and can't run. Five pounds have shown up. That added to the five that were already there equals tight clothes. I need to get strict about my No S. I've had lots of creep-popcorn at the park, festival food, cookouts, etc. I'm slowly adding working out again too. My 35th class reunion is August 27 so I have a goal. We shall see. There's a vacation in the middle of that.
  11. I have no advice but maybe the comfort of knowing I feel this way. A lot. My 8yo begs to go to school. The 12 yo has one more year with me. She is contemplating a career where all the lab science and math she can get at PS will be a plus. Dh is totally over his career and would love me to pick up the slack, not that anyone will hire a 50 something years out of the job market. I have no answers just :grouphug:.
  12. Love. The kind of love that makes me do better and be better for someone else.
  13. Never seen one but they've been behind a tree nod into the edge of the cornfield so I guess they would have figured it out.
  14. I understand :grouphug:. It never helped that mine doesn't react to pain so he really doesn't get why others do. He really doesn't get physical or emotional distress. It's all flat for him 😕. I'm sorry he is being a pill.
  15. I really don't. They are all so different and I've been blessed and lucky to have an individual relationship vibe with each one.
  16. I have a system that I've gotten to after using and discarding different things at different times. Some things are more or less useful at different seasons of life. My dec orating are only things I love kept in a tote marked for the season/holiday. I have the kids get them and go at it. For me the point is memories not perfection. My asthetic is zenith and simple so I only have for ex. One towel for each person, one set of sheets per bed, enough dishes for us all to eat one meal but they are things I like. My plants at perrenials. I also like eclectic so my. Things are garage sale/ junk picked but they are things that speak to me ( and maybe no one else). My fridge calendar is still how the house runs. Old school but it works for us. I also keep paper to do lists. I will throw them to the wind if something better come up. Oh, and the best thing is making kids over 8 pretty much responsible for sir own belongings. Can't find it? Not my problem. Didn't wash it? Not my problem? Etc.
  17. I live rurally in IN. Taxes and college are ok but for decent services you're going to need a city. I'd rec Indy. We lived there for 10 years pre-kids and it's medical was very good. Here in the sticks ASD services are essentially non-available. I think a city will get you a much more liberal vibe. My dd lives in Valporaiso an hour outside Chicago, well educated, affluent college town. A nice mix of small with big city very close.
  18. :grouphug: We've been there too. If we'd had a horse it would have died. Praying it turns around for you.
  19. In my boys the loud/physical/aggressive/confrontational shot up. Even in my sweet type-B boy. All natural. They never really displayed it to me but to the brothers and dad. Lots of male jostling for position. Like watching wildlife really. I also think males tend to express almost any emotion as anger-sadness, embarrassment, frustration. I advise lots (lots) of physical exercise, sleep and patience.
  20. My dd did find a teaching position with her BA but it's 32,000 in our state. She is starting her master's because it is th only way to make an appreciable salary jump. ( She has had her BA 3 years.) In my dh's field ( pharmacy) entry level requirements have jumped from a 5 yr undergrad when he graduated 30 years ago to 6 years to now a Pharm. D., preferably with a fellowship. The amount of debt these young professionals have is staggering.my 17 yo is looking at a 2 year physical therapist assistant degree over her original PT choice after finding 7 years and a doctorate would be needed. I'm still thinking my one who wants to be an electrician may out earn the college grads.
  21. I'm not a planner. I believe they'll do what they have the drive to do. So far a private college graduated elm. Teacher ( stellar grades and scholarships but chose her low paying passion), state Uni.with scholarship but joined the guard and works as an EMT over using his degree, #3 got full ride state Uni. Scholarship and will hopefully actually use his degree 😀, #4 is strongly considering a 2 year degree in physical therapy asst. over 7 years of school to be a PT. none of those would be my dreams for them but I'll be content if they're content.
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