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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I'm mostly worried that in 1983 I was a dead ringer for Barb, pardon the term. Maybe I'm not me? ;-)
  2. I believe in sleep, gentle walks, neti pot (I figure it might wash out some virus and bacteria) and chicken soup. The last is probably totally psychological but it makes me feel cared for.
  3. I tried upping my sleep to 7-8and felt crappy 🤔 I actually feel better with right about 6 hours but all the articles say it's bad...I dunno. If you feel better keep doing what you are doing.
  4. I spent the day swimming with the two youngest. I went to my class 35th reunion yesterday and enjoyed it. My two high schoolers in PS are doing really well.
  5. All this to say if you're super careful and watchful Someone will attack you for over parenting. I believe our society enjoys outrage.
  6. I guess I was saying based on THEIR experience those parents don't think it's risky. They aren't consulting statistics, just doing the illogical " I did it and i"m fine" thing. I think they love their kids and genuinely don't think it's a big deal. I think there is, rightly or wrongly, there is a real class difference in trusting the experts over personal experience. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  7. I was pondering parental choices two days ago as I watched kids ride in the back of a pick up. I was positing it is based on experience and what seems normal. Here in rural America a kid in the bed of a truck is no big deal but I suspect urban parents might see it differently. I was attributing it to humans dislike of " the other." I think the vast majority of parents want their kids safe but what we think is safe depends on our personal history. I didn't think about morality being involved? *back to add the article addresses something else I've seen...a real class divide over " good parenting." If you have 7 kids and aren't wealthy you are looked at differently than a wealthier family with day care/nanny/day camp options. *another thought...psychologists, experts and grandparents are warning this helicoptering is counter productive or even unhealthy but those detriments are acceptable where the remote chance a child playing alone in their yard might be hurt isn't
  8. First, figure out just what was bugging you..my kid will be " dumb", I'll look bad, I like rules and don't like breaking them? Address what it is that is the issue. Realistically a conscientious homeschool covers much more than a brick& mortar will have time for, if people are judging you that's on them, no one but you is keeping track of those rules.
  9. I wear swim shorts and a rash guard because 2 minutes of sun and I'm crispy. I get eyed like I'm some sort of prude or nut. My girls wear something similar and my son too. Kids have asked them if we're in a " cult". 😆. Evidently covering or uncovering will annoy someone.
  10. Boiled eggs and/ or chicken breasts mostly on a big bowl of salad likely dressed with vinegar or weirdly kalamata olive brine. It's my go to. Protein and bulk. If I'm not hungry enough for that I figure I'm not hungry I'm bored. I don't snack often as I try to stick to 3S plan but if I absolutely need something that's it. My meals are mostly veg and lean protein with a small amount if brown rice, oatmeal or starchy veg daily. I eat berries and melon and save fruits for dessert. I avoid easy carbs and sugar because they leave me hungrier than when I started.
  11. Exactly what we do. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  12. Well, I never even tried so you have that. I'm just not that mom. Maybe you're becoming a new kind of wonderful, awesome mom, it's just not the one you envisioned.
  13. Bedtime means in your room and quiet. You may putter about in there as you wish. Extra minutes not on your room are added in chores and subtracted in screen time. Argue with me and the screen is gone. I don't give a hoot when you go to bed I do give a hoot if you tick off the sibs. Just how our house works. And she is 12.
  14. I'm all ears. My 8 yo is fast out growing the length of girls size 14 but she's all of 70 pounds. I had to buy her a ladies small ballet leotard though it is pretty gappy and roomy up top. Weirdly sized kids present problems.
  15. Cereal is my kryptonite. I can not.start. would steel cut oats or some quinoa with nuts or yogurt or fruit serve the same purpose with much less gorge potential?
  16. Took our own water. Refilled at the library. That's pretty dull 😄
  17. I totally agree that many parent to " look good." The parental and child identity get all jumbled. Being a proud parent is one thing, feeling your child's successes or failures are a result of you is another. I also think that children are currently perceived as a " product" that can be improved by following certain rules. We also live in such a lucky culture that many of the traditional worries...death from childhood disease, starvation, child work accident are so reduced we have time to worry about other things. A constant stream of media helps fuel those fears. Many of our society's precautions are legitimate ( for example car seats) but many (just the right preschool, no play ground running, etc) seem over controlling. Finally with the advent of jobs away from the family, longer commutes, two parent working families or single parents the actual time people spend with their kids is limited. I think some parents really don't know their individual kid so just fall back on guidelines. My 8 yo is fine staying alone for a couple hours. Not every 8 yo I've raised was. You need to know your individual child.
  18. A nice scented eye bag, a nice cup of tea to sip in the bath, washcloth or scrubby, a turby to tie my hair up. Can you tell I like these?😊
  19. At that point I'd feel like I deserved a vacation. Sort of a "We're already scr€wed we might as well enjoy it."
  20. I watch alone since no one else in my house cares but I always get chills no matter who wins. The gamble of spending years working for one moment. Not for the faint of heart. I yelled out loud for the " old guy" when Phelps won over Le Clos. Lilly King! A Hoosier so I was pulling for her. It's always good when a blunt person manages to back up her words.
  21. We've done both. My girls preferred GS. AHG here was the mostly sit in the church and do felt crafts thing so again leaders make all the difference.
  22. Our PS started Aug 1. It gets earlier every year. I hate that all the pools and weekday movie matinees and summer things close because all the kids are in school. My kids are left with nothing to do.
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