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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Gordon's Food Service or other restaurant supply place sell them washed, wrapped and ready to bake. That is a huge time saver.
  2. Taco potato bar is a fundraiser staple here. Sort of the best of both worlds. Chips available with it and butter and sour cream for the non-taco fans. Olives, green onions, tomato,beans, cheese, cheese sauce, peppers, whatever.
  3. I think it may be tied to possibly greater numbers of girls being " addicted" to high grades, perfection and the accolades that follow that. My high achieving girls really enjoy those rewards while my boys were more about " making stuff work". Of course there are differences and these are generalizations.
  4. We are pretty eclectic and I don't do a ton of planning. I know our general direction and will line up our math and LA. I will look at book lists and decide what we will read and see if they are available. If not I'll change books. I almost exclusively first try the library, then used sales, then used on the Internet. I buy very, very little. I don't have a set budget but our money doesn't stretch far ever so tiny would best describe it. YMMV
  5. ENTP-I find being home difficult so we have lots of activities but my type also likes to be inventive and test limits ( so they say) so that's a plus.
  6. I think weight loss is treated much like the men describing the elephant. We can all describe our experience but we don't have a total picture. That means we should believe when someone says calorie restriction, or low carb or whatever did not work for them but know there is more at play. What is or is not effective for an individual may not hold true for others. Now, I'm not shocked that such an extreme (abusive) program only worked short term or that people who had become morbidly obese have unique metabolism mechanisms in play. Add to all this magical thinking and a lack of patience and a food obsessed culture with poor habits and you get....the mess we have. *i'm going to plug No S again as a not flashy way to at least avoid craziness.
  7. Because I am old it was Grease. Dh and my first movie (and date) was Top Gun.
  8. I would love to do that too. I didn't even know it was a " thing". My guess is it's much like nutrition counseling and yoga ( both of which I'm certed to do). You need an urban area to have a large enough pool of people and works best if you have a working relationship with a gym, Y, or Doctor/chiro, etc. I end up volunteering/giving things away because I live in a rural, not health conscious area and I do have those pesky kids 🤓
  9. Ha, Always is the only brand I can use so definitely try different brands. Everyone is different.
  10. I've never really cared about the style of the house as much as the " feel". Our homes were never fancy but homey.
  11. Yes, we are very patient. For a deal I like to start looking before it's urgent. Here folks just sit stuff in their yard with a sign in the window. That's where we've gotten our last two vehicles.
  12. On the basis of grades/SAT scores ( for which we did no prep) my kids have mostly or completely had college paid for at 2 different state schools and a small private. With working they have no loans. They aren't unusually bright so it happens. ( They also applied for and received other scholarships locally.)
  13. Yes, my older 3 kids have done this. I don't spend $100/ month on books let alone sports, dance, music, etc. It's not a priority for us but to each his own I guess.
  14. Oops. Fixing it. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  15. :huh: We have never had any new furniture. Dh finally got tired of the couch with holes and went out and got this and a matching love seat. http://www.smithbrothersfurniture.com/catalog/ctl/detail/mid/580?a=01&c=sh&flc=f&bcs=Sofas&hst0=1657&hcv0=F&st=0657&cv=F Itis a dark gray. Now he expects me to decorate. Ack what site could help me visualize paint and curtains and make our gray recliners fit too. I dislike decorating because I have no eye. I need help. Any recommendations?
  16. Nothing. Jeans and t shirts for everybody. I don't remember the last time I was at a dry cleaners.
  17. For me, I'm fine if I don't take the first bite. If I do it's "Katy bar the door.". Also if they are so n the break room don't go there or wherever they are. Distance is your friend.
  18. Rural America has lots of problems but this thread has dh and I reconsidering our planned retirement move to a more urban area. On the bright side we have sav d little bits that have added up and dh has a 401k. Our best move has been to always buy beater cars so no loan and our house is nothing special but paid for. From the outside I suspect we actually look like we are struggling but savings aren't flashy.
  19. All this. Before kids I was a nekkid woman but once my nights included feelings, diapers, vomiting, croup and random teens I don't know in my kitchen the panties and tank seemed like a good compromise. I wouldn't want to scar one of my kids' friends by accident. ( I try to grab a robe but the sound of random vomiting tends to have me mindlessly bolting through the door praying no one vomited down.the.stairs.)
  20. A tank or cami and panties. I despise pj's, pants are horrible and nightgowns are the work of the devil.
  21. My kids tend to sleep in whatever. I don't have new clothes or pj's and I'm not traumatized. Judging by most kids who stay here pj's stop about age 8 anyway. Shorts and t-shirts seem to predominate.
  22. We should start a club....that no one wants to belong to.
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