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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Ha! Today she climbed 1,234,567 flights 😀
  2. I'm not sure of your kids' ages. It is harder with littles. We did everything that needed mom from 8-11 or so. Handwriting, reading, anything independent was done after lunch. From 3 to whenever everyone chipped in on picking up. Toys to rooms, vacuum, sweep kitchen, etc. I usually crockpot or batch meals so food prep isn't bad but there were plenty of taco nights. 😜 I only do an activity during school time if it really enhances school. If we have a fun day planned we quickly pick up before leaving. All that is pretty traditional I guess. Now that my kids are older and much more independent they tend to either " batch lessons" like read 3 chapters of history or do a week of math at a time or work later in the evening before bed. As long as it's done and they retain it I don't care how they do it.
  3. If it works for you go for it. We only have 1 towel/dish/set of sheets per person but times 9 people that was a lot. I don't have a dishwasher but wash dishes 5 or more times a day. I line dry our clothes. The nearest laundromat is 20 miles/away. Planning is a must. Minimalism is minimalist, not necessarily easy.
  4. Kindergarten ready? Huh, schools take everyone right? Ok, maybe not the charter. Are they one of those strange " do calculus by first grade" schools. Had the kids ever seen this kind of test? Were they freaked out? Sometimes mine miss things if the question is presented differently.ni might take it as info but not Holy Writ. Are your kids polite? Well spoken? Kind? If so I'd say that is far from failure.
  5. Percentages? I don't know. I doubt it's uncommon. It is not a big deal to me. It objectifies women but that is more my philosophical complaint than a personal judgement on guys who go. An occasional night out is not a problem for me, stopping by every night would be. I would never consider it infidelity. What do I tell my boys? Nothing really. Maybe that wouldn't be the path to a relationship and think about your paltry bank balance.
  6. No shoes. No little kids with big kids. Stay inside the net.
  7. I don't really care but I've noticed the shift here. Anyone at all wears a bikini. I'm a pale reddish haired woman. I'm in a rash guard under a tree with a hat unless it's one of the ten minute intervals of actual fun I allow myself.😒 People can wear what they want. I ( and I know this is petty, you don't have to point it out) find the beach makes me feel better about myself. At least among the fifties woman set.
  8. Just stir in some more mayo/sour cream mixed before serving each time. The macaroni absorbs a lot. But my favorite is Mexican pasta salad which uses sour cream, mayo and salsa. But I use MW because I don't like mayo.
  9. My dd's cross country team (20 males and females) is camping next week. I agreed to bring them dinner on Tuesday. Ideas or tried and true recipes? I'm thinking something that can be served room temp because I'm a good 30-40minuted from the camp site. Pasta? Fruit salad for dessert with cookies? I want enough to fill them but it's supposed to be 90 degrees so I'm not sure how " heavy" to go. Ideas?
  10. My kids respond to the negative, LOL. So The thing I really hate is... A rule we have that is unfair is... The most disgusting meal we eat is.... My sibs make me nuts because...
  11. I thought so but when my ds graduated 2 years ago cut off shorts, Harley tees and flip flops were in abundance. Of course I've seen the same at funeral viewings so it might be my area. I think anything goes.ni just like to dress up as does dh for things.
  12. Add some flour and stuff, fry them up and call them Garbonzo fritters!
  13. I have to admit my kids who don't live here get a little of that treatment. I want us to have a nice time, make their favorite, foods, etc. not quite to the catalog level but I kind of get it.
  14. A pretty good day. B-2 eggs, kefir L-a salad with a little leftover taco meat, Hesse guac and salad D-salad, biscuit, ham, zucchini, strawberries and chocolate. I walked for 45 minutes and did yoga and PT stretches for my back.
  15. We have kids but two no longer live here. We ended up with four bedrooms and one bath. Dh and I had one bedroom we built, three boys in one, three girls in another and oldest dd got a tiny one to herself.
  16. I tried combining but the ones close in age are very different and the ones with similar personalities were too far apart by ability. Mostly anyone past about 9 or 10 worked independently with me in more of an advisory position. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  17. I would think something else is off if you are exhausted. Did you just up mileage? New training schedule? Diet or sleep changes? I also think individuals vary. I get up, have coffee and run. I don't take water but others like to drink. Others like a snack. Is running a new thing or just time of day?
  18. A lot depends on your child and household. If you generally run a " tight ship" I'd spell it out. If you're not going to check or mind when she goes to bed I'd explain once and let her go. Our expectations were far different when my olders were 8 and I worked and we needed to be up at 6 as opposed to the current 8 yo who only needs to be up at 8 a couple days a week. She goes to bed on her own time frame. I fall asleep far earlier than my kids. My particular 8 yo has been doing all the hair,shower stuff for a couple years. She doesn't need oversight. Some of my boys would have whispered the word soap and considered themselves done. I also have kids who self-regulated and others who at 8 were pretty emotionally young. It really depends on your kid. Is it really a big deal if she did go play? Just tell her to knock it off and go to bed. Problem solved
  19. Brfst: cherries, 1 pc toast & peanutbutter Lun: salad with ham, cheddar, a few pepitas, 4 triscuits and goat cheese, popcorn at beach Din:salad w/ extra lean taco meat, cheddar, tomato and avocado, brownie I picked berries, did a modified yoga flow and went to the beach( ok, it's a flooded gravel quarry but we're landlocked here). I was hoping for another walk this pm but thunderstorm is rolling in 🙄
  20. Thank you all! My dd is looking at me like I'm nuts as snort into my coffee but thank you.
  21. This may depend on where you live. There are plenty of free puppies and kittens where I live ( that is not all good of course). Our own pets are a stray cat and a farm puppy. I do know people who spend crazy amounts on " spoiling " their pets but by no means everyone. Many people here still think of cats and dogs as working parts of the farm.
  22. I admit to liking chia as a gelatinous goo, not a horticultural experience. And if I see a thatch roofed tea house I shall roll about the sidewalk and attract undo attention.
  23. I don't know your dd so use your intuition but I really, truly, honestly do not enjoy gifts. If she made a real request, honor it.
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