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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. In a vain attempt to maybe start early ( usually about 12/20 before I get started) I asked my kids what they would like. I got two "nothing" s, one " I don't need anything" and two requests for a refrigerator box. Two didn't answer my text. -sigh- I'm hoping someone has a list of cool, small things so we can pretend to be a normal family. 😛
  2. Stalked sounds dangerous so no. The object of quite a bit of derision by groups I belonged too? Yes.
  3. Teen stuff to get out of what he considers boring or unnecessary. I wouldn't get worked up. Of course I probably wouldn't be asking my 14 yo if they brushed teeth or showered.
  4. Generously, I think sometimes the person is voicing some inner story they told themselves or their confused memory of a story. Sometimes people just get carried away and want to tell the good story. Sometimes it's a weird need to have the most, best, worst...whatever. A way to win or impress. It doesn't come off that way. And yes,moment people just lie.
  5. I have some individual meals frozen just like frozen dinners. I think even if it's not perfect it beats nothing. I also tend to serve the same thing a couple days ( reheat as you need) and like one pot things. I keep thinking things will slow down but realistically that isn't going to happen. I value family dinner but it seems one or two of us is coming in late or leaving early 😕.
  6. Also my anecdote is running decreased my migraines (or just weighing less leading to less estrogen decreased my headaches) or it was a happy accident. My brief experiment with low carb increased them 😦
  7. I agree. I make things super simple. I also read health magazines, sites, etc to stay focused. I like the book Mindless Eating https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0553804340/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=borborygmi-20 for ideas to make eating well a default. Maybe join an virtual group for accountability vs WW.
  8. All of us. All free except 9 yo. Dh-healthcare DD- teacher DS-healthcare/military DS-college PS high schoolers, my HS littles and I- no time to be sick! None of us had any reaction past a couple with a tender spot on arm.
  9. Age appropriate graphic novelish books and Captain Underpants were necessary to suck mine in.
  10. Nostalgia. The longing for that special thing and what you'd do to get it. The grumpy dad. Kid relationships with each other. Kitschy parental decorating and prideful foibles. They just all ring true to my childhood experience and so for me it's a warm, fuzzy movie. My dd was in the play three years ago. It was very well received i.e. Profitable for our little theater.
  11. My husband's job started as a way to meld interest and career but in the 34 years he's been practicing things have changed and at this point he's just waiting it out until retirement. I have merged my dietetics degree and yoga into a few small jobs but it's not a career. More of a charity service really 😀
  12. My parents were wise and didn't really give advice but I internalized their fear of spending money too well. I still feel if I don't save 1/2 a paycheck I'm frittering money away. Still working on disregarding that.
  13. I just kept reusing the free trial. I've moved on to just me and no app.
  14. I get up and exercise very early otherwise there is zero/zip/nada time for me. At this point in time every day is a headlong rush until I tumble into bed.
  15. No help, we are exactly opposite you and your dh. The snails pace my dh does laundry makes me batty. I do mine and the 9 yo's he does his own. It was the only way to avoid counseling.😀(Note we have lots of these compromises because we do NOTHING the same way.
  16. Here teens often do wear pj pants to school. I see them often when shopping. I haven't quite gone that far myself😀. I suspect attire depends on the community culture. I would say yoga pants and messy buns are a SAHM uniform here.
  17. We would never vacation with kids those ages but if we did we'd likely have the working kid pay for her ticket ( we'd probably pay for some meals, etc).
  18. Not to derail but that may be the best description of what it takes to be a mom in general I've heard whether you're dealing with doctors, teachers, psychologists, coaches or parents of bullies.
  19. My thoughts? I'd do the MRI or I'd not rest. I'm still praying for you both.
  20. Push for the MRI now. Waiting just lets her feel bad with no action and let's you worry. I'm so sorry for you both.
  21. Though all three are beautiful I would choose Adalia. Adalia Sophia or Adalia Sylvie are nice. My only warning, which isn't really a warning but information, is that others will make her Addie and mispronounce often. I have a (sweet) Adeline that hears Adalynn or strangely Addison or Addie often. Not a huge thing now she speaks up but a minor annoyance when she was a baby/toddler.
  22. I find Gaiam yoga pants ( on sale with a coupon 😉) are a ticker, better quality so smooth those generous spots that cheap, thin pants put on display.
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