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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. So sorry :grouphug: whatever it is you can get through. Maybe not prettily but through is through. I agree, share with someone you trust.
  2. IMHO it's not their money. It is a gift I plan to give but I don't think it is theirs until I choose to give it. It's not about them handling it. I think they could learn those skills to budget much earlier with their own earnings.
  3. My kids are older so we discuss it before they hear it somewhere else. I try to keep the more graphic details from the 8 yo with mixed success. She's not very sensitive though so if she sees or hears we discuss.
  4. So far, mine have been very sensible. They only get the money they work for. No allowances. My older 2 are independent, the 20 yo probably 80% independent. They get very creative. My 17 yo is a weekend nursing home receptionist, 15 yo mows yards, 12 yo sells at farmer's markets. I guess the 8yo hasn't needed money yet 😬. I'm not sure if it's that or my and dh's careful approach they watched or just never having very much at once. The only loan dh and I have ever had was our house we paid early. I assume they may have internalized that as normal.
  5. What was said about the music. Speak clearly, slowly, make eye contact naturally. Directors can't afford to cast a kid who will be too quiet, etc. An age appropriate monologue-Alice in Wonderland, Pippi Longstocking,Little House. I dislike little kids doing Agnes of God or something of that ilk. Break a leg!
  6. I am so sorry. People are stupid. That's all I've got. I am so sorry for your pain.
  7. From what's 17 yo tells me this starts in high school. A very, small rural high school in the Bible Belt I might add.
  8. Thank you everyone. I am now well and truly scared. I have to go through my family MD. I will try to get in this week. 😕 His week.
  9. Ok, I'm hitting up the hive which presumably is smarter than random i nternet sites. I hurt my back and had horrible pain down my left leg. Sciatica I'm thinking. It feels better but my left foot is numb and my left leg is weak. Pinched nerve I'm thinking but what is best to do? Live with it? MD? Chiropractor? I don't want to spend $$ for not much help, KWIM?
  10. https://www.amazon.com/Connected-Child-healing-adoptive-family/dp/0071475001/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465813147&sr=8-1&keywords=the+connected+child+by+karyn+purvis The book is about adopted kids but I thought it had good info about respect. I would just plainly tell a 13yo that the way he speaks hurts you and things will be changing. Every time he is disrespectful I would point it out. Every time. Right then. This will likely stink for quite some time. I wish I had more fun advice. My now 17 yo has always been difficult. This honestly took about two years.-sigh-
  11. This is the humor my family likes. We rely on sarcasm too. It is " our way." We tend to have conversations like, Me " be careful." Kid " you can't make me."
  12. I'm pretty sure I couldn't adequately answer for our merit badges. Counsellors can be overly picky too. It's discouraging.
  13. I honestly get most of our shoes at Goodwill. Walmart is big spending. I bought the 17yo and 15yo ~$30 (on sale&coupon) sneakers for track. Just not our priority and no one has picky feet. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  14. The age of your kids and their personality make a difference. Also if as a family you are quick or slow movers. My older kids are at the point where I just give them the stuff and they ask if they can't figure it out. The 2nd grader is on her way to just needing me to check stuff. I know that isn't average or possible with k&1st and the beginning of 2nd. Anything they can do on their own? We are usually at it from 8-11 but they may do reading or history at bedtime. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  15. Yes. Enough for dh to hire someone to help with the kids for a bit. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  16. Our area ( rural IN) is low COL but good jobs require a long drive, schools are meh, arts & entertainment take some doing. Cheaper groceries, housing, sports & lessons for the kids are plusses. Today spent $200 for people's groceries and I bought good stuff. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  17. Twaddle. All twaddle. I honestly don't remember any assigned books. I did have a dog phase where any sad dog book I could get my hands on I read so Ol' yeller, Where the Red Fern Grows, Big Red, and Sounder were slightly less twaddlish. I remember reading an entire set of biographies for kids -Clara Barton,Helen Keller, Florence Nightengale. Madam Curie. I gravitated to the girls. I was in 6th grade in 74/75. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  18. Fairly often. I also have asmr so just assumed it was related.
  19. My 8yo announced last week that she wants to move to Paris and how did she get her visa or MasterCard or whatever. 😀 Then she said I could visit her if I'm not too old.😜
  20. :grouphug: Hugs and prayers. It is totally ok to say and be afraid. You are human.
  21. If it grows or walksor swims it's probably fine. Stuff from a factory probably isn't. Even homemade " junk" is a little better than factory made. Mostly veg, fruit, lean meat or plain cooked grains in that order IMHO.
  22. We help some with groceries or small expenses if you are in college. Graduation makes it your party! If my kid was starving or homeless they could come back if it was honestly bad circumstances but not if he/she just didn't want to work. Our oldest lived here during her first year of teaching. It allowed her to save money for security deposit and better used car. She paid all her personal expenses but I didn't charge for food. She usually was working and didn't eat anyway. My 20 yo is home for summer. He is working 20 hrs/week and taking classes so he's on his own for fun but I'm feeding him. I wouldn't pay rent, etc for a kid not living here. My 22 yo works full time and is finishing college. I tend to send him food and we gave him a $1000 car so he could get to work.
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