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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :bored: I'll sympathize with you. :iagree: Expect further escalation of her paranoia and great efforts to inflict guilt; I'm not sure what a doctor could do, but checking into it is worth a try. What she wants is just not rational or reasonable. A live-in permanent rest / retirement home with good medical care sounds like what she needs. Listen to your husband on this one.
  2. My eyes can't take the new whiteboard format. I'm hoping for an option to fix or I'll have to find another place to hang out. And no spell check...ouch!
  3. I have a set of 9+ year old, Cuisinart SS, and I abuse and use it daily. Dishwasher...oh yeah. Something stuck, I use an SOS pad, knife, metal spatula, and it cleans right up easy as pie. If it needs a shine up, I rinse it with vinegar and it's beautiful again:D. I love not worrying about tearing up a toxic finish.
  4. It would be a beautiful gift for the kids, but I'd think of something else for dh in this case. Imo, if it caused sadness for them to go enjoy it without you, I'd talk it over with dh and maybe look for another gift.
  5. We've lived in our neighborhood for 9 years and the neighbor's still barks nonstop at us, falling leaves, cars going by, lawn mowers, kids at the bus stop, people walking by, the dogs owners, their kids, other dogs, squirrels, rabbits... It never stops barking even if it is taken inside; we love when they take him in and count our blessings that he isn't an outdoor dog. I'd think long and hard before purchasing a home with 3 aggressive dogs next door. I'd also be concerned that the owner didn't quiet them when he came outside.
  6. I think the name is beautiful. Your baby, your choice. Shrug...for your mom. If she was generally loving and supportive, maybe...but no way does she get to veto your dd's name... even if she was. (Tiny, maybe if it was the name of someone who did her harm.)
  7. Absolutely. When I bottle it for friends, I often put a single bean in the bottle. I leave the beans in our bottle until I use up the vanilla or want to make something like vanilla-bean ice-cream with them.
  8. Interesting... Our instructions simply call for turning the bottle upside down once a week and keep it stored in a dark place. We usually let it brew for a few months; it continues to darken and the flavor is richer. Most of the time, I never take the beans out of the bottle unless we're giving it as a gift. (Big bottle = 7-9 beans, scraped up the middle.) I don't think there is a wrong way to make it.
  9. I'm so sorry I never meant it that way, and now I feel awful. I'm teary and tired (pms'ing) this morning and well, I apologize profusely.
  10. It should be up to the mom-to-be. Around 12 weeks falls into many expectant moms comfort zone.
  11. I've never heard of it until yesterday, and I lived in California for 5 years.
  12. Can you send cupcakes to the youth group? :grouphug:Do what you can, I'd go with his Airsoft party and not worry about decorations etc., the carpets or sofa.
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