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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. He lied, sued (and was awarded $$$) people who questioned him and threatened a number of people. I'm not listening to his public plea for attention. However imo, he owes a real one to a number of people.
  2. I don't have any advice, but my experience with hormones has been they go up and down. If your ds, feels depressed and describes himself as angry and depressed, I would take him seriously.
  3. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss.
  4. Update Total to date $1638.53 sigh... Now, I need to go grocery shopping.
  5. :iagree: We have a gas fire place (not the kind with a blower and electric switch) and while we can turn it on if the electric goes out it lets in a ton of cold air because the chimney isn't closed. The electric switch or remote ones can be dangerous if the power if off due to venting issues. I think if given the choice, I'd go for a wood burning one and just deal with the mess.
  6. You might try messing with his mind by being terribly kind and agreeable today.
  7. What an interesting topic; I never realized how many different categories of twins there were. Kinsa, your young men look totally identical to me; the mirror twin is something I've never heard of. I'd go for the testing if it's an option. In the picture of the boys, I couldn't tell with the different hair styles, but they look pretty identical to me. (Like I'm some expert or something. LoL ) Love the pictures btw.
  8. Julie, I just saw you updated too. :grouphug:
  9. :grouphug: Astrid, thanks for taking time to update. I'm praying here for your family. :grouphug:
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. :bigear: We're tracking our spending this month and I'm already :blink: nearly hyperventilating looking at the actual spending on paper. Prices keep going up and the actual grocery items are shrinking to smaller and smaller packages. We need to cut, but I want to keep it as healthy as possible. We don't eat a lot of meat here (one vegetarian and I only eat fish) and that saves a lot on meals. I do cook three meals a day; I do not love it btw, but it is pretty much how we eat. (We deal with allergies, the different likes dislikes and some days I'm a little nuts pulling it all together.) Everyone can cook around here, but that seems to boost the grocery bill. I like cooking in big batches and often freeze a number of meals that dh can take for lunch or someone can heat up if they don't love what's on the menu. Some dear boardie recommended once a week cooking way back when and I do all of the meat on the weekend, while it's fresh from the grocery store. Thawing meat and then cooking it creeps me out, and it just takes more effort than I like. Each week a number of our meals are vegetarian, but the guys deal with it; sometimes they don't notice I've made vegetarian chili phased out any meat in our pasta dishes a long time ago.. Reading the different ideas and tips is helping my find my happy place again. Cooking, grocery shopping and meal planning in January is dull and as depressing as the weather.
  12. I would be nervous; your feelings are normal and sound pretty justified. Report the threats, and anything suspicious. I'd keep the outside lights on at night and double check everything was locked and secured.
  13. I love talking to my family on the phone; they all live so far away. I do detest many telemarketers.
  14. It may be freezer burned, but I think it would be fine..
  15. I'm so glad you said this. I nearly had a heart attack, because I didn't pre-wash the fabric.
  16. Bumping! I need the mailing address now.
  17. We have pop-corn ceilings...I can dust them. We painted a ceiling and that was more work than I care to ever do again.
  18. I'm watching on our local PBS station. I thought it was a little long, but hang in there for the full show.
  19. :iagree: I would not step into the middle of this.
  20. Some libraries had/have old newspaper micro-fish. I hope you find lots of information. Now I've just got to read that book.
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