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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I (we) do eat breakfast every morning, but it changes based on what we have and what we want.
  2. That's crazy...I've never heard of anything (viral) living for 2 weeks on a surface. :scared:
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. I didn't see any spoiler either. Dh was reading while I watched and casually mentioned that her dieing would really shake things up. I said, "Oh, they'll never do that." We were both pretty surprised by the ending.
  6. It may have been a compliment that he was wiling to ask; I'm sure he enters many homes and would rather die holding it. (I know, I've told myself that before.)
  7. I get where you were coming from, but any grandma worth her salt would know and would be happy. A baby being welcomed into a loving home and family with two parents is a blessing.
  8. Wow, according to the link we're liberal, but normal. (I've always felt a bit guilty for spending so much, but felt I could do better with more effort; so much for that thought.)
  9. Ds-15 y/old can easily eat all day long and is still very thin. I try to provide good healthy choices with plenty of protein, but he is just growing and almost always very hungry. I have noticed the items shrinking at the grocery store. We bought nuts the other day; I nearly freaked at the price increase and then about had that heart attack when we got home. The new can was soooo much smaller than the one on our shelf. I've noticed this all over the grocery store on items from toilet paper to cereal.
  10. I have the same problem... Our total groceries to date for the month of January is an shocking embarrassing $1246.49 :scared: . That is about $40 a day for a family of 4. That includes paper products, and personal care items, but not eating out. (We barely eat out, but do order the occasional take out pizza and hit a drive through here and there when busy.)
  11. My oldest used the Dave Ramsey, course and found him very engaging.
  12. I always love your cakes. I think it is adorable!
  13. :grouphug: I guess at least she is predictable. I would have been tempted to not tel her and just act like she should have known a new grandchild was on the way or it was one of those none of your business; if you can't be happy for us moments. When someone announces they are having a baby, the correct reply is.. congratulations! Think what you want, but keep your negative lips zipped.
  14. I agree with following her lead :grouphug: . Grieving is a very individual thing. My mil does not want any reminders of her fil. Knowing what to do can be very difficult and the last thing we want to do is be hurtful.
  15. What an interesting thread. I'm going to call my sisters later and compare memories.
  16. I need to go back and separate out the spending into categories; right now the list is just a document of every dollar spent including mortgage, car payments and regular household expenses. Ouch...$3925.24 Getting my dh to participate in tracking each and every dollar has been very positive.
  17. Oh, the poor kid. Sending prayers for his comfort and healing.
  18. No advice, just sending good wishes for healing your way.
  19. Thanks for updating us. I'm happy and sad about the resolution.
  20. :iagree: And I do appreciate seeing the ages.
  21. We're thinking of you and your family this morning. :grouphug:
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