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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. It's always nice to read a positive update, and I'm glad things are working out.
  2. They're beautiful! (Btw...dd and I took cake decorating and were both a bit freaked out by the Crisco too.)
  3. Momma, it's non of their business and it is OKAY TO BE RUDE to protect her. Don't allow them to pressure or guilt you into possibly adding to your dd's burden. Tell them to MYOB (mind your own business) or she has a medical issue and getting treatment and we're not discussing it. You can be thankful for their concern without opening your family up to their questions. Your dd's counselor may have ideas for dealing with them. :grouphug: I hope your dd finds a measure of peace soon. :grouphug:
  4. No...I've had them ask to look in the box and once they asked for the exact contents. They wouldn't even allow a letter notecard to be included. :confused1:
  5. I'm so sorry...(((Hugs and prayers.)))
  6. :grouphug: How scary for everyone. Prayers for healing.
  7. I totally agree with you and the others, leaving them is for the best. I'm sorry for your loss.
  8. You know, that (the red highlighted above) would be a truly reasonable reason not to trust her with your children. It may be old age / dementia or just mean, but can you really trust her not to harm your kids? (She obviously doesn't adore them, and she is very capable of hurting you, when you frustrate her.) Imo...Fwiw, I wouldn't trust her around the kids until I was up and around after the new little one arrives; a number of the elderly can be harmful to themselves and others,
  9. My belief is that a driver who backs over something (thank goodness, it wasn't someone) is at fault. (Truth be told, I believe the police would see it that way if a report were filed.) A twelve year old is plenty old enough to put his bike away, but the driver is still responsible. Fixing the bike and requiring the kid to help is very reasonable to me.
  10. You mil sounds like she wants to be considered family, but treated like a guest with no responsibilities or expectations of helping out. Pick your poison mil...you either help with kids, chores, cooking, clean-up and pampering the new momma or you are a guest and guest get to visit when it's convenient to cater to them. I vote for telling her she needs to get a hotel or she'll be expected to actually be nice and pitch in. Oh, and there will be a chore list! :lol:
  11. A life style of being Green and energy conservation is a big reason among teens here. I guess parents might enjoy not having their car insurance jump up as well as the cost of providing them gas, insurance and an actual vehicle, not to mention the safety issues. The fact that many teens text and drive or drive under the influence, have accidents and are generally not ready for the responsibility is another good reason.
  12. I'd want to know the reason for her being fired, even if I did like her. I sit on a local board here, and I'm often one of the few willing to ask why or for more details. Rubber stamping and a willingness to be intentionally dense is not in my DNA.
  13. Sure, I even think a 3/4 length sleeve would be cute, but then I'm always cold and love them. Disclaimer...I'm not sure I'm in the current fashion know.
  14. When I have a question about feeding little ones something I feel weird about, I either toss it or just feed it to the grown ups. There is nothing worse than watching your little ones be sick and knowing you did it to them. In this case, I would cook them vs. refreezing them.
  15. Aldi's Grade A at $3.99 for 8.5 oz.has the lowest cost per ounce here, Sam's is the second lowest, and then Walmart.
  16. Minimally, I'd want them all the same color. Mine are white, but given the chance to choose all new...I'd likely go with SS, as I'd like to sell this house one day and move some place warmer. My understanding is that SS is something buyers love and look for when home shopping.
  17. I wish this was a multi answer poll; it was hard choosing just one answer.
  18. Yes, I have, but it was pointed out that it all begins with me. If I don't make homeschooling a priority or value and love it...Why would they think it was a priority or value and love it? (I'm not saying my ds, loves it (or ever will), but he does know it is what we do and it's important to be done daily and well,day after day.)
  19. I Have Nothing To Wear, by Jill Martin is a very simple tool with pictures to help you find your style and the right pieces to build an excellent wardrobe. My library has a copy and I keep checking it out.
  20. Only 9% effective rate for seniors 65 and older is pretty shocking; I wasn't surprised with the general population numbers.
  21. We have 3 Super Walmart stores. The oldest, smallest and closest to my house has kept, but shrunk their craft / fabric section. The newest never had one and the other one got rid of their section a few years ago. Now, I'm curious to check both other stores. We do have 2 Hancock and 2 JoAnn's stores locally.
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