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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. www.coloradogiftcompany They have some inexpensive Cup of Colorado Teas that might work.
  2. That policy makes me sad for so many kids. My sister's foster kids suffered from so many dental problems that were 100% not their fault; that would have been horrible for them.
  3. After thinking about it and reading the posts, I guess I can expect more of the photo requests. It just took me by surprise this morning. I had that gooey fluoride stuck all over my teeth and I felt pretty mussed after the cleaning. I think I would have felt better getting it done on arrival vs. while paying my bill in front of the other people in the waiting room. I'm pretty compliant and said okay after asking why, but it still felt a bit unsettling. Her reason of for the file, was pretty vague, but I felt like I needed to say okay. However, I clamped my mouth shut over the fluoride, and just gave a hurry up and take the picture look. I do hope it's kept inside the file, and I never have to see how it turned out.
  4. Very scary....It always hit very hard when these incidents happen close to home. We seem to have them regularly here, about once a year there is an attempt on a student. I have to admit being pretty surprised as we move from a big metro city to the Midwest and I expected less crime for some reason.
  5. I did ask why, and she said it was just for the files. The office is pretty small, and I've been going there for a long time now; everyone is on a friendly, first name basis. It was just kind of strange, but I did say okay. I could tell there was a little tension in the waiting room, as the others were watching with quite a bit of interest. (It wasn't any type of smile before / after photo.)
  6. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm not sure what the tipping norm is for dog nails.
  7. This morning, after my dental cleaning the office administrator asked to take my picture for the their file. Would you or have you had pictures for your dental file? Any ideas why they want one, or why they are beginning to take them?
  8. Why didn't your sister speak directly to you? I'm thinking she and your mom are wrong in the way they went about this. Your mom, could have easily declined to be the messenger and your sister could have asked your directly. I'm not sure how I would handle this, but I would feel very put off by their tactics. You might jokingly say something like..."But we already name her that at conception." :boxing_smiley:
  9. Tears and prayers for our dear Kay, and her family. :grouphug:
  10. Our filter is inside the refrigerator; it's located at the back upper right. I think it's pretty small around 5 inches long and 3 or 4 around. It's super easy to change.
  11. :bigear: I'm listening here.
  12. I always offer to drop off my donation at the station. This has always ended with a click as they hang up on me. I never donate to solicitations by the phone is my standard answer, but every once in a while I like to mess with them a little this way or by asking for a call back number.
  13. Tammyla

    All Done

    I'm so happy your update was good news.
  14. It is okay to say no, for no good reason. Remind yourself that it is okay to say no and give no reason other than, this is not a good time or it doesn't work for us. "Sorry, that's not possible at this time." You may need to get a sticky note and post this on your door, so that you can just look at it and repeat it until they get it.
  15. Oh, and I would insist that the young man, knock or ring the bell politely. If he kicked and pounded on my door; that would be an automatic suspension of visits for a week. And I let the momma know my new policy / policies.
  16. I hired a local professional to custom order and install honeycomb-blackout shades. We love them in the bedrooms. They keep out the heat or cold and it is like midnight in there during the day. (Our house came with them in 3 out of four of the bedrooms, and I was shocked at how much of a difference they make.) Now they are in all the bedrooms and my dd, who used to get up with sun...gets up when she sets her alarm.
  17. :iagree: I totally agree with Jean; your local library may have the book BOUNDARIES, by Cloud and Townsend. Family time is perfectly normal and it isn't unreasonable to expect her to follow your schedule. Personally, I'd consider putting up a two sided flippable sign that says playtime or family time. I would answer the door and say it isn't playtime or it's family time, and you need to go home. This can be said in a pleasant voice with a smile, and after a while he and the mother will get the message that you are not an on-call free sitter. (How lucky she must feel getting her errand, housework and some free time from her son while you do all the work.)
  18. Many, many prayers for the two of you. :grouphug:
  19. Re-writing history is often attempted by people who feel guilty, and want to make themselves look and feel better about what they did. It really stinks when it's family doing it. I'll just hope she can look past her wants, and find it in her heart to support you and your dad now. :grouphug:
  20. I hope the treatment is the best for you and the little one. Prayers for the two of you. :grouphug:
  21. I'm very sorry for your loss. We lost fil a year and a half ago. :iagree: with working with her to empower / equip her to handle her personal and financial decisions. The desire to care for and nurture her will be strong, but she will need these skills to function on a day to day basis.
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