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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: Big thank you to both of you. Military life does demand so much of families. I'm another BTDT retired now, who was very burned out the last few years.
  2. Poor kids, poor you. :grouphug: I hope they can get something prescribed to help her quickly and that it works.
  3. Oh, I wish I could bring over a meal and give you a little break. :grouphug: I've joyfully helped out moms with twins and happily volunteer now. If someone offers, say yes and give them a date and time or better yet have them over asap. Volunteers appreciate a list to make it easy and not bug the new momma. It's nice to look at a list and think, I can clean bathroom or do a load of laundry. (Have one of your older kids make the list and include everything.) I hope you find help and send virtual hugs and chocolate or something stronger like a vente latte.
  4. Well, that stinks. I hope they get the money to her asap.
  5. :grouphug: Before and after school care givers are in high demand here. My neighbor did this and cleaned houses when she needed to work and be home with the kids.
  6. Oh, how cute! I always love looking at your cakes.
  7. (((Julie))) Please tell your therapist what your are feeling & thinking, so he or she can help you through this; that is their job...to help you. There are a number of options available. It does sound like a support group of some kind might be a safe place for you to talk about and work through this.
  8. It looks like the update can be read now on the first page.
  9. Thank you for updating us. I would love to send a card when mailing info in available.
  10. :grouphug: Wicker can be a allergy trigger. I'd consider getting rid of the canvas covers and go with plastic. Air purifier? Have you tried having him sleep in another room? It's strange that you and dd have symptoms when you go in his room.
  11. Cool! I haven't made yogurt in a long time, but always used a glass-candy-thermometer, and like op heated and cooled the milk to the exact temps. Now I'm in the mood to try again, especially as the Stonyfield price keep climbing here.
  12. I totally understand, but her dh is the one having trouble and it might help him accept the grandchildren.
  13. Stacey, Have you considered suggesting and paying for the DNA testing to help your dh accept the children. It doesn't cost much and could be beneficial to everyone in the long run. (I've had experience with a df thinking her dad was her bio-father and finding out when she was 19 that he wasn't; it was devastating.) I feel for the babies, it isn't fair and their lives are going to be more difficult because of their parents decisions. I hope your dds and his gfs can be encouraged to practice some sort of birth control; a vasectomy would be ideal, but anything would be better than nothing. It sounds like he is very immature and not thinking of how this growing number of children he is happily making are going to struggle growing up.
  14. We enjoyed watching the news coverage here.
  15. Lara, does your machine shop have any logo hats or t-shirts? :iagree: I lived in Japan and exchanged many gifts. They loved old jeans, ice-cream, Southwestern things (my family is from AZ) American things like Twinkies and American beer in a can.
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