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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: Oh my, that sounds horrible. I hope this is the end of it and you are all well again asap.
  2. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: How scary. You must be wonder-woman to keep on with just a little first aid after that fall. My parents are moving into a smaller house and mom refused to downsize before making sure everything doesn't fit in the new one. They moved in February 9th and she is still unpacking. I wish I lived close enough to help; as it is I may fly out there this summer after school finishes up to help if they aren't done.
  3. So many, I'm afraid to count them. High school just seems to take so much longer than the lower grades.
  4. :grouphug: Op, how terrifying. Lizzie, that was funny.
  5. :iagree: I'm not sure why they do it, and I had the same experience with a do-it-myself project. I'm often surprised when an actual book is bound so loosely it falls apart, but consumable workbooks are bound to last forever. I always choose 3 hole or comb bound if it's an option.
  6. I think the idea is a good one, but agree that anyone with a serious allergy could be in danger a number of things going wrong. People with food sensitivities would be helped though. I'd try to keep it simple and make the supplies available at the food service area. Stationary stores have a clear plastic flyer stand that might be useful for easy display.
  7. It would be one less thing to stress her while writing.
  8. Aw, I hope she tries again and it end successfully. I agree with practicing the interview skills; they can be nerve racking.
  9. I've never heard of it or thought to ask for it, but why not.
  10. My parents old house that built in the 80's had the heater in the great room (family room kitchen dining) and it was a nuisance to listen to while chatting or watching tv. Luckily it was Arizona and my mom hated too much heat due to menopause.
  11. OUr Kinkos changed to just a FedEx now, but when it was a Kinkos, they were pretty expensive. I've had a few workbooks that were bound so super tight that writing in them was almost impossible. I would have paid almost anything to have some one cut the binding off vs. just working with it or trying to do it myself.
  12. Thanks for the info....I was surprised how cheap it was too. I wish, I'd checked with Staples or Office Depot or Office Max a few years ago; it would have saved me a lot of drama. I wouldn't have thought to have him cut it further in either...That was a good idea. The guy who cut mine was very precise and took his time lining it up. I didn't even think about having them punch it and put a spiral or comb-binding on it. That could save a lot of money; if it is acceptable with the pub of course. I just wanted the think to lay flat, so I wouldn't hear the fussing from ds about it.
  13. The thought of attempting to cut one off myself prompted me to call and ask the question. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot more. I checked a few years ago at Kinkos and they charged $12+ for a specific number of pages, and that was cost prohibitive for me.
  14. :grouphug: Oh, I'm so happy for you. Rest and heal.
  15. I'm sure that's possible, but they did an excellent job here. I was able to watch him cut it; it was pretty cool and he was careful to line it up. One year I cut the binding off myself and it was a tedious 3 day job with an exacto knife and a pair of very sharp scissors. I went slowly and tried to do a good job, but it didn't turn out half as good as what that super-machine did at OfficeMax.
  16. for $1.48 here in a matter of minutes. Just a little fyi to anyone struggling with a difficult workbook.
  17. :grouphug: It's going to be okay. :grouphug:
  18. workbook today for $1.48, and it only took a few minutes :hurray: . Just a little fyi for anyone fighting a workbook that wont stay open. I'm thrilled to say the least. I checked another store a few years ago and they wanted over $12. That was over my budget and I spent days with an exacto knife and very sore hands.
  19. I'm glad you posted what she did. She sounds like a Crazy-maker. I agree with the others; she doesn't sound like much of a friend. She was way over the line, over the top flat out mean.
  20. No, but I hope she will check in when she can with good news.
  21. No, not at all. The details are more than I'm comfy posting here. You can pm me if your interested.
  22. I've learned a little trick on how to deal with this. Just turn it (her /their words) around and give them the same lines. I'm learning how not to feel guilty about not giving in 100% of the time and allowing myself to do as little as they are willing to do. Some people talk a good game, but when it comes to actually doing something they are not going to do it; the burden is all on you. You should be just as important to her as she is to you. ymmv I'm tired of dealing with people who expect 100% of the relationship effort be on my part.
  23. Oh wow, what a timely answer to your prayers. It sounds like it could be a pretty perfect fit.
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