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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Wow, this thread is worth the time it takes to read through the pages. :thumbup:
  2. Oh, I love the idea of lists...I took some very smart woman's suggestion to mark up my book to heart. (It kills me to do it though, but a list would click with my book loving ocd tendencies.)
  3. I know, but I was speaking in terms of an estranged family member. I'm not sure what they owe the couple, because of their family history. I know Emily Post would send in the RSVP, as I said I would. Without knowing the details, I'm just attempting to extend her the grace of not worrying over this.
  4. My eye doctor recommended I take fish oil daily. I've settled into two omega-brite caps a day. Everything else gives me acid-reflux with a fishy berp :( . Dh takes Nordic Naturals from GNC. We both take them for vision and heart health. I can even tell a difference in my eyes if I miss a day or two.
  5. I agree with Ellie. You are under no obligation to go, or send a gift. RSVP if you receive an invite and send a card if you're feeling generous. Thinking about, I guess you don't even have to send in an RSVP to an actual wedding invitation, but I'd do that at least.
  6. I use them upside down and they work fine for my hair. I'm going to have to try using them the correct way.
  7. No twitter or face-book accounts for me. I think twitter would be less a time killer than face-book for me.
  8. :hurray: Congratulations all around!
  9. Don't wait or rely on them to contact his doctors; they wont in most cases.
  10. Oh, then the family member should contact someone at the jail and make arrangements to bring in the medications in the original bottles; if they wont take them contact his attorney (or another one) or his doctor to get them into their hands asap. They will likely wait to verify and approve them, but if they are prescribed and approved he should be able to take them. I agree with mentioning they are for his safety and well being as well as those around him. And Document the calls; take names dates, times and notes.
  11. Were his medications sent with him to the jail with the officers? I'd check with arresting office, and the jail to track them down if they were sent. :grouphug: Mental illness is so hard on families.
  12. I agree she sounds like she needs medication for anxiety or something. I'd talk with the staff, even if she didn't like it. Explain how she calls and seems to be in a full blown panic at the thought of being alone. She's exhibiting very strange behavior, considering she is in nursing home with round the clock care.
  13. Find a bit of quiet time for yourself each day. I had a friend who wore ear-plugs around her very noisy family and read on the couch.
  14. That sounds like a miserable night, with an awful mess to wake up too. Rule out the medical. Take up the food and water at an early hour and maybe crate her. I hope the other guy doesn't need sugery.
  15. It doesn't happen here that way. Our lunch rooms are not quiet or pleasant places to eat.
  16. Say what? Poor critter. Someone chime in who knows something.
  17. I'm not sure how to stop them, but you have my sympathy.
  18. Oh...Sonlight... To me, they grow less and less inviting. I used to love getting the catalog and dreaming of switching. Now, not so much. When researching curriculum, I tend to look at everything I can.
  19. We enjoyed the Iliad and the Odyssey. I like seeing the professor on the DVDs, but we also tend to watch the first few and then just listen to the rest. To save money, I'd go with the audio downloads.
  20. I'd say fix or replace it, to avoid a closing mess. Your agent is the one who should be advising you; that's what you are paying him for.
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