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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Mean people stink and words hurt; there is no bouncing off with them. Mean people use them to be mean. Did I mention mean people stink? (((Big hug))) I hope today was better.
  2. I'm glad you woke up feeling better.
  3. My easy go to meals are meatless pasta, bread and a salad or BBQ. I think a good homemade soup adds a lot to sandwiches btw.
  4. Tammyla


    I've never heard of it, but I'm getting less and less surprised by things these days. I also think it could be nice for a number of reasons, especially if the guests were close to the bride and groom.
  5. What a nightmare... For future, I would 100% hissy-fit insist costumes be ordered and have two choices ready to choose from. Vote, get the money and order;no exceptions. Those needing more coverage, cleavage, bling or support can contract for customization. Too many choices, or a pushy servants heart without the ability to follow through will always end in disaster. I'm sorry this ended so badly for the girls.
  6. It sounds like you have everything waiting and ready. Try to relax and enjoy the experience, and do let us know how it goes.
  7. Bake something tomorrow morning to get the house smelling yummy. Windex also makes a place smell pretty clean in a pinch. I would focus on the downstairs, her bedroom (but maybe not if it makes you or her uncomfortable) and pick something comfortable and clean to wear. I would need to remind myself to wear shoes...I'm almost always in slippers. Try to enjoy the attention.
  8. I'm happy it was resolved, but their system needs a little work...(The work of a person scanning the books to pay attention to what he or she is doing.)
  9. I'd also contact the non-emergency police number for your area and ask who to speak to regarding stalking. I think they would have some general procedures in place to help you document and stop it before it goes to far. I hope she is safe. :grouphug:
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. My c-section was with my first. I didn't really have any pain afterwards except for a big backache and a headache something awful. I wanted Tylenol for the headache, but had to wait 24 hours for some reason to get it. The staff insisted every c-sec get up and walk the same day, that was pretty difficult, but it was the way it was done there overseas. (They also kept c-sections mothers and babies in the hospital for one week because we lived so far from the hospital. Moms who lived on base stayed 3 days.) I was told not to drive until my 6 week check and not to lift anything bigger than my baby either. Recovery was good for me, no complications and minimal pain; I was sore for a long time though. Getting up for me, from the bed wasn't easy. They suggested a pillow to hold over the tummy for getting up and rolling over. It also helped to keep the baby from kicking me while nursing lying down. I'm glad my hubby was around the first week I was home and came home everyday for lunch after that. I remember feeling so much better at 6 weeks; even the second week felt much better, but doing anything took so much time and effort. You'll be moving slowly so as not to stress your incision and in all honesty, that was the only way I could move for a few weeks. Both of my neighbors also had c-section two weeks before me and they had different experiences. Expect the worst and hope for the best, but don't over do it. *Plan for some help. *Freeze meals if you can and plan for help. *A list on the refrigerator or on-line will allow those who have a little time to pick something that fits them and lessens your load. C-sections are very common and rest assured that everything will be okay. I was surprised that it wasn't as horrible as I envisioned.
  12. Oh, a nice train ride sounds like fun. I'd read away and enjoy the down time.
  13. :iagree: Follow the debt snowball plan. Start with the smallest balance and pay them off one at time until you are done.
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. Happy Birthday! Birthday snow is supposed to be lucky btw, at least that's what they tell us here.
  16. Oh, I hope he finds full-time employment very soon. :grouphug:
  17. I bought a huge box at Sam's years ago. I'm not sure we'll ever run out.
  18. I think it just they way the market is today; people do expect a palace. That said, we need more than one bathroom here. We've done with one, but if I was buying...it would be on my must have list. I agree...make sure the listing and the selling agent mention the one bathroom. I hope you sell soon for top dollar.
  19. Oh, dear. Op :grouphug: . I'm going to save this thread for lat. I'm too teary eyed to read it now, but I'm happy to know I'm not the only one.
  20. BOUNDARIES, by Cloud and Townsend This is an excellent book for dealing effectively with very difficult people, and it's available at most libraries. I get that you've been trying to be the nice one in your relationship with mil, and it sounds like it's working very well for her. Kwim? You can change you, but you are never going to change her; honestly from experience you can be nice until the cows come home and she is just going to get meaner. Her treatment of your ds is so wrong for a grandma. :iagree: Moving sounds like a very good idea, but learning to set some boundaries with a toxic relative is a skill many of need to acquire.
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