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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :iagree: There is a valuable lesson to be learned by making restitution.
  2. Another consideration is where do you want your nobs. It seems silly, but in the front can be tricky with little ones, but in the back can be a pain when you're reaching over a hot pot. I would love a double oven/convection oven combo.
  3. :grouphug: I hope you find some good things you can eat and tolerate soon. I wonder what on earth they are doing to our food supply sometimes :confused1: . I used to be able to eat anything, pretty much. Now, I no longer eat tomatoes green peppers, red or yellow onions garlic meat wheat bread citrus fruits white sugar all artificial sweeteners high fructose corn syrup chocolate :crying: all caffeine drinks :crying: It's taken me a couple of years, but I've found a number of foods I can eat. Nothing is worse than going to bed with your stomach growling.
  4. I would also speak with ballet teacher. This is her studio and she should be the one to know and handle it. Wishing never stops a bully...They thrive on people ignoring their behavior.
  5. ugh...Dh was officially notified late yesterday of furlough details. I'm going to try to budget and plane for the pay cut/hit. The unknown is how long they will let it go on if it happens. Any ideas? I think they mentioned through October; I need to check with dh on the details again. I was just a little taken aback with mental wanderings and worries last night, when he mentioned it during dinner.
  6. Yes, but don't take out the broken one. Just spin it a bit to free up a few holes. Then begin spinning / weaving in the new one a bit a time.
  7. The only good way is the one that brings a measure of peace to your dd. The discussion will as others mentioned be uncomfortable. Your post sounds very reasonable to me.
  8. Many places have a professional, who will help a customer with a bra fitting. (Bra fittings are pretty personal for many ladies, young and old.) Example Legg's Hanes, Bali, Victoria Secrets, and Nordstroms. ALSO it's pretty easy to just give her a tape measure and the directions to measure herself. You can find them on-line any place that sells bras.
  9. :iagree: I'm not a yeller, but grew up in a home with them, and always knew it wasn't what I wanted to do or be. I agree with Joann's list, esp that it's hitting with words.
  10. I feel & sympathise for every family and person dependant upon our g@vt. doing its job. My dh hasn't been notified of furloughs yet, but my sister's dh has. They will be firing all temporary hires and beginning furloughs immediately. Everyone has already been living with a hiring freeze for years. OP...Finding a job lately stinks, but I hope you find one and send commiserating empathy and sympathies. :grouphug: Since my kids are teens and almost done with homeschooling, I'm regularly asked if I'll be returning to my career. Yeah right, I'm sure they'll be waiting with bells on for me.
  11. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. :grouphug: It just isn't fair that the children are always the ones to suffer. The system seems to work without a heart and half a brain. I believe this, because anyone with half a brain would make better life decisions for innocent little ones.
  12. Snort...We must watch the same PBS station.
  13. She sounds like like a wet blanket on a cold day; you and your children deserve better. Try not to let her manipulate, bully or guilt you into paying a dime for her to inflict her torment on your family. I would put on my non-hearing listening ears and seek my mental happy place. Expectant mothers deserve a comforting person who will pamper and cherish them as they welcome a new baby into the family. *Small suggestion from a woman who has lived with a nightmare mil for many years. Set some boundaries, the book BOUNDARIES by Cloud and Townsend is a wonderful resource. The small petty me, would ask what names she hated and name the baby one of them. jk. :001_rolleyes:
  14. We were waiting for someone to die while watching. That ending was a big-old-bummer. Hopefully, they find someone worth watching to march in and take on Mary again.
  15. Yes, I'll join the choir singing, that I was happy I didn't watch it at Christmas. The ending was a bummer.
  16. Thank you, original op for posting this and the others who replied... I was going to try AB tomorrow for my prescription sunglasses, but now I think I'll just skip them and use the place closer to my house.
  17. I can only imagine how you are holding it together for everyone while fighting your own battles. Hugs and prayers.
  18. How sad for your dd; even if she wasn't visibly shaken or hurt by the exam, that eye doctor was extremely unprofessional and rude. I always have to take a moment and think before I answer while getting an eye exam. If I'm rushed by the Dr. the prescription is often wrong. :iagree: I'd write the letter to corporate cc the local office and I'd call to complain.
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