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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Oh, that sounds painful. I don't have much advice, but I might try a hot shower or bath and a pain reliver. Hope you feel better soon.
  2. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: You poor thing, I'm glad the little one is home.
  3. :grouphug: I'm glad you found a doctor and staff with caring hearts. We're praying for you.
  4. I went back and read the article. What the police officer found in the bathroom was something no child should have to live in.
  5. Prayers for you and your family. The case worker might have meant that your mother will have to be the one seeking placement or your dad.
  6. :crying: :crying: :crying: Oh no, Tennesse, tornados. I'l be content with our snowy day.
  7. :001_wub: What sweeties, they are adorable, and look to be sharing a secret . Congratulations!
  8. :bigear: I'm all ears! I usually shop at JoAnn's or Hancock with coupons. Our two local quilt stores have beautiful, but very expensive fabrics.
  9. A simple stir-fry might fill the bill; pulling one together with left overs is easy.
  10. I'm just sorry beyond words, and hoping you get to see a professional, sympathetic and helpful doctor very soon. Your doctor and staff adding to your burden at this difficult time is shameful.
  11. We have a newer Camry that I drive most days, but I take the CRV when the roads are yucky. Our next purchase will be another CRV or a Subaru.
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm filled with sympathy for you...Stair falls are awful and scary...My next home will be a one story(with a basement if we still live in tornado-ville) no matter how small it is.
  13. Now, I'm really curious, because I can't imagine worse than last night.
  14. No, I keep the prices in my head along with all the receipts in one place. It can be very upsetting to check the old receipts to a new one. I plan fresh items with the sales ads or papers. We no longer get the newspaper, so it's either go on line or look at the flyer while I shop.
  15. The link is pretty interesting to look at the different averages from a few years ago. I'm working on our shopping plan for next month by creating a spread sheet. I'm not sure I want to change what we are eating so much that the quality drops or the chemicals skyrocket. If we ate pure junk this grocery game would be a lot cheaper.
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