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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I can't believe I forgot, but a dear friend of mine dh cheated and he left her for his honey while she was pregnant with her 5th child. As far as I know they are still together too. We live miles apart and I don't discuss him when we talk. Gag, that makes 2 for 2 or 100% Dh worked with a guy years ago who cheated on his wife, but he was a cheat with anyone kind of guy.
  2. I'm unsure how to vote. However, my sister believed her ex-h was cheating, he denied it hands down 100% and ultimately they divorced for other reasons. He is still with the girl-friend 9 years later.
  3. Cream of wheat has a lot of iron, and lots of little ones will eat it.
  4. This makes me so sad... My sister has a thyroid problem and PSOD and she eats well walks a few miles a day and it very over weight. The thought of people shaming her, makes me angry and sad; so much so that I almost couldn't read this thread.
  5. Our city prides itself on being the city of 5 seasons. Bleck... We have 1. Very short spring 2. Extremely humid, sweaty, gross bring on the bugs, I need another shower... summer 3. Fall (It is beautiful.) 4. Winter with a white Christmas 5 Deep freeze, sub zero, wind howling, icy freeze your bottom off, can't breath out side VERY DARK long winter, when is it ever going to be spring again? I miss gardening in California...I always planted flowers on Valentine's Day.
  6. Sn :lol: rt! I don't have chickens, but I've enjoyed reading this thread.
  7. I'm glad you updated us. I had the opportunity to watch a bit of a wrestling tournament this week. I'll admit it didn't do my mommy heart any good watching... and those young men were not even my son.
  8. I'm glad they fixed it and no one was hurt. I've had a new pan shatter and it scarry-scarry. (It was a frozen lasagna, thawed in the fridge then left on the counter for a short time; obviously not long enough though.) I love my old stuff now and treat it like delicate glass. I'll never ever put a cold pan into the oven again.
  9. I hope you're feeling better. My mom treated her's with the diet; sister-in-law had surgery. Two very different treatments, but both worked very well. Sil did wait until her surgery wan an emergency and she wished she hadn't.
  10. :grouphug: :crying: :grouphug: I hope you feel better soon.
  11. :grouphug: Oh, I'm so sorry and praying for you.
  12. :grouphug: I'm praying here. :grouphug:
  13. Checking in here, and hoping the inquiry went well.
  14. I'd practice with my children telling her something like..."Family time here, sorry we can't play...See you later, have a nice day." I wouldn't bother interfering with her family unless I thought it was neglect. I think as the mom, it falls on us to send them home. It doesn't have to be negative or hurtful....A simple it's time for you to go home now is really all that is necessary.
  15. I would definitely think MLM and decline the invitation.
  16. New WTM babies! Congratulations and prayers for you and the little ones.
  17. I don't have any real advice, but that sounds pretty awful to me. Treating a child that way is so inappropriate in so may ways. I have had to drastically limit our contact with g-ma / mil. Dh needs a relationship with her, but she's getting meaner and meaner (toxic) as the years go by and I worry that one day even he will reach his limit. I wish or try to reason her behavior away as pre-dementia, she is 60, but she is very functioning and resistant to any hint of questions or help. Family shouldn't be mean...I'm sorry your bil and sister are so toxic.
  18. Snort! :scared: That would cause me to break out the bleach! Our white towels are in the master bath...dh knows how to use them. LOL. My sheets are white too.
  19. :grouphug: You got it. How strange, I would never have linked the two together.
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