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Everything posted by Idalou

  1. So we're here whining about a privacy act, really? At this point in time when privacy is being decimated. Blows the mind. Wake your adult aged kids up to make the call, teach them the hoops that must be jumped through and help them understand how things could be made more efficient while at the same time understanding what their reality is. And be polite on the phone. It's not the fault of the medical office.
  2. Ask your neighbors with the pristine yards what they did to shoo them to your yard?
  3. Rational or not, can't we all agree he's got a wide fan base?He's very different online than this persona of a decade ago. Trumpers, bitcoin lovers, hardcore libertarians, low-information types, even business investor types like him. I think I read this sentiment about him that sums it up: He's a sh!tposter who attracts sh!tposters to Twitter, where they religiously follow him and attack his critics. Twitter seems to be the perfect place for that, because it appears that most people go there not to learn or chat but to outrage and be outraged. Dog and CatTwitter, IMO, is the place to hang out.
  4. https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/elon-musks-tweets-over-taking-tesla-private-were-false-rules-us-federal-judge-567251.html So he lied on Twitter. Maybe he SHOULD add an edit button if he takes over.
  5. Resisting arrest in Michigan is a felony. Injuring an officer during the resisting gets you 2-4 years and a few thousand dollar fine. Serious injury to the officer can get you several more years. Nowhere can I find that it gets you shot in the back of the skull. Unless you're....
  6. If she chooses chemo, then she will most likely need help, especially at 84. Transportation, delivery of any nausea meds, foods easily digestible, a portable toilet if she is too tired or weak to walk to the restroom. Does she walk without any aid now? My relative was 80 and became very weak and needed a walker, and had to be helped down the porch steps to the car. They could not be depended on to cook meals or change sheets after throwing up. They needed a chair in the shower. Most of their mental capabilities took a big dive, which is sad no matter what. Is there a county offices of aging? They can sometimes have a health aid visit once or twice weekly during this. Or she could hire a temporary caregiver to assist her with meals and baths.
  7. You say she has no reviews. Does that mean she's not sold anything? If so, then she may just be new at the process. I'd wait until the estimated date has passed before worrying. Scratch that, I'd probably search book sites such as BW books before buying from a person with zero sales.
  8. I would find a way to know of the bully is still on the bus. If you receive a letter from him then he must also have been disciplined. If those are a no, then I would raise holy hell.
  9. Of course it is unethical to get their address from your job. But just in case people are not aware, if you know a person's first and last name and city it is incredibly easy to find the address online for free. In about 3 steps. If you don't know their city, it can take a bit longer while you search the state. If you know the spouse's name or family member names then that makes it one step shorter. You will also find the places they have lived previously in the past decade or two. If you pay a subscription fee you can find information such as license plates, phone numbers, possible arrest records. It is frightening in the ease and scope of what is out there.
  10. If you look at the prison she is in, they seem to have several rehab type programs available to long term inmates. As awful as prisons are with regard to rehab, I would think California would be gone of the ones to offer something.
  11. I think they'd need to deny the rapists and sexual assaulters of past awards, too? And if you rescind those awards, it's a slippery slope to denying perverts and assaulters their nominations to office.
  12. I've read that they pay huge amounts to paparazzi for gossip and news, so they are also are often first to report stuff, which can seem pretty cold at times, like when they reported on Kobe within an hour of the crash and even before family had been notified. I think the local police spoke of how that wasn't appropriate.
  13. Someone mentioned income based repayment in post yesterday https://www.npr.org/2022/04/01/1089750113/student-loan-debt-investigation
  14. I would prefer to have stained wood shelves over the washer with a rod underneath for hanging shirts. My question would be- how high would they cabinets be and would the height work all across the wall, including a rod for hanging? Would you need a step ladder or are you tall?
  15. I'm sure people recognize the phrase Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, that was from the Harrison & Tyler campaign. But I bet the hard cider was better swag than Lincoln's campaign where his promoters passed out fence rails! His Whig party really really didn't like him. The were a large mixture of party beliefs, but they united in wanting a national bank, which he did not. Most of his cabinet quit when he became pres. I think he was president of the Peace convention that tried to stop the CW, but then got ticked off at how some convention leaders were being mean to slave owners so he voted against the convention's final drcree. Harry Truman said he was ine pres we could have done without. And Teddy Roosevelt said he was a politician of monumental littleness.
  16. A week or so ago a dad let his 13 year old son drive their truck on the highway. He hit a vehicle full of university students and a total of 9 died( that included the dad and kid)
  17. I can understand about wanting clean books. But do check out BetterWorld. I don't have any connection to them, lol, just found them during the pandemic and fell in love with their business methods. I get the Good or Very Good conditions, and they always appear perfectly clean. And they've never taken more than a week for delivery. I think it's great you are on a new self education journey, and hope that everything works out well.
  18. I think holding a book for 7 days is very reasonable. I've never heard of giving homeschoolers better deals at a library. In another thread you wrote about purchasing books. Are you wanting to read them on a Kindle or actually having the book? I looked at the 9th grade books on BYL, and found them at BetterWorldBooks for $4 to $6, always free shipping. I order from them regularly and it never takes longer than a week, and they are always in the condition advertised, or better.
  19. No, it is not reasonable to ask floor installers to move a desk upstairs or through doorways. They move certain pieces to the opposite side of the floor they are installing. You also want it out so you can get rid of it? That is taking advantage of them. If you are selling it or giving it away, advertise that it must be carried out by the buyer. Can you pay 2 teens to do it? In this day and age where customers lose their minds and scream and spit and try to sue for minor damages, I would never do anything that my employer says is not necessary. Sorry.
  20. Idalou


    I am certain that they will want a urine sample. Unless you live in an area that seems to have discarded covid precautions, they should have no problem with you handing the dog off to a vet employee there. At ours, only one person is allowed in with a mask, but they prefer to escort the dog in without the owner. No one is allowed to leave the exam room if they choose to go in, and everyone, no matter if they go in or stay outside must use the new walk up window they installed to pay the bill.
  21. Oh yes. I did a deep clean of the bathrooms, replaced the bedroom rugs, they finally were delivered, and my spouse put a new porcelain deep sink in the laundry room. I noticed this morning that there are bulbs peeking up in my flowerbeds and the lilacs are beginning to show.
  22. This is similar to how people in certain states reacted to the banning of plastic grocery bags. As far a I can tell, we all survived without excess trauma. Starbucks hopes to have their plan in place by 2025, and hopefully cut their waste and carbon footprint in half by 2030. Those that can not or will not find a way to carry their own cup in a car can probably pay $1 extra as a deposit on a cup of likely overpriced coffee. Or they can find another coffee shop; Starbucks will not care about the teeny tiny percentage of anti-reusable cuppers
  23. We don't always revere fighters that stand up for themselves, unless they are standing up for what we think is right, too. I'm sorry you're in a difficult place.
  24. https://chargehub.com/en/countries/united-states/massachusetts/boston.html 555 charging ports in the city! 10% are free? I'd much rather be ' holding my breath', lol, for street outlets in Boston than nearly ANYWHERE else in this country. Bostonians are very fortunate, imo. Wow, I had not idea Rochester area has even more than Boston. I really need to make this my goal this year. https://www.plugshare.com/directory/us/new-york/rochester
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