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Everything posted by Idalou

  1. Oh no, there is something putrid being covered up. Initial reports said the resource officer was there and interacted. This morning a lieutenant said on CNN that he SPOKE to the resource officer about their exchange. After the press meeting just now, they claim there was no resource officer there at all. And they claim just now to still not know if the door was locked or unlocked. Yet the cancun visiting senator says it was a door problem. Not a gun problem, y'all.
  2. Do you honestly think there will be any outside investigation?? Dream on
  3. We need to be aware of the NSSF, the lobbying arm of gun makers and gun retailers. They spend more on lobbying against any gun legislation in DC, I think, than the NRA. The NRAhas been weakened recently. They are the face of today's corporate gun lobby. And sadly enough, they are headquartered in Newtown, CT https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/national-shooting-sports-foundation/summary?id=D000054336
  4. Just an aside- the Kanopy app has an absolutely wonderful selection of films.
  5. We make teachers remove books about anti-racist babies and trans youth, yet expect them to weaponize their classroom. We've decided to force a woman to give birth yet won't fight for their healthcare. We write laws about trans youth using school restrooms and laws about teaching our country's history of racism, yet we refuse to allow bills to be debated and voted on about gun legislation. We can't get through a pandemic without debating the worth of the elderly and our youngsters vs the price of freedom. People have commented on how dystopian YA books have become. But if you think about it, we are living that right now.
  6. Is your teen too puny to hold an AR 15? Does your toddler want to shoot like Daddy? Is your preteen in need of a weapon? Here ya' go. The JR 15, from Wee1 https://www.businessinsider.com/gunmaker-under-fire-launching-ar-15-for-kids-reports-say-2022-2
  7. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/11/nra-took-millions-from-its-charities-and-funded-political-groups/ They have $ raised for its operating budget and $$$ raised from political action committees, which much of is considered dark money, which means citizens are not allowed to know who the givers are
  8. And a state rep from your state just tweeted to the President this morning that if he tries to take away their guns he will find out why the 2nd amendment was created.
  9. No one is serious about taking away deer hunter's guns. No one needs an AR 15 to shoot a deer in NY. Having this sentiment about how "they" want to take away their deer guns is so damaging. But in other news, watch what the Supreme Court will be saying soon about needing probable cause to conceal carry on NY. This is very big, and will reverberate through it least 8 other states.
  10. Yes. I don't think they literally chased him from the grandmother's home. She was screaming as she was shot, authorities were called with description of his truck. Then they get the call the truck was in a ditch next to the school, so all types of LE rushed there. ETA I just read that a LE spoke to Anderson Cooper and said gunfire was exchanged but he still was able to enter the school.
  11. One senator a few years ago made a video of himself wrapping a slice of bacon around his rifle and firing it, then saying how yummy machine gun bacon is. Yesterday another US congressman tweeted that the killer was a transgendered illegal alien...taken straight out of lies making the rounds of 4Chan and other extremely dangerous sites.
  12. No, at least 80 percent of the people in the Uvalde area are Hispanic, as was the killer.
  13. Ooh, I loved this one. I have a Norton critical edition that was so helpful. There are also some older lectures I watched a few years ago that may still be on youtube by a guy at Yale, just 4 or 5, if I remember correctly. I barely made it through Moby Dick, didn't love Anna Karenina, was neutral on Frankenstein, and totally bored with Les Miserable. I loved Don Quixote but only because Man of La Mancha was one of my favorite movies when I was a teen. I remember reading A Tale of Two Cities in 9th grade, I had the best teacher and she made it resonate.
  14. Fernando, by ABBA. I heard it the other day and can not stop singing it now.
  15. There's no need to be snotty, and your remark really is unnecessary. I asked a question and some answered me. I wasn't disparaging anyone on this board. I was curious as to why so many people all over the internet have spent so much time with it. Some are making cruel jokes and acting like it's entertainment, others are serious about what his verdict could mean for women in general. I don't have cable tv, don't care for JD and have zero idea who AH is, but it's difficult to go anywhere online without seeing commentary about them.
  16. And there are already deranged people claiming this is somehow a plot by Faucci, Soros, and Bill Gates. They have proof!! This garbage will be hinted at continuously on Fox news within a few days. I think Hunter Biden had some gas deal with a place in Louisiana called Monkey Island, so no doubt a conspiracy will form with him, too.
  17. Speaking of lobbyists https://theintercept.com/2022/05/13/baby-formula-shortage-abbott-bacteria-safety-testing-lobbying/
  18. It's weird how so many people online are watching this and talking about it as entertainment, complete with lols about abusive behaviors and making tik toks miming AH. What are you all getting out of it? I mean some of your comments show you've spent a good bit of time listening or reading. I suppose it has taken on the circus freak show aspect of the OJ trial
  19. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/the-expiration-date-on-your-covid-rapid-tests-may-have-been-extended-heres-how-to-look-up-the-new-one/
  20. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/05/baby-formula-shortage-abbott-recall/629828/ Bacteria, virus, and trade policies
  21. Yeah, I'm not going to get in a debate with you about parents. I'm sure it happens the way you say, and I have seen it happen the way I explained in the two decades I was in a public and private school environment.
  22. I understand. And while someone said that no parent wants their child to need drugs to function, I can assert that many parents will hear a teacher say they think their kids need Ritalin and will then immediately ask the doctor for them. I have co-lead classrooms where half the boys were on ADHD meds, and it was not always a positive for those little kids. I would wait to see how your child functions in a school setting, and be prepared to see how well-thought the school's decision is should they recommend medication, and then be prepared to find a medical professionals who will listen to your concerns. Thete is a big difference between drugs for attention deficits and depression or anti-psychotics. Do not let stories of others who swear by them or swear about them over ride the needs and health of your own son.
  23. Every site you visit that has the little f on the bottom for Facebook allows FB to gather all data they have on you; doesnt matter whether you've joined FB or not. And the number of websites without that simple little f are few and far between
  24. https://datasembly.com/news/out-of-stock-rate-in-april-2022/ Very depressing. There was also a voluntary recall of 3 popular formulas due to the death of one baby.
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