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Everything posted by Idalou

  1. I would be livid, and if I wete the allergic children's parents, I would be scared out of my mind. These kids could have died? Your daughter, from other posts, is an intelligent child. At 10 I would think she should suffer the consequences of no screen time, and I would tell her that her recklessness could have caused a tragedy. It sounds like she thought she'd found a good way to get out of camp, and then doubled down on the awful plan by being cruel to the other kids, not to mention bringing grandma into her scheme by making them sandwich, a food you say she doesn't even care to eat. I'd also be wary of the college kids lack of discipline. This is hosted at a church? Is it also a religious camp? If so, I would think the college leaders could have found a few Bible stories to tell you help your daughter understand what was wrong with her attempt.
  2. They are not pro-life. They chose that moniker for attention getting + money making reasons. They are anti-choice vs pro choice. You'd think after decades of this the pro-choice side could have moved it to these terms. It's no different than Support the Troops, or I Support Ukraine, etc. It is nothing more than trite words unless you walk the walk, yet they are all phrases that you can't say you disagree with. What type of person is anti-life?
  3. "They" are not literally totally surveying "you" on social media, perhaps you need to learn a tad more on how algorithms work, and I mean that in a sincere way. But what you say is interesting. If "they" should step up and survey for safety also, does this mean you are in favor of these type chat rooms and forums frequented by fanatical people being listened in on? They are usually private areas of right wing channels such as 4chan and 8chan, and then the Discord one that had all types of people...because this would mean a person would be giving up a bit of their right to free speech, especially if they're only writing vague, angry ideas that don't actually say they would like to perform them...so, on a private online area, you'd be ok with being reported on?? And if so, then perhaps you'd be open minded enough to understand how others are ok to "lose" a bit of their right to bear arms by curtailing certain weapons or mandating registries or licenses.
  4. Butter beans are more mature lima beans. I dont know if they soften with age or if it's the liquid in the can that's different. You can also use great northern beans instead of butter beans. Green canned limas are younger, and I find them too dry. I can't think of any dish made better by using green, canned lima beans!
  5. Why do you say someone set her up? I have cans of them in my cabinet now that say Butter Beans. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwSi8zjzdgdGDw4kkqLSlJLVJISk3MKwYAaQIIOg&q=butter+beans&oq=butter&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i512j46i20i131i263i433i512j0i433i512j46i175i199i512j0i20i263i433i512j0i67j46i433i512j0i271l3.1992j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_3QC_Ys3QB-PJptQP6f-_YA3:120
  6. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Zippity-Outdoor-Products-Wilmington-Privacy-Screen/5001208731 Something like this? You'd need just 2 sides, I think, with the open side being what you'd see when you open the back door, and thus not blocking air flow. It looks like you don't have much room next to the downspout, but I'm sure you could find panels that fit.
  7. That's a shame. Maybe if your mom decided to become a lazy mooch you could have experienced yummy lobster. If you truly resent humans buying food, because that's what steak and lobster is, then let me suggest you switch lives with them for a few months. Think about it. Would you really want to go through what they do, to jump through hoops, to have to deal with smirks and heavy sighs and really cringey comments from people who so wish they would just quietly buy their cans of spam and cream corn? For those that want to answer that they did just fine living from hand to mouth, didn't accept help, and turned out fine, I'll have to say no, you didn't turn out fine. Something is lacking.
  8. Do your give her cold water from your own home? Our dogs refused to drink water from rest area faucets, campgrounds, relatives' homes. One of our dogs would not eat for almost two days each time we traveled, took very little water and refused to go potty. Our children are similar, lol, so it becomes quite the poopalooza whenever reaching our destination.
  9. Why not read real books? I've heard the Fallacy Detective is very popular now.
  10. Wow. I finally found someone who liked Morbius! It's Morbin time! Didn't it cost 75 mil to make and it made 74 mil in the US? The best part of that film is just following all the memes and reading funny comments about how bad its stunk.
  11. And the door was not locked. So why did one guy tell the story about waiting for keys and saying a prayer each time he tried one, but none fit. If he was trying them on a safe door away from the killer, he sure conveniently forgot to say so. The speech today just sounded like them trying to pass the blame on to anyone else.
  12. They really tough part, and they alluded to it here, is how to get the AI not to veer into hate spech and discriminatory language due to the vast amounts of text it ingests. It happens quickly, too. Other than that, though, I think the guy who believes it's sentient is the one with a screw loose. That is exactly how these huge models respond. If you ask it to talk about its sentience,like the guy did, then it responds like a sentient robot. If you ask it to have a talk about how it's a cheeseburger, it will tell you its a cheeseburger. It does not sit around daydreaming or computating in the background, only if you give it a prompt. So I don't see much room for it to be sentient.
  13. No. I went inside a huge chicken farm and seeing the mass number of sad, psychotic chickens cured me of wanting that. I visited a large veal barn and regretted every bite of meat I've swallowed. I am not to the point of rejecting fish, but feel that it is close.
  14. Incedental means not major or main....and while its really difficult to accurately count guns in the 1800's, there is proof that gun laws were written specifically to ban free and enslaved blacks. During the run up 20 or 30 years to the CW, gun sales seemed to increase in both the north and south. Their fear of overreach by the gov't was directly related to their potential loss of the ability to own humans. Gun sales increased a lot after the Fugitive Slave Act, especially from free Northern blacks and abolitionist whites. It seems like it's not incedental, but two sides of the same coin. You may not have heard of owning a gun in the south for race based reasons, but have you ever heard of people that blame blacks or Hispanics for most of the violent crimes? These types need guns to defend themselves from the you know who'
  15. Yes. Along with the others fears that lead to banning books and xenophbia. There is even one governor who has suggested children of immigrants should not be allowed to attend public schools. One thing that I found fascinating anout Turner was that in his time, white people preached to their slaves from parts of the Bible that they claimed to support slavery. But once he learned to read, he began preaching directly from the Bible to his neighbors anout how his people should be free. He was extremely religious and waited for a divine sign to start the rampage, and got it when there was a solar eclipse and large sunspot within a few days. Sounds so much like how people think and believe and influence today. Sorry. I get so involved with this book and my husband is really tired of listening to me yammer on about it!
  16. A lot of the thought to arm themselves came from their fear of slave rebellion. Most of it was just rumor and very small and sporadic, except for Haiti's in the late 1790's and Louisiana a decade or so later, but after the Nat Turner revolt the people were terrified. They began to imagine dangerous, murderous slaves everywhere. People in tidewater VA seriously thought their slaves were not treated as bad as those down south. They truly did not understand how or why they would go to such lengths for freedom. The Fires of Jubilee book about Turner goes into this. Rules were re-written to keep blacks from learning to read and write among other things, and the slave patrols were begun to become this country's fledgling police force.
  17. Maybe I'm not reading it correctly, but your link says they shouldn't sell to one if they know, or have reason to believe that the buyer isn't able. Then it says they do not need to run a background check. So what's to stop a private seller from just saying that they had no reason to believe the buyer wasn't eligible, that they did not know he was a felon( no background check needed, right?)
  18. https://popular.info/p/the-nra-talks-big-on-school-safety?s=w Here is an article on a school safety program the NRA funds for schools. Their president spoke about it at the conference last week. I am anxiously awaiting them to begin the Thorny Bushes Solution.
  19. I know. It is too frustrating.
  20. See, this makes no sense to me. Of course they will not Give Up Their Guns. Why do we even go there? No one thinks we will-can- want to ban guns. We need to be asking gun owners if they will jump through harder hoops to own a gun, to submit to training or licenses or more in depth background checks or longer, more appropriate wait times, etc. It's a total shut down to ask someone to give up their guns to save a life, imo. Our own country supplies weapons of war to the world, we as a country kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in other countries, we bomb civilians and say oops, sorry. I think we need to be realistic at the mentality we are up against, to frame this as a series of steps we CAN do to reduce injury and death. We easily get fixated on school shootings, but can forget the sheer numbers of other innocents murdered with guns that were easily obtained. I truly understand your question, though,please do not get me wrong. I am nearly at the point now that I wonder if we should simply frame this as a congressman recently said- Are you with the kids or the killers?
  21. https://www.bustle.com/p/was-there-assault-weapons-ban-during-columbine-the-law-had-some-issues-8849364 Yes, it did, but here are a few more facts for you. Multiple loopholes. Most likely, in all laws, loopholes are known and spoken about in advance. Maybe we need to be more vigilant about not letting these type of loopholes go through, or else call out all of the lawmakers involved to explain just why they are there.
  22. Can you link that? I have heard nothing about her getting it twice, just once in late April
  23. So some officers were willing to follow this lady to physically restrain her from touching her son right outside his classroom, yet none of them had the foresight or whatever to go to those rooms beforehand to escort the children out? They were boltcutting a fence ( so they had boltcutters ready...)to get her out, as she described, or was this because they couldn't haul their behinds over it easily, or because they actually did have a halfway-plan to get the kids through the chain link fence? If that was the plan, did they keep cutting the fence to begin a rescue? There is no decent word in my vocabulary to describe this. ETA- As to my impolite remark about their rear ends, I was remembering a recent article about how many Texas Rangers were too obese and they were going to pull some from duty if they could not get their waist sizes below 40 and 36, men and women.
  24. So my big question is, if the chief did not have a radio in his hand to communicate with anyone, which I find either highly suspicious or incredibly stupid, then who the heck was giving the command to not breach that the one guy heard crackling in his earpiece??
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