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Everything posted by Idalou

  1. Non profit, non partisan news source about guns legislation there https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/michigan-gridlock-has-blocked-action-50-gun-reform-bills-year
  2. This killer most likely went through all the shooter drills that his classmates did. He supposedly tried to pass himself off a a sherrif to one group... What happens when the next killer is able to use that knowledge to their advantage?
  3. Yes, but kitty litter is only for traction, so the walkway will have to be shoveled thoroughly for the litter to do anything at all. If you are able to shovel, then a layer of the safe-melt type chloride may work. We live in Rochester and use this for 6 months if the year on our walkway, lol. I think some advertise to -10 degrees. Of course it isnt healthy for the surroundinhs so it may not even be allowed. I've never walked on cat litter so not opinion there, is it something you've used? I'd just be prepared to shovel. I still think the resort would do this as a curtesy to their customers.
  4. Kitty litter doesnt melt ice, just helps with traction. Does that area allow salt, which melts snow off a sidewalk pretty quickly? I would think a resort would be responsible for snow removal to their condos entrances, or at least provide shovels or salt, etc.
  5. I read that some students stayed home because of what the killer posted on SM? And that he was the one responsible for threatening type graffiti at school a month or so ago, and for tossing a deer head somewhere on campus?
  6. Taza brand chocolate discs are delicious! My favorite is the cinnamon version.
  7. Steve Goodman wrote that and played it for Arlo, have you heard his version? I loved his songs, especially that one and Donald &Lydia. Oh, except Prine wrote D &L. I never knew that
  8. I never, ever wear socks with sneakers. Never have. I walk several miles per day, sockless, but do not run. My toenails are not dirty, nor do my sockless feet in those sneakers make my nails dirty or long. Closing arguments are done to leave the jury with one last image in their heads before deliberation. This defense decided to put the image of a dirty black man in their heads in the hope of triggering some stereotype. Yes, jerks are entitled to a defense. Painting a dead man as one with long dirty toenails does absolutely nothing as a way of claiming they're right to kill him in self defense.
  9. He was wearing khaki shorts, a white T, and running shoes. He was not barefoot, so she is making a comment about a dead man's feet, perhaps after the gunshot blew a hole through him and he was knocked out of his shoes. She is trying to present an image of him the same way people describe young black boys that are murdered as men, the way black men who are murdered are described as being hulking, large, etc. It is certainly to dehumanize them. When this happened there were extreme right wing fanatics and neo Nazi types that spread rumors he was wearing 'khaki shorts and boots'. Even the popular conservative commentator, Candace Owens, tweeted multiple times, with one on May 9 to "stop with the just a jogger bulls*** narrative because avid joggers don't wear khaki shorts and stop to break into homes". We can all guess the other media who joined in.
  10. Yes. But if a person had ADD or lacked the skills we call EF, then forgetting to lock the hens up meant a raccoon possibly killing them. Late milking meant the whole evening chores were set back. And if you were this type, wouldn't that mean you'd possibly forget to do this regularly? Does the fact that consequences are fairly immediate and connected really help a person deal with EF troubles? I'm asking sincerely, as I don't know much more about it than what is always mentioned here.
  11. Im sorry, but this comes across as cruel, too. How do you know the other ladies are casting the SIL as the problem? How do you come to the conclusion the men are oblivious and only wanting the food? I think you're adding on things in a flippant way that she didn't say
  12. I don't think your FIL was doing anything wrong in suggesting food that your dad would enjoy. I think your SIL has many issues that unfortunately have put your immediate family in. You need to be able to spend time with your husband on Thursday, without any extra worries. Period. Your FIL needs to be able to also concentrate on him without worrying about your stress from the SIL situation. Your kids, and her kids, need a day where they can feel loved within the extended family without any added tensions. And I'm not saying they are feeling that negativity, just that the SIL should not allow it to spread past the adults. In my opinion, then, if I honestly thought the bowl of stuffing would trigger her into being unpleasant to those at the table, I would not send the stuffing while letting all those that need the info that it will be awaiting them at your home, where leftovers are really even better than the actual meal! I would then try hard to empty my thoughts of her pettiness and spend the day with your husband. Later on your can devise a plan to either speak to her about her feeling that your family is favored. I have no idea if she'd be receptive. But she will probably do another version of this next month. Will a confrontation now solve anything? You do not deserve this. It sounds like you have a wonderfully large family that loves each other, and that is alien to many of us.
  13. I have a bunch of enameled cast iron cookware that we had growing up. It's Copco brand and says 'Michael Lax design Denmark.' The skillet is huge and almost too heavy to lift. I have no idea where my parents got them. I've used a 1940 Sunbeam Mixmaster for almost 30 years. My spouse still wears Doc Martins from 1980.
  14. I looked at images online until my eyes went all googley, but most seemed the same as yours, from Wayfair types to fancy place ones.
  15. I was giving an example of one adult in my home. I do not think I have broadcast here how many people live with me, our careers, their ages, or their medical needs. Granted, none of us have ADD and have no troubles listening to boring phone operators or remembering to charege phones. I understand cranky. I also know that the phone system was set up for anyone calling them, not just those who already know the spiel. Sometimes I even think about the actual humans sitting in those offices that have to deal with irate and impolite people every day through no fault of their own, unless they were they ones that created the incoming call fiasco!
  16. It's not all over the US. My Dr sends prescriptions to the pharmacy I chose, then I spend less than 30 seconds listening to the pharmacy whenever I need to call in refills. Even the local Walmart can fill a brand new script within 20-30 minutes of I'm not able to wait 24 hours. I don't have a specialist, but when my husband needs them his Dr calls and they then call my husband for appointments. My husband's doctor has even used his personal phone( tho it says restricted number) to call him and ask how a certain procedure went. Insurance billing is easy, I choose to get paper bills or do it online. It's understandable to be impatient while waiting on a phone, but I also think our society has become very impatient with regards to so many things and if the mere act of having to wait while a voice describes office procedures that we already know by heart puts us over the edge, there may be other factors at play. The problem is that we don't need this huge spectrum of angst with our healthcare. We can find a better way.
  17. I think Haiti has horrible times with hurricanes that destroy crops and wash away topsoil, they've deforested a lot, and mountainous land isn't the best topography for farming, and they seem to always be in recovery from some devastating earthquake. Let's also not forget how the USA decimated their economy regarding rice production back in the 1990's. They are such a poverty stricken country that never gets a break. Why can agencies that give millions in aid not supply them with the proper fertilizers, maybe the manure from their own animals isn't even the correct formula their soil needs now?
  18. Did the person who said that about the hotels change their tune since then?
  19. It sounds like they don't need desks as much, at least at this point in their schooling, but personal space for their stuff is desired, so the smaller tables look good. Would they even sit on the floor? If so, then maybe big cool pillows that could just be tossed back on the daybed. Would you prefer a sofa, or does your current day bed suffice for sleeping at night, maybe if friends or cousins sleep over? I do like the open middle area, watching kids jump and dive and run around furniture makes me nervous. You have plenty of wall space for more maps or posters or some floating shelves for their personal treasures or art creations. Greenery on top of the shelves would make the place extra cozy looking. I can see it being a very welcoming room, for both schooling and entertainment.
  20. Oooh, wait until you meet Castiel, it'll blow your mind, lol.
  21. You've got very valid reasons to be floundering. It's the weather here that contributes. We often flounder from December to April!
  22. We have the In the Ocean one. Mine spent hours with it.
  23. But they OP said ideally its a place to store school stuff, work with her at times, watch docs, and work on their own if they want to, which sounds like the kids are allowed to do solo work elsewhere in the house. I'd put the TV where you planned, make sure you had good blinds to block sun, have one kid comfy couch, and one table large enough to seat all of you for crafts, sewing, and board games, and a small table if needed for individual time. I am not understanding the trouble with having a tv. Is it really common for children to give you a hard time about watching it during school work time? Mine aren't angels, but have never done that. I can understand special needs, but does a typical elementary aged kid see a TV near them and expect that to mean play time? She also wants them TV for school viewings and kid friendly visits. No way I'd ditch it.
  24. But I did not call your mother selfish! I repeated your view that you didn't want to lose a mother, because of course no one does so it's not even necessary to state, but asked to view the situation as if it was a grandmother that didn't care enough to mask... I was referring to the grandma in the OP. She is the one refusing to mask, I know you have not said your own mom refuses. So how on earth you think I meant your mom is a mystery to me. My apologies, though, but you are certainly not comprehending that my point was really only that you stated a falsehood about the OP and zero risk.
  25. Hallelujah! Waffles for breakfast, then vaccines for two under 10. Donuts and milk for lunch, then the whole family had a sugar crash and took a long nap. Minor complaints about arm being sore, but they forgot about it by the next morning.
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