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Everything posted by Idalou

  1. One of the former president's sons is selling an offensive T shirt with AB's name . It's not really weird, more like totally normal and predictable for this repulsive faction.
  2. They look the same going in your mouth as coming out of it. Once was enough for me. But those are all foods my kids love so why not pile them in together?
  3. Farmer food, great for the early lunch before they had a long, hard day ahead. Not sure it's because of poverty, just staple foods of the working class. Many Ukrainian foods are made with noodles and potatoes, so I don't find the ingredients odd. It's no big deal, compared to the local town famous creation called the garbage plate. Potatoes on top of mac&cheese and baked beans with a weiner or burger or sausage plopped on top then spicy meat sauce poured over it with a drizzle of mustard. It's not attractive, pretty good at the right food joints, but I've never seen a farmer eat it.
  4. That's the best news! I bet you slept well last night!
  5. I spent the day making apple jelly, and discovered my dog loves apples. He's never been interested in them before, but must have thought they were worth it because why else would his human stay in the food-room all day messing with red balls?
  6. No, you don't. I don't enjoy most violent or gory or sex laden movies, either. But you do need to be aware that across the web and airwaves, the mindset being driven, for years, is that Hollywood is a bunch of commie liberal hypocrites that hate all the god fearing people and want to turn us all into them. Spend a few hours on Fox& Friends or OAN or the really extreme right politicians Twitter accounts and it's evident. They may not convince you, but they've convinced millions of others.
  7. For those that believe it's hypocritical that Hollywood makes violent movies, are you able to understand that "Hollywood" does not equal " anti gun spouting liberals? That there could be conservative, Repub voting, NRA cardholding actors and cameramen and producers and directors and millions of Repub, conservative, pro-gun 2nd amendment loving people that will gladly pay what ever the price to view movies with an assortment of violence? To boil this down to the take that liberals = Hollywood= anti-gun= violent movie hypocrites is absolutely laughable. Case in point- Actor, director, producer Clint Eastwood. The epitome of violence, and I'm pretty sure he doesnt identify as the anti-gun liberal Hollywood personality that is continually being bashed on conservative outlets.
  8. Seeing as this past summer and now the autumn has been nothing but rain, I have learned to happily walk in it. I do not like to have wet hair, so a raincoat with hood is a must. I don't really mind a light drizzle, because I find a light rain refreshing and the air smells good. Hot weather and rain? Nope.
  9. Your own words about Hollywood here show exactly why we can not have discussions about guns in this country. Each side has their own hysterical screechings faction and you are playing right along. And then those outliers on the other side will try to totally excuse the happenings while they rest of us sit dumbfounded and worrying that we are indeed effed. But yes, as an older tweet of his asks, he will now know what it feels like to wrongly end a life with a gun. I am fairly certain it will haunt him forever, because it was a terrible accident that did not need to happen. Just as I'm sure the NRA and assorted bots will tweet and retweet stupid comments and memes for weeks, as will past and present politicians. There is a difference between anti gun and pro gun control. I do not think he was anti gun as you accused. But certainly he was very active in ending the political pull of the NRA. He was made more popular and unpopular with his twitter battles with Dana, and his SNL portrayals, and these 2 alone will guarantee him top billing on certain infotainment media. Because this is how America rolls. Keep the fanatical outliers unhinged to further a party's ability to stay or regain power with an added bonus of higher ratings and big bucks for industry.
  10. We don't know if he ever had safety class. Are you really saying NRA members are all extremely gun safety conscious? Because there's at least one state that requires no training at all for ownership. You'd think the NRA would be fighting tooth and nail for training to be part of ownership. But they don't. It's not the NRA of your early years. It's a political arm.
  11. I have not idea why you keep complaining about putting someone under surveillance, no one has even said that. They've written about home cameras that people point, legally, towards their own mailbox or driveway. Homes are often built really close, so the cam can see partially in another's yard. They don't point it at the neighbor's home on purpose. If someone said that, I'd appreciate you pointing it out because i've skimmed the thread twice and can't find that. Someone said the cams can have sound and if someone's yelling at may be able to pick them up. So yes, I'd be leery if a person who zoomed their porch cam right on my place, or pointed one obviously in my direction. But you keep arguing something that hasn't been said, as far a I can tell. I'm assuming that when someone says security camera are needed, they're talking about protecting the OP's house, not directed at the neighbor. Are you assuming differently?
  12. I'm going to guess it's an area where there are multiple Home Depots,Targets and Walmarts, groceries, so ask which specific location they prefer. Sports for kids, are there rec teams or is it hard core competitive? Does the area have flooded roads, prone to hurricane paths or tornadoes? If you feel comfortable enough, maybe ask about churches? Which insurance companies do they prefer? Doctor clinics? Best bbq restaurant?
  13. If he is trained and doesn't usually dart out of a door, then perhaps it's your family that needs to be retaught on how to be aware if the dog is near the door. Teach their friends, too, or contain the dog in one space when company is at your home. Since this seems to be a one time accident, it shouldn't be tough to reinforce rules that they probably already do. And definitely ask for any physical proof of attack. Make the man give details now so he won't be able to conveniently add them later.
  14. The author is on Twitter and very vocal. I've asked her questions a couple times in the past before she announced about Netflix and she did answer them. I've only read the book, as I'm usually disappointed with film versions of books.
  15. Do you know if this trail was searched when they initially went out, or was it flooded by then? I looked on the reddit site but it's nuts there.
  16. If it's human remains and items he would be associated with, on a trail his parents said he traveled, and the water has receded enough after flooding- did they search this trail before, or was it flooded by then?- then I'd guess it's him. People keep saying he was too cocky for suicide. But I think in the case of murder, it's a coward's way out and he seemed just like that.
  17. I'd try things like turmeric or cayenne or coq10. If you were to see the Dr again, could you ask about gabapentin? I don't know much about its safety but I do have a distant relative that took it for one month after having severe muscle pains after covid. According to her FB page, it worked.
  18. Oh, snowflakes are boring! Moose seem so much cooler.
  19. Then your pairing sounds excellent! The colors coordinate, it's Christmas-ey enough for the relative, they'll wear them at home and the shirt can be worn other places. Sounds at least like a quadruple win!
  20. When the man was standing in this own yard screaming, was he saying threatening things about you and your family, or just expletives about the dog? If this was only the second time in 5 years, and he didn't terrify you much the first time, why are you this terrified now? Have you ever spoken to him in those 5 years? Has he seem unhinged before? Do dogs run loose there? Maybe it happens a lot and your dog was the last straw that caused his rage? Is he known amongst your neighbors as the kooky one to avoid? Youve had the dog at least 5 years but are ready to rehome it after this one accident? That seems like you're not all that invested in the dog, unless the dog has some history you do not want to talk about, because if I feared for my family's safety in my own home then I'd certainly want a dog barking at the front door to alert me to the man I feared. A poorly trained or young Aussie can be hyper and barky and run circles around a person. Did the dog think it was protecting your kids? Why would it bolt across the street to a stranger? Was it barking happily or more in anger? Those are the the questions I'd be asking myself if it happened to me. I've had both unstable neighbors and also unstable dogs so this is not foreign to me.
  21. https://www.epi.org/publication/raising-the-federal-minimum-wage-to-15-by-2025-would-lift-the-pay-of-32-million-workers/ Figure A shows both nominal and real min wages alongside productivity minimum.
  22. Ok, brainstorming here, so bear with me. You don't want second hand definitely? What if you looked at FB marketplace for ektorp and found one for $150 or so that had no doggish odors, and you took those cushions and put them on your own couch, then sold the smelly one for extra cheap, or gave it away. Then you could wait however long it took for Ikea to get back to normal, for probably less than $200 I suppose it would also depend on whether you had a truck for transport. If not, then I'd go with the $50 rental fee and suck the heck out of the cushions! Maybe your area is different, but I have found beautiful, clean furniture on Marketplace. Not Craigslist, it's full of kooks. I check the background of the pics they post to see if their floor and other stuff looks clean. Then I snoop around and find their address to see what the house looks like. I also look at their FB page to see if they're too much of a lunatic for me. Weird, but it works!
  23. I'd bring her home. In my opinion, public middle school or junior high is a waste of time academically. Math classes seem to be repetitive, unless you are in a great district. Literature classes felt measly. It's as if the schools put the students in a holding pattern while waiting for them to mature a bit, lol.
  24. I'm sure you are aware that presidents don't have much control over gas prices. It's every easy to google and read about why they do increase or decrease. But I have seen ignorant memes frequently about the cost being due to one party over the other. Same with taxes. It gets tiresome, and does nothing to further the discussion towards more meaningful ideas.
  25. Have you looked at lindakale.com? They've got halfway decent prices on Ikea covers
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