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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi There :) Wondering who's signed up at http://www.classicalstudent.com/ I think it will make a nice addition to the Classical Education community :) Doesn't hurt that I love his curriculum :)
  2. Stinky you have to deal with this :( BUT, good you can!! :) I would do some screening to see what you're dealing with, better to find out young. I would also look at diet.... make sure you know your food sources. I swore my daughter was gonna start her period for a couple of years before she did. Lots of physical work and exercise would help, perhaps... Hugs...
  3. I did this too, commonly referred to as "side car"..... and shoved all up against the wall. My husband inserted a thin board under crib and my mattress to keep it all together... A lamb skin (lambie) is also good for babies. I had several with mine; when you want them to sleep away from home... you just bring the lambie :)
  4. Try one of those little bed things that fit on the bed.... It has 3 sides, top and both other sides (not bottom).... It gives a little "box" which can make you feel safer. Not sure how you can set up your room, but it's easier to co-sleep with your bed shoved against the wall. The drawback is you kinda have to slink off the bed, but it's worth it for the ease of babe not potentially falling off the bed. If you think baby just needs a bit of heat, put a heating pad in basinette and remove and turn off when you put baby in basinette... :)
  5. My dad is a theologian and lawyer... He speaks and writes books... My husband is an engineer.... Mechanical by education, Design by trade :)
  6. Can't put the boy to bed without his snack... whether it's 8:30pm or midnight... power of suggestion makes him hungry for a snack :)
  7. My dad use to unwrap all of his presents and wrap them back up.... each year... :) He is the most honest guy you would ever hope to meet!!! :) I would leave it alone and perhaps mention at another time that sometimes we all do things we should, and that it's important to remember to be honest and fess up when your conscience bothers you :)
  8. Might think that said child has an interest in knowing if there is a God. Of course, I'm bias as I do believe in God. It'd be hard if my children did NOT believe in God, as I believe in Heaven; I can understand that for one who doesn't..... it's hard if your child does. My children's step-mom is UU and I know that it's been tough for her that the girls are Christians..... But, usually freedom to think for yourself is part of homeschooling.... at least for those I know....... (and I can say that respect is necessary for a relationship... my daughter's bio-dad is NOT respectful of how she believes and it's a serious problem with her feelings towards her.... :()
  9. Gosh, sad, I like the "we" used.... I'm not sure about the other changes. Seems like Congregational praying/singing where we're all agreeing together, .... because we are together. (versus the "I" in everything) oh well...
  10. As needed; I would take her to someone use to dealing with the type of hair she has. :)
  11. Nice to have some people who are kind to exchange students. It's a great time in their lives, hopefully, and good for them to see our "good side"..... :)
  12. Just like anything else... everyone's different. BUT, I don't think that picking a day to celebrate the most wonderful birthday of all... is wrong. Jesus was born; it is a beautiful day. I celebrate it with others... in December :)
  13. Well, I've been trying to think of this lately... my mom is in her last year, most likely. Of course, I'd love to be wrong. You can do a search for the thread I started, with my username and see all the good ideas that people had for me. I'm doing video (and storing in more than one place) of stories, what she wants to tell my kids when they graduate, marry, have their first child...etc... I'm also having her tell her stories to video.. Depends on what kinda of time you have.... but just anything to tell her that she's important to you... to your family. I've told my mom that I love her more than before.... We have faith in God and Heaven.... told her that it's only selfish that we want her here...(told my dad this so far... will tell my mom in the end) and that we trust we'll see her again. I picture her rejoicing with all of our family.... Cancer sucks/stinks!! I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this :(
  14. Yup, kids at that time just know that "mom is gone but she's bringing back presents" I'd make a few cds of me reading books etc... and make a calendar so they can put stars on each day as you're one day closer to coming back. It'll be fine!! :) I was nursing till my daughter was almost 3 and still left for a few days at a time :) Familiar surroundings... your kids will be just fine!! :)
  15. If you pop them in the microwave for just a few seconds they are melty when you start to eat them :)
  16. Wow, they didn't leave you any nibbles for it?? If you think it's hungry, I'd call them up and ask what to do. Is it cold? :( Sorry!! (You've offered water, right?)
  17. I'm like this... Give me my coffee!! :) But, I never smoked... thank God, because once addicted... who knows if I could stop!! Cigarettes are so expensive, and they smell nasty! :(
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