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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. We do it in 6 yrs with our co-op; you just take the chapters, do one a week.... (and divide it by 5 or 6 yrs, which ever one you want :))
  2. Pop :) I'd like to hear of anyone using any of the Homeschool place that put this out... Lesson plans, timeline... etc... :)
  3. Gosh... I'm thinking two twins would be perfect.... we could pick which one we wanted, and schooch them together. :) But, when I want good sleep, I sleep downstairs, snoring really doesn't let me get good rest... :)
  4. The one for pets is what I'd want :) Gosh... makes me want one. I have a dog and 2 cats that shed... I swear that half my cleaning time is vacuuming along the edges of all are rooms... about 1200 square feet just for downstairs...
  5. I'd think about putting it in a "special spot" in some corner for him.... Kinda his own little tv spot. You can get bluetooth headphones if it's new enough....etc.... :)
  6. Baby was originally said with a soft "i" sound.... So, it's just explaining that it's the evolution of language :) I said "Wed-nes-day" to spell it for a long time....
  7. Who Moved My Cheese? It is for adults, but even my 8 year old could listen to it! :) It's a motivational book (on audio) and has nothing objectionable in it ;)
  8. Gosh... blackberry cobbler/pie!!!! :) Oranges I'd eat as many as we could.... Apples, chunky applesauce :) Latkes, applesauce and sourcream!! :) Yum!! :) (And just in time for Hanukkah!!)
  9. Send something easy to use :) Of course, send it here and keep it simple ;) "Wishing you all the best" :)
  10. Hi Everyone :) I'm trying to figure out Spotify :) I haven't "Upgraded"..... I'm trying to make sure that the songs on the radio are free. I would love to hear how you use Spotify :)
  11. Awww Astrid :) I see..... we differ on children... I mean dogs :) My 8 year old would still choose to sleep with us every night :) He only gets to occasionally. I do treat my dog like.... a dog.... :) Kinda of ;) I know you're great with your animals... I was mostly just teasing you :) I read what you say about your pups... I wish that I took the time to do more training with him; he would like that.... I'm sure your dogs are treated great! :)
  12. What?? I usually agree with you, but unless you're nervous about a dominance issue, I don't understand this. I slept with my sweetie in his crate... in his room... and only moved it into a room off the hall... because our room needed the space. But, I love to just pop our puppy (all 70 lbs) into the van and take him around with us. He wouldn't know what to do if he was treated like a dog :) PS, if I was leaving him, I'd do it in the crate so there were no accidents. Better to not get in the habit of leaving accidents :(
  13. Just remember that it's not really their nails being gone, but rather you're chopping off their fingers, basically. Perhaps that's ok with you... and as my cats DO claw my furniture.... sometimes I wanna chop their little cute heads off :( But.... alas, I can't mutilate their bodies... so I have no new furniture. I do have friends with cats and nice furniture, and our last cat was fine.... I honestly would rehome them to someone right by you, if there's someone who would take them. I am of the belief that cats should be only inside, but know that an outside kitty will not be happy inside. I think if you are going to keep them inside, make sure they have their flea meds and try it right now. If they won't stay inside, it's probably better to give them to a willing neighbor. Just my thoughts....
  14. Well, not to settle down forever, but for a season? Cali seems good today.... Course, is that a warmer part?? :)
  15. Normal, minus the fact that my cell is hard to be understood with.... I talk as clearly as I can, and the spot where the mic picks up is very small. Cell phones and I just don't mix ;(
  16. I'm 40 and have basically driven since the day I was 15; I've been pulled over.... maybe 5+ times, but never received a tix. I am very contrite, try to do what's right... and don't really speed. The times I've been pulled over, once I had an expired tags (in a car that wasn't mine).... Once I pulled out close in front of an unmarked car (oops, I was young and my car sucked when I had tried to accelerate) Once they said I didn't put my right hand signal on, Once I ran a yellow/red light around 1:30 in the am...(I promised him I would never go through a yellow when I could stop...) Once I accidentally sped through a poorly identified spot where the Medic Units pull out, ... I think that's all.... I've only had parking tix... ;)
  17. I'm gonna make "Nutella" with mine Homemade Nutella (someone's... don't know whose:() 1 cup hazelnuts 1/2 cup cocoa powder 5 TBS agave nectar (to taste) 1 TBS Vanilla Extract 1 TBS Hazelnut Oil (I'm going to use coconut) Pinch of Celtic Seasalt Roast the Hazelnuts at 350° for 8-10 minutes and smell fragrant. Transfer the hazelnuts to a towel and rub off the kinds if you can. In a food processor (I'm using my Vitamix) grind the hazelnuts to a smooth butter, about 5 minutes, scraping the sides as needed. Add the cocoa, agave, vanilla, oil and salt and process until blended. (about a minute) Stor in the fridge; bring to room temp before using/serving.
  18. There is a choice of the water fountain... my large dog drinks from the tub. I sometimes keep a bowl in there, otherwise I turn on the water for him when he hops inside. I can hear when he hops in, and if I don't come... he hops out then back inside... :) Makes it easy when we go camping because he can just drink from the water while it's running from the faucet :) :)
  19. Funny... they can say there is no God.... So why not? Hmmmm.... I have to remind my son every year that he can't say there's no Santa.... Because he just knows that Santa is fun and "brings presents" that he told Mom and Dad about.
  20. I wouldn't worry at all about the kids who are under 8; I would worry about the older ones... especially junior high and highschool... and yet I don't think it's typical "abuse". The kids will already resent their parents and educational neglect when they get ready to go out and make money, go to college...etc. Very sad :(
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