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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I see the difference between "birth control" and "pregnancy control" to be a serious difference. Using something like http://www.lady-comp.com/en/ is a method I think fine. I don't have a problem with anything that doesn't let the sp*rm be fertilized. (so some other things thought of as b/c would be an issue with me because the baby isn't allowed to properly grow/implant) BC pills which have an abortive/non-implantation backup would be something I wouldn't want to use, and would advise my children not to use. (C*nd*ms, or other things like this would be fine)
  2. Just a thought, but learning cursive works very well for when you start writing. I suggest that all students be taught cursive first. There's a program that goes with another Spalding Method that is called "Cursive First" I used Handwriting Without Tears, because it's easiest for a lot of children. (very simple) BUT, "Cursive First" uses the clock method, it that's what you want. Here's some info from the place you can purchase the "Cursive First" There's lots more info if you do a google search for "why cursive" first...
  3. Sarah and David... I think is what we have. My son learned all his letters with it, and it has 1-6th grade... basically. Anyway, it's worth a start. There's a Youtube video with the alpha bet song on it ;)
  4. Hi Everyone :) Our co-op has done the first half of US History and there's talk about switching to another text or set-up of the U.S. material. We've used All American History, and the parents feel it switches around too much. We meet once a week and the students are in 7th/8th grade. Any great thoughts out there? ;) We are a Christian Co-op, but prefer to not use BJU or A Beka. I would be happy to have more "living books" than not. I'm pretty sure we don't want them to have to stretch too much, but a bit would be fine :) Thanks! :)
  5. I feed mine in the tub (clean the tub after... easy :)) I know it's done by now, but I was just going to offer that sometimes it takes the dog a bit to understand it's food :) Like maybe cut off a bit of the meat... feed it... and then they'll "smell" that it's the same as the neck meat :)
  6. usually one of the parents has just over half of custody... at least that's how ours is... (50.5% and 49.5%) Just a thought to check and see if there's a bit extra on one side...
  7. I think of Nathaniel Bowditch.... Vulgate and a Grammar book..... I bet he was ok by the end.
  8. Gosh, if people find "sacred cow" offensive... wish people wouldn't say "oh my god" either... just sayin' (or any other words that I find offensive... )
  9. My step-daughter started early, too, but stopped after a few months and then picked up a few years later. You might explain that some of it might just be for a while, and not come back till later. I'd also suggest getting rid of any foods that aren't best for her... Make sure the milk she drinks, and as much other dairy is organic.... and try for free range chicken/beef products (and other meats you might eat) It was suggested by our mainstream Dr to eat meat and other things with no possible steroids... etc. Anyway just a thought :)
  10. Dr. Sear's book for sure... actually any of his books :) He's pretty mainstream, but almost enough crunchy for me :)
  11. No cookbook thoughts... but here's our favorite Crepe Recipe Bergeron Yummy Crepes 14 eggs, 3 cups kefir or runny yogurt... (or, as we do... yogurt with a little added milk 1 tsp sea salt 1 TBS molasses Process Above ingredients in blender till smooth.... Then stir in... 1.5 cups arrowroot powder 1.5 cups oat flour. (Get Oat groats from coop, healthfood stores, or some places where they have bulk. Looks like wheat berry.... and you need to "grind" like wheat. Perhaps you know a spot to do this? I hear that you can use a coffee grinder, but I've never tried this.) Stir until lumps are dissolved. If the batter is too runny, add arrowroot pwd in .5 cup increments until the batter is about the texture of heavy cream. Spoon by .25 cupfulls into a well-buttered crepe pan. Cook around 30 secs per side. You can half the recipe... or freeze left overs. I like to fold in quarters... and put a few in each ziplock.. (after cooled) I take them out... thaw a bit... and put in my iron skillet with a bit of butter... and when warmed... spoon in apricot fruit spread... Yum!
  12. If I had only thought about it being my "life name" here, I would have created something else. Didn't want to use my first and last name, so my son's nickname :)
  13. You might have fun calling his bluffs; ask for private party invitations with his friends.... start asking what colors he's talking about.... are they olive skinned? brown? red? green? black? or white? Or perhaps start singing the Jesus loves this little children... Pretty sure I'd have some pat answers all said with Southern Sweetness... ready for January. I'd also have my kids call him Papaw or something similar :)
  14. Hoping for a quiet end to this thread. A bit weird of a holiday greeting, but clay pigeons..... are clay :) That's all!!
  15. :) How much are the spots? Can you tell me how they work? :)
  16. Wow, we must be just like each other; I'm ready to chop off heads around here, too!! They don't offer... just disappear!
  17. I looked at going with them, but wanted to make decisions by myself. I didn't want a larger person deciding what our group would do..... I really hate "big government" and didn't want to go through that again.... sounded good except for that, though! :)
  18. I did :) We have one that is fairly large :) After Christmas I'd be happy to email with you or talk on the phone. I'll be able to figure out if I'd do it again.... say.... as soon as we see how last year will turn out.
  19. (Seems like the above news has to almost be a joke) If any of the Koreans are mourning his death, my guess would be that it is only because they hope that it doesn't get worse than the hell on earth they've been served for so long. I remember the woman who was killed because of handing a Bible to someone and the man who was killed/shot because he had made a long distance phone call to maybe... relatives?? at his place of business. China looks great compared to N. Korea. :(
  20. Hey:) It's not a big deal.... I'd rather my older children get it; you make a sick appt and get the antibiotics and then.... It's over... at least that's how it was for us. If you ignore it... or don't know what it is and just think it's a cold.... that's when it turns into weeks and weeks.... (think months) and is bad. Well... that's how it was for us, at least :) (I had it... as well as my two kids, and my step-daughter had it first... and worse... because we didn't know what it was)
  21. I celebrate though, that his people may be more free. Seriously, the killing that he has done to his people is horrendous, and I would hope that the next person won't shoot people for doing things like giving a Bible to someone who asks for it.
  22. We, because of our Creation based believes, picked 2 lessons of "Creation" and how it started off Ancient History. We picked some nice little books for the kids to color/fold up that we got free from the internet.
  23. You could always add "family" or "house" and be right :) Right? :)
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