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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Sorry :( Very sorry for your whole family :( Wishing you some peace.....
  2. So does this mean you were paying around $1000. a year for math? :bigear:
  3. Hi There ;) I'm wondering where I might get my son tested to see what his possible ability in math is. He's only doing 3B right now, with additional math problems that we give him. But he's mostly doing this because I genuinely don't know what to do to stretch him. He has never needed any help in math, other than "here's this".... "how do you think you would answer this?" etc. I know that he has an ability that is higher than the math he's currently working on... (When he was 6, he figured out what "2lbs of fruit that costs $1.69 a pound, without me explaining anymore than asking him what I'd pay....) He's for sure not "genius" or anything, just above average. He's an "engineer" in the making, or perhaps a Scientist... and I'd love to help him grow in his knowledge and love of Math as a whole. :) Ideas? :)
  4. Yes, I thought the thread was about all of the holidays that are celebrated from the Bible... And yes, my friend was a very "secular" Jew :) I hope to go to Israel with my father, before he gets too old :)
  5. Well, I don't celebrate Hanukkah, unless you count that I love the latkes, but isn't that representative of the oil being enough in the Temple? And Purim, isn't that from Esther? If I'm right, then they are in the Bible, right? As a Gentile, I didn't have my son cut, but I would have if I was Jewish. I lived with a Jewish family while I nannied and had a lot of fun. They weren't Orthodox, but did keep Kosher in the house.... (NJ) Jewish all the way.... I was caught off guard when the 4 year old told me "I am a Jew and you are a Gentile!!" Hmmmm..... Anyway, Purim in Israel is a Huge Party day for the young teens/adults :) My father would love to live in Israel :) He goes about 3 times a year and has for over 10 years...
  6. If the court doesn't decree who's responsibility it is, I think it falls by DOB of the 2 involved. :) I've recently thought of scanning all insurance cards and emailing them to myself. I have so many, and this way I can always access them :)
  7. Yup:iagree: and don't "Alpha Roll" the dog..... That can be bad! ..... The keeping the dog on a leash with you is good!! Tomato staking the dog to you is an awesome way to get control. You can hold the leash, or put one of the waist things on you and hook the leash to that :)
  8. Well, I was trying to be constructive, so I'll try once more :) If you are over the pup... cool... give it back like others suggested. If you love the pup and want to try again... Here are some thoughts: Can't remember how old your kids are... If you have some old enough, use one of the ball throwers to throw the ball for your pup. I have my son throw it 30x about 4 times a day, on a good day. My dog is 6.5, and puppies need more. I have my son just play outside, and the dog's out there for much of it... A short run for the dog... (a tired dog, is a happy dog) If your husband or you run... take the dog. Ask a trainer (a good one, not a "Petco" one) about a pinch collar... And walk the dog for at least 10-15 minutes in the morning. A short amount of quality time really gets the day off to a good start!! Do put the dog in the kennel for a small time each day with you there. I'd actually have my kids do this. We say "kennel" and the dog goes inside. My 8 year old can do this. For jumping, I know that it's bothersome. I would have the pinch collar on and when he starts to jump on your children, give it a "pinch".... (DO have someone show you how to do this.... You aren't suppose to "yank" on it...) I've taught my dog "settle" lately, which brings a full run to a walk. My dog is 6.5 and I'm STILL training him. There are multiple good things to do to train your dog... These are a few.... Get a long lead rope & let him run from you... Call "COME" and give a slight pinch... have them come back to you and when they're in front of you have them "sit".... 5 minutes at a time, and recall will be better :) Go somewhere safe and have your child and you spread out... call dog back and forth between you. My 8 year old loves to do this. (Dog goes running back and forth across the field) We have him run back and forth and "sit" in front of us each time, till he's released to go back to the other person. Have your child feed them and say "sit" and release them with an "ok" command... You need to be there to help.... At such a young age, minus unusual circumstances, it seems like the relationship can be salvaged. Maybe view it as your family's 4-H project :)
  9. Seriously? I'm thinking I would spend a bit of money and go to training. It would cost less than setting up a new dog in your house... with new problems. Call and get the training today :) (You will be able to get the dog going, set up your children to go in and hear what they should do.... etc...)
  10. For my dog sometimes, for eggs/potatoes etc./for skin problems/for pie crusts/ etc... :) I LOVE the way it smells for popcorn!! :)
  11. I always feel sorry for my dog if/when I leave him at home. He would rather come with me and stay in his crate in the car, than stay at home. (of course, I consider weather) He is hyper when at home, but in stores he's great. He's 70lbs, too, so not a purse dog. I would scold him without mercy if he ever growled or did any aggressive act. (without there being a reason, obviously) I would NOT put up with that regardless of size. He's a wonderful pet and I love taking him around with us. Sometimes it's a bit of a bother, but why have him if I'm gonna never take him out for fun? I try to never put him in other's ways... if they aren't comfortable with dogs... I think he could have made a great service dog!! :)
  12. I think that a Spinach cream sauce would be good. Just don't know how you'd do the cream sauce... :)
  13. How sweet :) The bitter part of the sweetness will fade a bit with time. I named my son's middle name after my cousin and also his Great Grandpa. It's a bit sad, as my cousin should be here for me, but happy... because I'm honoring both of them with my son's (middle) name.... Hugs to you
  14. I've heard there's something natural. My friend's friend used them....
  15. I was standing next to a friend talking with her, kinda freaked at her "not buckled" child. Luckily I was watching, because her son hopped out and I literally had his leg in my hand with his head heading to the floor.... That was freaky. I don't even think she realized that he could have ended up in the ER :(
  16. I totally understand where you're coming from! I've ended up with the wandering toddler in the store, making sure I let an employee know that I'm bringing the child to them. I tell kids to find their mom... And give nasty looks to the parent smoking in the car with their child... And wonder why they have a carseat that looks like it's secured with lose thread... or smack their kids on the face... or yell at them rude things (or walk through the store saying "f*** you") Yup, I'm not perfect, and I wouldn't want someone to judge me for many of the things I do :( BUT, I try to make my child safe :) And... I was the one who told the little girl that she didn't want to sit at the back of the cart, because it can come undone and her head can end up on the floor :( Yup... Mom was being VERY grumpy to daughter, and I smiled and said this. At least she then had me to be grumpy with :)
  17. Anything I can't bleach at this point. I'm freaked about bed bugs. No mattress used or things like that. No underwear.... I don't think..... Gives me the icky feeling to think about that...
  18. Oh, well, I guess I thought that some used it, since they have the Cali version :)
  19. Wow, you're around Houston, right? I didn't realize they are so into "Ma'am" there. I lived in Texas/Oklahoma for years and with our son, I model him answering with "Ma'am/Sir"... he's not 100% good at it, but he's pretty good. I think it sounds polite :) When he argues, it never starts with "Yes Ma'am" :)
  20. You'll read many different opinions about this; Christians say there's not enough "Bible" and Seculars think there's too much "myths stated as fact." I think you should give it a try with the cds, book for yourself, and the Activity Book. Start at SOTW I and plan to go forward. There are other supplemental books for SOTW besides the official SOTW Activity Book, but I like the original :) My son loves listening to the cd, as well as the "Famous Men of" series that I downloaded from Librovox. We also love Jim Weiss cds :) My son is 8 and loves cds... fills his head with such great info; he can naturally narrate back tons of info.... we just need to work on being concise. :) PS, a good start would be reading The Well Trained Mind, by Susan Wise Bauer. She's the one who makes this site possible, and her book is a great start :)
  21. Maybe he was thinking Saxon. As far as who uses Singapore, I think that California is one State that does. :) Hope Singapore works, as my son is using it, and it's the way his brain naturally thinks :)
  22. There was a smoothie post in the Vitamix thread that I read yesterday. Remember that not using sugar is best....Although Stevia is a good sub. The thread yesterday had a "Vitamix Lady" and she was recommending a particular brand that had liquid Stevia. Remember to buy your veggies organic, especially the "Top Dirties".... Spinach, Kale, Beets.... (just a small amount of beets per day) If it's an estrogen based cancer, non dairy... My mom uses almond or rice milk. You also don't want to use Soy... either way you don't want to use Soy that's not organic... I have a Vitamix:) Bananas, Strawberries, OJ... Yum!! :) (and you can add spinach, which only changes the color) Healthy Years ahead, to you!! :)
  23. School House Rock shows, Liberty Kids...etc... Lots of patience for yourself... and you need to just take it easy. Eat chocolate!! ;) Make videos if possible, record memories on paper, etc. Your kids will be fine if you just care for their physical and mental health, and don't expect much else from everyone.... Sorry about your MIL :(
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