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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. What's the br**st pump made of? Silicone? (the part touching you) What are you washing it with? I'd start trying to think about if it's something about the detergent or something... So sorry, I think it's so important, too!! SO, I know that it's hard.... Wonder if you could put some sort of cloth shield or something to make it so that the silicone wouldn't touch you.... (Also, just about the other stuff, have you thought about cutting out sugar, taking probiotics.... and also make sure to move the pump around a bit to make sure you're getting all of your ducts emptied... Especially under your arm pits make sure that you massage towards your n*pple to make sure you don't get mastitis again... Well, those are my tips :))
  2. Kinda like the other decisions that we make; we're actually not that great at agreeing, but.... I said that if you believe "whatever" that I expect that you will research it and present your reasons. I would expect that he would go to the public school, and sit one day in each class that the children would take part in. (So, that would be 3 days for him?) I would expect that he would talk to each teacher in those classes and kinda do as "I would do" if I wanted them to enter the school. :) There are compromises in life, but the person who's making the request needs to feel strongly enough to persuade and not dictate. My husband actually likes public school; here it is part of the social community of our small town. Luckily, my son is all over on the ability board and my husband is thinking that he wouldn't be able to pursue his natural bent as well in a classroom. Sorry for your friend... sounds like her husband needs to remember "As Christ loves the Church"....
  3. Course... it has to be Green Bean Hot Dish there, right? :) I like it but I use frozen green beans cooked till a little mushy, and next year I'm going to do my own white sauce, since I don't do Campbell's sauces anymore... I was thinking about whether there are organic fried onion things for the top :) :)
  4. Yup, my parents hs me and my mother in law... lives in a different state :) I have no idea how she feels, as I haven't asked her... and she hasn't commented. :) My husband supports me minus the fact that he'd like me to make $$$ :)
  5. From Dictionary.com :) cat-har·pin   [kat-hahr-pin] Show IPA noun Nautical . any of a number of short ropes or rods for gathering in shrouds near their tops.
  6. Maybe tell him to pull one over on her? Explain that sometimes,we... in disguise... act like we like someone ... when actually we can't stand them. We do what they want... because we need something they have to offer... like a grade. Then... when we see them on the street.... we don't have to acknowledge them. (course, can't run over them or anything) I would also ask her for a fresh start, explaining that RAD is like a disability. And really, emotionally, it is. (I'm not sure how it's actually classified) I'd ask the Headmaster person to be with us to help me negotiate through this rocky terrain that his birthparents started. I'd also try to figure out an incentive that would jumpstart him into trying a bit.... (Summer with lessons again??? Or a new game for him??? don't know if positive or negative... or a combination of both might work...)
  7. I can add that I have VideoText A for sale because my daughter went back to PS :) I think it looked good... and I went through the first lesson. Then she did Saxon when she did Challenge A... and now she's doing worksheets at school..... Oh well, she's not meant to be a math major :(
  8. If it's anti-inflammatory things that are best... there is SO much info out there about that. And remember to get organic :) Sweet potatoes aren't bad... and on and on... :) Sorry about this... :( (And when you do eat food that isn't, you can try to balance it out with things that are.... right?? Think I'm right about that)
  9. Yes, could be a miscarriage ;( BUT, I'd insist on an US just to make sure. I had counts that were supposedly too low, that was a miscarriage they said... and he's 8 now.... Probably it's usually true, but in my case it wasn't.
  10. I wouldn't get a small dog with a child around. I've only met one Wheaten, but liked it's personality much more than the freakin little Bichon I met ;( I like a dog big enough that if the child falls on it... it won't die or bite (hopefully) :) The Wheaten was big enough to be safe and yet small enough to pop in the car. Especially with the narrower crates you can get for the car. We travel with out almost 70lb dog and smaller would be easier :) Either way... you need to have an Alpha around.... :)
  11. I would love to use any talents I have in a larger setting someday, but I think that what would make me the best "worker/teacher" is to remember that the class is made up of individual students. I'm really not sure if I'll be able to go back to work someday, but I hope to use all that I'm learning now... if and when I do. I was just talking about a teacher the other day; she has the certificate, but isn't willing to "decompress her class" :) Almost like a math problem... and her problem is at the very least... the way she approaches math with her students. The little girl in her class, at 7, is going crazy with stress... because she doesn't understand numbers. She can't do these "timed tests" that the teacher has her doing, and instead of looking at the little girl and helping her understand... she insists on teaching the class the way she wants to... With homeschooling in my pocket, so to speak, I see each of the little children as individuals. Perhaps when you start with a whole class... you can't do that. I continually wonder what I'll do when I "grow up" ;) My son is 8 so I have between 5 and 10 yrs :)
  12. Perfect example of why we like our co-op. We've picked out one per chapter (one per week) and you get it done, if you're doing it for class. SO, basically at the very least, my son gets one Science project and one History project a week :) You can do this with friends, too. Just pick a family to do it with... :)
  13. I wanna come back to this thread in a couple of years and comment that I finished college!!!! :) I'm gonna quote this!! :)
  14. I hated spending the $$$ too, but when they're young enough... it's worth it. If she can take care of it, it's a doll she can keep forever :) Just a thought :)
  15. Gosh, too bad you don't live close to me... perfect babysitter for my son... they could talk for hours about the gods and such... and my son would be fascinated.... He LOVES all of that stuff!!! Gifts... I have no idea, but I'll watch here for when he gets older :)
  16. Thanks for all your thoughts so far :) It's a bittersweet blessing to have time to think about everything....
  17. I love the "Dear Santa" list :) What a good way to let people know the "Cute List" that they are hoping for :)
  18. What an honor to be able to sing in front of such an audience! Great job!! :)
  19. Will he willingly speak appropriately if you make a point of it? I might make a point of saying when you start... (if there are children other than your own it would be easiest) Ok everyone, today we're going to remember to take our shoes off at the door... and the kids say, "take our shoes off at the door".... Walk in the house "Walk in the house" and "Not say 'Naughty words'." Get everyone in the swing of "helping the kids recite the rules" before you start the day out... Just a thought :)
  20. Just a thought from someone whose child can't stand when people say her name incorrectly.... Unless you're going for meaning of the name, versus the pronunciation :) Just a thought that "Zeeva" would get you the pronunciation... But of course, it changes the meaning and such.... Still Hebrew, though!! :)
  21. Honestly, gifts are grandparents and extended families show of love. I would either just let it go, and do a family charity day later... or send out gift requests from your daughter... if your kids have done that before. I don't think it's worth hurt feelings. There are bins for under the bed, and every January you have a "Clean out day"..... If it's not something your kids can do, move it to the garage without them knowing and then... well... give it away after it's not missed. Seriously, with my lack of family gifts... and the fact that I only wish I had to deal with family gifts right now, I just don't think it's worth any hurt feelings :( Just my thoughts...
  22. Well, you have a lot of names already, so I don't know if you've already used them :) (or what would sound good with yours) Liam? I like Liam :) I really like the name Stephen..... I even like Steve.:) One name I like that is a bit unusual, but I've met one... is Aubrielle. I think it looks/sounds balanced ... I thought of it because I like "Gabrielle" but didn't want "Gabby".... so Abrielle..... But the "Au" makes it that it's obvious that it would be the sounds of "Aw".... I had also thought of Avery for a girl :) :)
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