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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. With Singapore, can't you just do the Workbook, and go quickly through... I paced it for 8 pages a day for my son, and we'll be through in a little less than 3 weeks. I'm doing this because last year we didn't get going due to family issues... math he is strong in... but I don't want holes. He's older and in a lower level... but he doesn't balk at math because he thinks this is his life ;) He taught himself to multiply when he was little, but I wanted him stay on target... course... forgetting about math for months last year helped us not get ahead ;) Anyway, I plan on him doing math 6 days a week for his school career, so that's perfect getting him in the habit. If they get to a place where they don't understand... then you can stop the pace. I have the Shangri-la Math place... (whatever that's called :)) picked out for when he gets through 6A or so.... I've made it through there with my daughter, but after that... I'm gonna pass him right on to a tutor ;) :)
  2. We're doing SOTW with 10/11 year olds in our co-op; my daughter listened to it when she was in 5th? I really think the cds are the secret; even my husband and I learn or remember points when we're hearing them. Then, out of the projects, there's usually at least one that we consider fun. You could have them do a lapbook or timeline, or some other recording of the info. Also, after reading, they can pick the Kingfisher's encyclopedia or another book about some info in the chapter. :) Wish the one for highschoolers/adults was entertaining enough to be read by Jim Weiss :) Not the same ;) But of course.... that's how it goes :)
  3. Marshmallow Fluff and Cream Cheese, whipped together :) Yum for fruit!! Most I see put Nutmeg on top, but I don't care for Nutmeg... Yum will all strawberries and bananas to dip!!! :)
  4. I've thought of this, too :) My son is 8 and when he's older... and in some school (highschool or college :)) I'm free.... Of course, in 10 years, I may have grandchildren... or whatever...and not want to work full time. I'll be 50.. so hopefully years left!! :)
  5. If it were drugs, s*x or something like that, I'd tell. A FB account?? At 17.5?? No way.... it's just not important. It's called "ultra controlling parents".... When they ask you, you can say that you knew.... you asked your DD to tell you if there was anything worrisome, but that you only break your word about keeping talks between yourself (you and your dd) over information that is "live or die." Obviously, in 6 months.. that girl is gonna have a FB account :)
  6. Very Good :) The note said "2014" which might be part of why it was thought that something drastic had happened ;) We'll miss it... but hope good things for you... and look forward to having you in a couple of years :grouphug:
  7. When my daughter wanted to do vegetarian, I tried for a while.. but the told her that at our house, she needs to eat as we do. I was vegetarian for a long time, and am fine with vegetarian, but she didn't have time to cook properly... and so she went along with it. I was gentle :) I have to say that I would support the "no meat" part, but not the totally vegan part. It's just so hard to eat properly without eating any animal products. Eating animal products isn't .... going against not killing animals... or the same texture as meat... I still don't eat hamburger or other nasty ground meat. The texture is just something I can't do.... (Of course, I can now have a steak, as long as I don't cook it... :)) Anyway, I wouldn't be purchasing vegan cheese or wanting her to eat soy. (Unless organic) so... she'd be stuck eating everything but the meat for me. I don't mind using Veggie Stock, so I would do that for her... As long as you have all healthy... and don't have things to fill up on that aren't "junky" then it should turn out fine ;)
  8. And I looked at rescues, and after seeing that it was so much to get through to "adopt" and the $$$, I decided that I'd rather not have a dog that someone else had not taken care of... This next time I want to "start from scratch" :)
  9. You think it's the lady with a million kids, off in some island place?? :) WOW... some people have NOTHING better to do... Perhaps they should write fiction. BUT, if it's real, just give us a proper link to the bust :)
  10. It all comes together... in a box, right?? So MP or A Beka... but MP would be "classical" :) Right??:bigear:
  11. Funny, I didn't think a thing of it. I have worked in the area of "servant hood"..... with a maid with me. Them getting busted?? Well, it's possible. If it's true... link a news story in your area, and it's... "presto" credible. :)
  12. And some say it never happened ;( My dad was able to introduce Corrie Ten Boom once; I always thought that was cool. It's amazing what people went through, and then chose to be happy with the rest of their lives. It's amazing what one person can do to another.. or another group of people. The Sunflower is an amazing book, as well. Many accounts of this horrible time, have been written. ;(
  13. :( Sad for her... Too bad about not hearing her this summer ;( 2014 is Soooo far away!! But, that might be perfect for me gearing up for Junior High with my son! Hope it's not too bad, whatever is happening! :(
  14. $1500 is what I found, too. (or maybe $1800.) The funny thing is Labradoodles and similar are MORE than that!! The person that I found the Wheaten from has them tested and about $150 of that was a check written directly to a spot that does research on helping Wheatens. Can't remember what it was called... I tell ya, everytime I vacuum up wads of black hair, I resolve that I will pay the $$$ to have what I first decided upon... if I ever get another dog. Another thing to think about is that hopefully money you pay upfront, will be less $$$ you pay at the vets... :)
  15. Being a slave is not fun; seriously you will be demoted relationship wise, and I think that if you take a bit... you could find a job that is somewhere else.... is less "demeaning" and that you can quit when you wish. (BTW, I know that working for someone else is ok, but I nannied, I know how domestic help is looked upon...) And.... nannies aren't treated as poorly as "Maids".... Taxes probably aren't paid, and that could get you in a world of hurt, even though they are responsible for it. Do yourself a favor and look for another job. (Unless you aren't planning on living in the neighborhood for long... maybe that would be different??)
  16. I would grab her and run if I were you; I would also tomato stake her for at least 2 weeks or longer. I swear this is what made my crazy dog, good! (not perfect :)) I kept him with me every second for the first 2 weeks.... when not with me.. in his crate. I usually just had him on his leash (and ended up buying the one that they replace if the dog chews it up... of course... he never did. (he had chewed through his nice new one that I got him... but not the "guaranteed" one:)) So.... I did walks in the morning... walks in the evening.... and short walks at noon... for the first few months. (I actually walked him about 2.5 hrs a day for the first few weeks. This bike adaptor and harness is what I found, and will get if I get another dog... maybe I'll get it while I still have our present dog :) I want it, but we're trying to be careful with $$$ right now. I suggest going to serious training for the first while. Here we went to a 12 week training session, once a week, with other dogs. It was a great time, with a really great trainer. (Skip the pet store ones...) I agree with the part about grain free; I feed ours raw. Turned a dog that was almost ready to be put down due to his allergies... to a dog that's fine :) Have fun!!
  17. Awwww glad that you had a happy day :) That always makes the heart happy!! :) May it continue :)
  18. I think that 13 is fine; I'd do disposable. I get mine by finding the best price, and then calling 1-800-contacts for a "price match" It's not a bad price after figuring in solution and cleaner and then when one rips or pops out... not as much $$$ to lose. I think that by doing disposable, you can let them wear them earlier. Also, this helps if there are any allergies...etc. Just encourage her to listen when they tell her about care/eyes, and also to carry spare contacts and also her glasses. :) Really, it helps them with self esteem if they don't like their glasses :)
  19. I would never be rude, but when I was staying with my MIL for a couple weeks at a time, she would take my by the store on the way home. I don't eat "ground any meat"... and I also have particular tastes... (and try to be healthy) So, I picked up butter and other foods that wouldn't be there... (Yogurt I liked and such) Here's the thing, I don't know what "eating celiac" means, but if I were she... I'd go and buy microwave or already prepared food... and paper plates, and disposable flatware if that's what you needed. I guess that I'd just get everything... self contained and easy to heat up. I think that if my guests were having problems that I'd just ask if they wanted me to drop them by the store so they could pick up some food.... :)
  20. This would be fun for our preschool parents to do... in real life!! I wanna hear how it goes for everyone.. and which activities are best. Are there books out there you recommend? Or, more blogs? ;) I'd love to do this with some people around Salem, OR.... I hate postage :(
  21. Incredible! What a gift for you!! And a start of more healing for her!! :)
  22. I think that by 7th grade I might think about it. I'd enjoy a 2 day a week or something...and then a University Model school type situation for 7th on up... ;) Course.. could I help pick the curriculum?? :)
  23. My thoughts are... Read Ma Liping's Book... (get the newest edition) So you'll know HOW to explain what to do... if you're using Singapore... you want to explain number bonds... and more! :) You want him to think of adding and subtracting the way Singapore explains it. (I was glad to have read this before I started explaining adding and subtracting to my son) And then.... teach him to work hard... at physical labor. Moving woodpiles with dad... scrubbing with you... etc. Working hard at physical labor transfers to school work, too. At least I think it does... :)
  24. I thought that was pretty funny!! In all fairness, the guy who helped them out was kinda lost, too :)
  25. It's by the cut-off where you live... Their age minus 5 :) That's their grade... if you do it by cut-offs ;)
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