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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. If he had some type of Gateway computer thing (cheap at around $200 or so) to take notes on, would that help? I think that here, that would be something covered by most schools, if they needed it due to medical issues. I would be thinking about having him do it for a while, or doing some classes.. at least! Good luck!! It's hard being a parent/guider!!
  2. Cut off Dates for kindergarten In order to enter kindergarten, children must be age five in all states. The following are a list of cut -off dates by which the child must have turned five in order to qualify for kindergarten. Alabama- September 1 Alaska- August 15 Arizona- September 1 Arkansas-September 15 British Columbia, Canada- December 31 California-December 3 Colorado- September 15 Connecticut-January 1 Delaware Florida-September 1 Georgia- September 1 Hawai'i-December 31 Idaho- September 1 Illinois-September 1 Indiana- JULY 1 (moved from June 1 -- SB157 to roll back to Sept 1 month-by-month over 3 yrs to Sept 1 starting 99/00 July 1; 00/01 Aug 1; 2001/02 Sept1) Iowa- September 1 or 15 Kansas-August 31 Kentucky-October 1 Louisiana- September 30 (except Orleans Parish 12/31) Maine-October 15 Maryland-Entering kindergartners must be 5 by Dec. 31 Massachusetts-September 1 Michigan-December 1 Minnesota-September 1 Mississippi-September 1 Missouri-AUGUST 1 (moved from July 1) Montana-December 2 Nebraska-October 15 Nevada-September 30 New Hamshire-September 30 New Jersey-November 30 New Mexico New York-November 30 North Carolina-October 16 (Aug 31st, I hear from someone in a post below :)) North Dakota- December 2 Ohio-September 30 Oklahoma- September 1 Oregon-September 1 Pennsylvania (dates vary from district to district) Rhode Island- Variable from September 1 to December 31 South Carolina- September 1 South Dakota Tennessee Texas-September 1 Utah-August 31 Vermont-dates vary from 9/1 to 1/1 Virginia-September 30 Washington- August 31 West Virginia- September 1 Wisconsin-September 1 Wyoming District of Columbia Puerto Rico- September 1 Department of Defense (DOD)-October 31 (changed from December 31)
  3. I don't believe that "free will" is correct. I believe that we have will, within the will that God allows us to have. For example, you may tell your child they can have something... but it's within the choices that you allow. (You're bigger) Very simplified response, I know. So, I believe that at least when he chose, he had a will to do what God allowed him to do... which has somewhat the same end result... but is different enough to mention.
  4. Can you say "Mastitis" That's what her Dr is prescribing for her. What you may want her to know is about hindmilk. She can try feeding all the milk on one side... till it's gone. Or, what I sometimes did was a bit from one side, and then finish all the way on the other side. I had tons of milk. I actually regulated myself the second time, because I had too much milk with my first. I demand fed.... she would drink too much... and then spit up and be happy to drink more. I had no problem nursing all the time (and she burped fine) but I got mastitis. With my second, I had to stay an extra day, so I took a bottle and was expressing full bottles right away. (full by newborn standards... at least 4 ounce... can't remember exactly.) Anyway, I pumped with an Avent, and froze tons of bottles. I then tried to "even myself out" ... and it sounds weird, but it worked. No problems like the first time... dried up enough that I wasn't dripping ounces out each time I nursed... (I got the little lily pad like things... so it caused pressure so I didn't leak) Anyway, I never went 6 hrs till my baby was months old. (And he was 10lbs 3 oz) I'm not really sure, that under normal circumstances... babies can gain too much weight on bre*st milk. Good Luck!!
  5. Electric trimmer is what I've heard; for sure not a regular shaver which many would find..... very prickly as it breaks through the skin. I've always toyed with waxing my legs...and more, but shy away from it due to the thought of pain :)
  6. I'd think about learning disabilities, first, to allow her to see what she's working with. I personally find SOTW 1-4 to be a great, easy, foundation. I would have him test for where to place in math, and barring learning issues, probably go with Teaching Textbooks if that would work. I'd try to see if he is motivated; if he has interests.... If he's 16 with two credits, he has some serious "make-up" work to do. I'd also look into the community colleges to see if there's anything for him in finishing to "complete his education".... Good luck!! Huge project!! :)
  7. Updated Startwrite? Worth it? Differences :):bigear: (Love to know if it's easier to use and also if it has a better cursive "z" than the one I have..)
  8. I have the answers for next year :) I'll just start looking them up before almost midnight, next time :) Thanks!!
  9. Yes, in list form :) I'm playing it in co-op and wanted the answer on the pages.
  10. The First Kings of England Anyone know where the answers to the games are? (And SOTW IIII games :bigear:
  11. Anyone know where the answers to the games are? :) (And SOTW IIII games) :bigear:
  12. I'm thinking that running the dog would actually benefit him more; do you know how jealous I am for my dog when I see people running by? :( I always think how much happier he would be jogging or going fast. Me, I just stroll. Just a thought. You could try it for a week and see if it worked... by yourself... and then see if she'd run with you again. As far as friends... a few years ago my best friend and I "broke up" and I don't have another friend that is close to me. I had a couple friends I was getting to know, but circumstances changed... and now we have nothing in common, I guess. :(
  13. If you redo any flooring, paint the subfloor with sealer. It makes ALL the difference with it not coming up through the new carpet or other floor covering... Sorry :(
  14. Needed: I'm looking for a way to create a "supplies needed" from the activities I am planning to do. I have a co-op and we have many activities. I'd like to do something similar to when you have recipes you want to make, and you have a program to collect the cumulative amount of groceries that you need. (3 recipes x 10lbs of chicken each... and it spits out.... 30 lbs of chicken that you need to shop for...) Anyone know a pre-made program that would do this?? Thanks!!:bigear:
  15. Just make sure it's really over. I was told it was, because my Dr didn't know how big the "fetus/baby" should be. She was offering to schedule me for a D&C..... If you can have a miscarriage without intervention, it's better, as some of the complications from having an abortion... exist if you have a D&C :( I'm really sorry for you:(
  16. So sorry :( Let us know when it's all ok.... Hopefully that will be soon!! :)
  17. Very nice to read about others doing MFW for Highschool. Just in case anyone reads this from around Salem, OR.... we have a co-op using MFW for our highschool.... (and SOTW for the youngers) :)
  18. Sorry... Cancer does stink. I think that all of my mom's and dad's siblings had some sort of cancer take them. (so over 10+ siblings together) Now my mom has it :( So sorry for you... for her husband... kids... your kids.... all those who will miss her :( Cancer stinks! :(
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