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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. http://www.thedailygreen.com/living-green/blogs/organic-parenting/DIY-playdough-55090801 Just looked... here's one... And another one SafeMama Play Dough Recipe 1 cup flour 1/2 cup salt 1 cup water 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons cream of tartar beet, spinach, and carrot juice (or food coloring) Instructions: Mix flour, salt and oil, and slowly add water. Cook over medium heat, stirring until dough becomes stiff. Put onto wax paper and let cool. Knead the dough with your hands until it feels right. Start playing as is, or divide into balls and add a few drops of the vegetable juices to make green, pink, and orange. You can also use a few drops of traditional food coloring. I really like the organic part ;) And natural color seems great!! :)
  2. I really want one like http://www.softdough.com/ Wish there was a copykat recipe for it!! ;)
  3. Poor Me, I got paddled at school; once in first, once in fourth, and then homeschooled. When I went back to public school for a while, I went to the office and had them give me the sheet to say I couldn't be paddled. (I had read about there being one, in the school packet, but they hadn't had someone ask in so long, that they didn't know where they were.) I was NOT going to be paddled, as a freshman!! We also had recess taken, and other such punishments. (No talking during lunch etc...) When I went to 1st grade, all the kids were black besides me and another boy in our class(and in each class there was maybe one or so white kids... I was in a pretty all black school; a totally different culture than what I was use to.... The teacher would put kids across her knees and paddle, or if kids were fighting on the playground... off came the principal's belt, and a spanking was given. I didn't realize till I got older, that the Principal was a majority of the people's Pastor... and that's why it was like "all in the family".... The kids were pretty good though... and I know now, that many of them had a very hard life. And, even though I was scared of it.... the Principal really loved those kids, and was doing the best he could for them.
  4. My pup does! And we know our UPS people, my dad actually gets a package about every other day. :)
  5. Hey Pam, Did you see that Rachel is having her oldest do French? She has been talking about it on our local hs fb page. You might check with her.... Just a thought.. :)
  6. This is why when I switched from doing CC to another co-op, we decided to meet on Saturdays. With Fridays, the next day is more "relaxed" for us, and the change of pace is good for after a day of co-op. With Wednesdays, I felt like Tuesdays I prepared, Wednesdays were there, and Thursdays I was wiped. Not much of the week left after that.
  7. I was a good kid, minus turning in school work, which made me a "problem child" and when I got to be 16... I wanted freedom... I moved out at 17 and back in and out and back in :)
  8. The cartoons on tv versus the videos... I think they are minus real Christian content... more character building info. Course.. the Religious part is stuff you might want your children to know... "Who built the ark?" kinda stuff... general cultural knowledge ;)
  9. Unless you believe that God created it all, he is the Author of Science and so... it cannot be kept separate. Creation and all that is in it, is God's. Scientists may believe one way, and change their "finds" later, but what and how God did things is not changeable. I believe in a literal "6-Day" Creation, but know that however God did it... is how He did it. I believe that God is much bigger and he is able to do what He chooses, without me necessarily being able to explain it. Our co-op is using "God's Design for Science" and I think we'll use it.... It's for grades 1-8.
  10. From a Director's point of view, there has to be a cut-off and then some variable. We have everyone according to age, and then if it's a couple of days, we'll look at it. Like in CC when I did that, there was a child whose BD was 8 days past the cut off for school. He belonged in the grade he "almost" missed..... I keep kids with their ages, not in grades below or above... unless there's a real reason. For yours, if there was room, I'd move her up. (If socially and academically she would fit in the "up" grade) ...Since it's just a few days..
  11. Just to throw a private school option your way, I've looked at Cedar Tree for a long time... I've even thought of driving there when my son is in Highschool, if I can't have something I want for him here. There's also the thought of seeing if there are "part time" classical schools there... or University Model schools.... Like a half and half mixture. Some co-ops allow you to pay more and not participate... ;)
  12. Under even the way of looking as this just as "sleeping with another person" this is adultery. (never mind that it's evil in the biggest way!!!) I would probably not call the authorities, either... if I went through with just K*lling the evil one.. I can't imagine being married to someone that molested my child. (or any child) Nasty. :( As far as sp*nking, I'm not against it. My son doesn't benefit from it, but some kids do, and at some points of his life... he did, too. BUT, I don't need a guy to tell me what to spank my child with... or when. And.... adopted children often are the ones who don't need anything but love and support... and their parents need the same. (mostly meaning children with attachment problems... and such)
  13. I lost about 25 lbs by doing Organic everything (pretty much) food... no sugar... (this is from January to this last month) I think the no sugar was the key for me... :)
  14. My mom called local businesses and asked what they gave their employees for their "recess" ;) Break.... Then she asked why I couldn't have what adults legally needed. (Because of course, children need it more) Course, that's back in the day when they paddled naughtys :) But, talking loudly?? Can't you do a "walk back and try that again"? Or... YOU have to do rounds around the fence during recess?? Or ANYTHING??? besides... go back.. be quiet... get ready to learn. ;(
  15. So sorry :( To keep up white blood cell count... try Organic Sesame Seed Oil... 1 TBS internally and also rubbed on them... is the dose for adults... (My mom had this recommended while at Cancer Center of America) Worked really well, and she could tell the couple weeks she didn't keep up. Probiotics... My mom had the option of Vitamin C intravenously... And at this clinic.. they do treatment more often.. but lower doses.... Sorry :(
  16. You can also make the mix and freeze it for later... Just a thought :) Make up a crust... pour thawed egg mix in... Yum. I make my quiche with swiss, cheddar and monterey.... salt and pepper... and then sometimes add in veggies. I like to line the crust with sauteed mushrooms. I get everything ready the night before, and then the morning I want it, I pull out the stuff.... The pre-cooked pie crust... (that I started the night before) and put it in the pre-heated oven... YUM!! I need to make some Quiche... (Oh yes, I also have sauteed onions for it.) Our favorite Tea spot had all sorts of Quiches... Broccoli ... Red Pepper.. Mushroom.. With ham or sausage... Etc ;)
  17. Red Robin use to make (maybe still does) a salad with BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans and other salad "normals" Yum! :)
  18. Hi There, For SOTW II, I've picked for our class to make paper. I'm SOOO excited; I did this (before) with a "Woman's Club" and it was a blast. I'm wondering what the easiest way to "make screens" for the paper to dry on is. Hints?? Also, I only have a Vitamix, I think... I'm thinking about stopping by at a Goodwill to purchase a cheap blender... Ideas?? Any hints about this would be great! I'll have kids and hopefully 2 helpers :) PS, I LOVE doing the History with SOTW in a co-op situation. Lots of fun, and usually not too much prep! :)
  19. If you truly want to have cats long term, then "in at night" will do the trick. Seriously, to have cats... I think it's only kind to have them in with you for part of the time... especially when it's cold and rainy. If you want to keep mice down, then you're counting on them eating mice... which may or may not be true. If you feed them pinky mice now, I would think that'd be a good start.... You want to feed them high quality, no grain food as supplement, if you're going to supplement their mice. Also, remember to NEVER leave poison out for mice...rats...etc. Because, if you do... your kitties will die :( (And like I mentioned, bringing them in at night prevents coyotes from eating them in the dark :(
  20. To be perfectly honest, I just don't want to can... want to use them... and was thinking that cooking them down, and freezing them... might mean that I would have "sauce" for Homemade tomato soup. I was hoping that I could use the tomatoes with the basic "white sauce" and stock and turn it into yummy Soup. I found one recipe... and thought it looked interesting. I don't have to have a lot of different "end products" from what I'm making... just easy!! (And something we will eat) The tomatoes are Organic, to top it off... Last time I passed on picking them... I'm off to pick and will see if anyone else has hints for me... when I come back :)
  21. It's just under a Bushel, from what I read. I think that means that 1 Large Rubbermaid... would be about the size... :bigear:
  22. Hey Y'all :) I'm going out to pick 50 lbs of tomatoes. I'm gonna skin 'em but wonder what to do after. I don't want to can them... I want to get them "condensed" to something... and then freeze them. Should I prepare them for soup.... I really don't want too much work, but these come with my CSA portion :) :bigear:
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