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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'm confused; why would they be prosecuted? Isn't it like a "rated R" movie type thing. (Actually, maybe even a PG-13?) I don't know the ratings they use over there.... But, I would think the adult in charge, is... in charge. Funny thing, I don't know HOW they could prosecute. Here they show all sorts of stuff in S*x Ed. We'd have to start prosecuting the schools.
  2. Wow, I guess that people really have different opinions about guns. I can't believe that it'd be ok to teach kids to shoot cats. Cats in our area have no leash law, and are considered animals that have the right to go around... at will. (Kinda like other "free" animals... birds... etc) I would be mortified if my husband shot any creature; he still feels ashamed of shooting a bird when he was around 10. :(
  3. Send a note, "Hi Jeanie, I know that times are tough for everyone, but we really need that $1000. that we loaned you. Jimmy has to have braces and it's really rough right now. When do you think that you might be able to pay the whole amount, or at least pay part of it?" Then, if they respond... that's your "written" response :) (Hopefully you haven't just talked about it, if so... change the wording.... and give it a go...)
  4. You can "untwist" the spiral binding, and then if you have or can borrow... one of those scanners where you put a stack of paper in... and then create a PDF.... so cool. Fix the number count part... (easy to do if you know how... So pages like the title page don't mess with the numbering) Then print to your heart's content. It's so awesome!!! Need page 20?? Just do a search for page 20 and there it is :) Then, just remember that once you've made copies... you shouldn't sell the book. (but... that's another story :))
  5. You could make some dried apples :) And also some apple pie filling. I don't care for the kind in a can, but think this could be good homemade. Also, if you don't mind those red hot cinnamon candies, I thought that was the coolest applesauce.... ever!!! (when I was younger :)) Then make some latkes. Yum.... Latkes, sour cream, homemade applesauce!!! :)
  6. I've grown up with hunters in my family; kids who use bb guns on animals... would get physically punished.... gun take away... some type of hard work. Seriously the blame goes to the adults, if they haven't done proper teaching on safety and proper use. I think that all of the "would do to the child" is more "you should understand gun control".... Hunters only shoot at animals to kill, and people who have guns are hunters... or they have them for actual safety reasons. Animals barking don't equate with using force. (Would it have been ok to go out and kick or hit the dog??) Seriously, I think the bottom line is, "Is it a kind thing to do?" and if you're not concerned with that, "Is it something that is legal?" In our town it's actually not legal to shoot any projectile, including a rubber band. My mom can't shoot anything in her own yard, baring threat of physical harm.
  7. Depends on if they were on your property. They could do serious damage, get infected, or cause blindness. If they bark, you can get the birdhouse thing that you put close to your property line to stop the barking. :)
  8. :) Thanks everyone! How large were the totes at preschool? Do you remember how many kids would gather round to play? We've got 10-20 in the area, but of course.... there are other things to play with. Also, I'm all ears for anything else fun that you remember! :) We have scheduled circle time, craft time... and free time for the "sand" table/dress-up/kitchen area... etc. :)
  9. Hi There ;) I want to make a Sand Table for a Preschool (Co-op) Class. I'm looking for "done and easy" plans :) Anyone have suggestions? An alternative is that we do have tables we could use, but then would need something for on top of them.... :)
  10. We have a co-op that we've put together some activities for the children. Now the leaders think that Little Hands to Heaven, would be better. We've spent $$$ already, but I'm wondering if the preschool curriculum is the best ever.... and we should change... :bigear:
  11. MY mom got cancer... I got serious about eating right. I eat salad as often as I can. I do a vinegar/oil dressing with pepper and salt... or a simple dressing. I eat lots of salad... for a while and then some other decent foods... I eat lots of organic, farm fresh boiled eggs... Organic... almost everything. Stopped drinking soda, except for a bit of Hansen's. I stopped eating almost all sugar. (seriously, very seriously careful) I try to eat whole grains... when possible. I try for just a bit of juice every once in a while... fruit smoothies with some fresh fruit and vanilla yogurt. I think the really low sugar is a big part of it. I was using cream in the coffee, and just stopped... and do 2% milk or such.... instead. My next goal is to start exercising. I'll be 40 on Friday... and am in better shape than I was since I was married. I have lost 20 lbs.... and I'm super happy!!! I really think the sugar part is key... Once you stop eating sugar... there's not much that I like to eat.... (Course... there's cheese :))
  12. Funny! Where's all the spam to turn in :) Someone selling purses or shoes could be very thread happy, right now :)
  13. Would your cousin let her come lie down with her? :) That would be my choice; my second would be to crate train her. In the not too hot part, I take my dog... in the back of my van.. in his crate. As long as he's "with us" he's happy :)
  14. IF it's still as it was, you can share it with 4 others (5 total) So, $20 a year would be quite reasonable ;)
  15. As we've journeyed thus far with cancer... it's amazing how many foods are "medicine" to the body!! Reading some books about what to eat and not... has brought good things to us. :grouphug:
  16. I am like a walking advertisement for Cancer Centers of America. cancercenter.com I would see if there's one anywhere close... and see if he can go. There are "angel flights" sometimes... it's worth a call. They do chemo, perhaps radiation, and all sorts of alternative help at the same time. It's wonderful!! Good Luck!!! ;)
  17. Safety rope with the triangles on it and Children Playing Signs or Ideas I am looking for ways to make a parking lot safe. The one we're going to use for co-op has previously been empty during the week. There's a huge chunk, closest to the church, that we get to rope off and use. I just want lots of orange and yellow around to remind people to not drive through that section. Also, there's an alley in the back that people have been able to zip through before, that we'll be "roping" off. If anyone has ideas, including how to make or buy signs on the cheap :) I'd love to hear! :bigear: Thanks!!
  18. Maybe you need organic lettuce. Basically, we eat mostly organic. I know sometimes that this can make a difference. Also, try lettuce with no dressing at all... to see if that works ;)
  19. I always think of parties as honoring the one you're going to visit. So, even naughty children can go and honor their host :) This to.... will pass... :) Perhaps have your little one do a collage of "nice things to say" and "acceptable ways to say you're angry" would be good.... (Pics out of magazines and such) So, if they say "naughties" you can suggest a do-over by them picking an acceptable "angry word" out of their choices. (As least I didn't suggest hot sauce :)) Little ones don't know the meaning of words; they just know that they've heard others say them. I know you know that:) Just trying to take the sting out of them. I'd actually explain what the word meant, in 4 year old language... because that way... them calling you a mother dog... really isn't as much fun :) You're gonna make it... (hugs) :)
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