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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. This beats all; seriously, was your mother upset? Or were you too embarrassed to tell her? You poor thing.:( I remember having a hard time seeing another child being spanked in the classroom in preschool. I didn't want to go back :(
  2. Well, I went along with history with CC and always felt like History had this "third wheel" feel to it. Now we're doing a cycle which will spread the SOTW books out over a year and a half each, and then on days we're not at co-op we're working through MFW starting at Adventures... which if we stay right on schedule.... will be us gliding into MFW Ancients in 9th grade. So, for this year we're doing SOTW II and Adventures (American History) and then we're also reading through the series....Famous Men of.... I am going to try to do a decent amount of timeline work, so hopefully... in his brain... he can keep it straight. :)
  3. I've heard more than one time about people dying when they put their beans in the crockpot improperly; you're also not suppose to put meat in the crockpot that is frozen. It stays at a "too low" temperature for too long. Kinda like defrosting it on the counter. :)
  4. Our co-op is doing 30 weeks of SOTW from the beginning of Volume I. We start with 2 weeks of Creation for SOTW I and move on from there... so from Grade 1- the end of Grade 6, we'll cover SOTW 1-4 :) We have a couple of extra/review lessons along the way in some of the years. Then American for Grades 7 & 8 and MFW for Highschool. :)
  5. I don't think we can do that here; here that would be breaking some type of law. But, I bet it would work!! ;) When I was in PS in Texas, they paddled kids; I was the first one who must have asked for the waiver. I thought it was quite odd that they had to figure out where the waivers were. What teen would be ok with being paddled? Anyway, they found it. I was sick a lot the few months I went to the school, I would sit at the nurse's office and hear the paddling. I was glad to leave the school!!! (they were painting forever at the school and it made me sick:()
  6. You know what would be great?? If I could put in the number of children I have and then list out the supplies that I need for each craft and then at the end it would give me a "shopping list". I'd pay an extra $10 a book or something, if places like Peace Hills Press had a "shopping guide" This would be like when you enter in recipes and the software program compiles the list of needed ingredients. Is there something like that out there, and I'm just missing out?? Thanks!!:bigear:
  7. I am SO not good about fixing food!! I think this has probably led to people scrounging for their own, and now complaining. My son really likes Mickey D's. He thinks it's the only "real" food around. My one daughter doesn't like potatoes... the other doesn't like rice.... my husband likes MEAT... my son hates all veggies... Top it off with I'm allergic to tons of fruits and veggies when they're raw. I'm trying to serve organic; my family thinks that's crazy. They like prepackaged Mac-n-Cheese (Hey, at least I buy Organic Annie's :)) I MAKE my son eat some lettuce... (once he shows me he can eat something... I try to keep it being eaten) They HATE oatmeal, only want "Sugar Cereal" (even though I don't buy it often...) Food is not a source of pleasure here. It's totally frustrating and makes for a grumpy mom. I finally started trying to cook every night, and make my son eat something every day. (Like... hey... eat the egg white... leave the egg yolk... compromise) I should have cooked from the beginning... every night..... and not listened to complaining :(
  8. Just a thought that when food has some fat in it, your body is able to use the nutrients. My mom makes yogurt with "not instant" dried milk. I think by playing with more dried milk, you can make it thicker. I wouldn't care to add gelatin to my yogurt. This was before we used organic products, but I bet you could find the Organic Dried Milk :)
  9. You know, this discussion is interesting to me.... I use to spank more... and now spank much less (last time was months ago) And always have been kinda careful to not be a parent who just uses spanking to be what I think will train my children to be good <future> adults. But, this is like everything else; we all have great opinions for our families... and we get to make those. I have VERY strong feelings about chx pox vaccines, some of the other vaccines.... circumcision (did I tell you I think it is an AWFUL) decision? I think wearing babies is important, and strollers are for diaper bags and other children's coats.... Yelling.. (oh my, do you YELL at your children??)... I sleep with my children, do you emotionally scar them, by making them sleep by themselves? I totally believe in organic food. (did you know that sometimes we let them eat at McDonald's?) And more... there are SO many things that parents decide upon. I totally believe that children can be spanked and be ok... and not spanked... and be ok. And, BTW, sometimes I think that some serious pain for adults could be used, too. I think back to the guy in maybe Singapore?? who was interviewed on tv.... he had r*ped someone and was caned. (Back when the teen was getting caned for paint spraying cars) He said that he couldn't even look at women without feeling pain. But, don't misquote me... I don't think that children should be caned. We have two children who are really good (the olders, my steps) who have never been spanked. BUT, they have other scars.... They are sweet.... will do well in life.... But I'm not sure that any child makes it through childhood without some sadness. Divorce... it can be horrible for kids... even when they're adults. I think it would be nice if some of us would just offer nice advice... alternatives if we feel them beneficial, without feeling that our family is leading the way in "rightness"
  10. When you adopt, don't you normally get some parenting skills, as well as not be able to spank while going through adoption? While I have and maybe will spank my son again, I believe that children who have gone through such a trauma, should be carefully thought of... when thinking of appropriate discipline. Mispronouncing a word, as Lydia did, is for sure... not a spanking offense. (ever) I can't even fathom what they were thinking, when beating her until she died. I can't imagine what all the families who helped them adopt (which I'm assuming others helped) think of the abuse until death that happened. Poor Lydia, poor other siblings, poor twisted parents who are really.... parents no more :( Very sad... I just can't imagine what would make a parent beat a child.... Spank? yes.... beat to death... no... Hopefully her death is a wake up call to those who are adopting, and perhaps families should know... that if it's too much... they can take a break from their child. It just seems like there should be help for families who bite off too much :(
  11. Don't they have kids who are ahead... skip grades... So maybe the boy could do one week of each grade... before he moved all the way up through highschool. :)
  12. Hmmmm, I am sad that they are writers of books. Very sad indeed:( I had an infant that bit me from age 5 months-almost a year.... like. every. single. day! I tried all sorts of things; people have tons of ideas to try. (Say "no" and pull away.... hold nose so they "let go".....) Lots of things! Funny, she only stopped when I ignored it... finally! But, giving a little "pinch" or "thump" doesn't seem abusive. I certainly wasn't trying to cause her great pain. Just trying to give her a sense of a "bad reaction" when she clamped down on me... causing pain and problems for me. I spanked my children, too, and if I had it to do over again... would choose other methods. Probably. I didn't view it as everything, but it didn't serve my children very well. I couldn't do it consistently, and I was always trying to decide if I should spank or time-out or just talk... etc. My child who is stubborn... didn't really change... and my soft hearted child.... just didn't like what I saw. I would probably spank some, but for less. Now, when I just saw a news show of the Pearls, it said that he would spank a 7 year old about 10-15 times. I would have to shoot someone who did that to my child. (and he suggested a belt) A couple of swats on a 7 year old... with something much less than a belt wouldn't have made him sound/be such a wacko. I had read the article about their daughter, and can't reconcile how she's so happy with her childhood... if her dad seriously gave her 10-15 swats with a sizeable switch. Also, there's no way that doesn't cause marks. :( If it was just a book about "tying relationships" it would have been much more help for families... including families who adopt. And, the whole molestation thing... that is for SURE a reason to divorce. Regardless of what you think about how HORRIBLE molesting any child.... and then think your own child... is.... it's not being faithful to your wife. Under NO circumstance would I stay with him, and what might be waiting for someone who did that... after spending 10-20 years in jail... would be a shotgun. Seriously that is CRAZY!! What about the g-kids that would be around? (well, they wouldn't be if the parents had been raised right, to hate molesters) I'd like to think that they thought they were doing good, and just got turned in the wrong direction. The very wrong direction :(
  13. Lots of pity!! We have peanut allergies and I have fruit and veggie allergies. For your child who's allergic to bananas... not sure if they are allergic to avocados, too. BUT, be aware that this allergy can be a "sign" that they are at risk for allergy to latex. SO, be very careful to not have your child be around latex. The better at keeping them away from latex... the better their chances of not developing the latex allergy. As far as allergies... you have so many... and that's really hard. I would consider going to a DR that uses Eastern Meds to see if we could find a course to help "Cure" some of the allergies. Sometimes, some of them... I've heard... can be worked out. The fruit ones (and did you list any veggies) are from being allergic to pollens. (don't know if this is always true or not) Sorry :(
  14. I think background checks are smart; and I have the "plan" to do them... but haven't....eek.... It's not as easy as ya think! I did tell people to set aside money for them, and that they are responsible for the cost. We were actually planning on FBI ones ;) You can't say "some people have to have them." It has to be across the board; I'm not stupid, though. I know that many who SHOULD have a record... don't. We also have an "at least 2 people" in the room policy... and the door will be open to the restrooms.... if there is a child inside. I'm open to more policies, to protect the families that we have. Safety policies protect the adults, as much as the children.
  15. We you in the state... late? (like just moved there?) Or did you just not choose to file last year? I don't know... file for 1st grade and then you have 2 years before messing with them again :)
  16. I am!! There are quite a few of us here!! I think it'd be a blast to get together! When?? :)
  17. Perfect!! You'd only be an hour from us :) We're in Salem :)
  18. I saw some recipes to make Oreos, and I like Newman O's. :) And these other organic ones, too. There are white ones with green tea. Can't taste the green tea part :)
  19. Pretty much supplies for the whole co-op; I'm not paying for it all, though. I'm sure there was a smarter way. :tongue_smilie:
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